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Game of October 19, 2011 at 02:01, 2 players
1. 539 pts Zweep
2. 286 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aajlnor   H6    22    22   raja
 2. acefiot   G9    24    46   facet
 3. adghinp   6C    75   121   handgrip
 4. abilntu   8H   104   225   jubilant
 5. ?denosz  14B   133   358   snoozed
 6. aelrtuy   O8    86   444   tutelary
 7. dgossty  15G    49   493   dogy
 8. eiilqrs   K4    40   533   qis
 9. ?ehlmrt   M3    82   615   thermals
10. eikopst  11E   114   729   pockiest
11. deinstx  15B    39   768   tex
12. aainors  13C    23   791   ani
13. eimorvw  10D    34   825   mowa
14. abcflos  14J    33   858   flab
15. aeorsuw  10J    31   889   woes
16. egirrsu   C3    26   915   gushier
17. aeinoor   N2    27   942   raine
18. denooru   O1    35   977   nerd
19. ciioouv   E3    22   999   ovonic

Remaining tiles: eeiouv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6369 FileZweep       2 17:59  -460  539     1.6369 Zweep       2 17:59  -460  539 
  2.6452 Fileiwhist      1  7:18  -713  286     2.6452 iwhist      1  7:18  -713  286 

On 1st draw, RAJA H6 22 --- RAJA a king or prince in India [n]
Other tops: AJAR H5 22, AJAR H6 22, AJAR H7 22, AJAR H8 22, JARL H5 22, JARL H6 22, JARL H7 22, JARL H8 22, RAJA H5 22, RAJA H7 22, RAJA H8 22
Other moves: JAR H6 20, JAR H7 20, JAR H8 20, JOL H6 20, JOL H7 20
AJAR H8 22 iwhist
JARL H7 22 Zweep

On 2nd draw, FACET G9 24 --- FACET to cut small plane surfaces on [v]
Other tops: FECIT G9 24
Other moves: FACE G9 22, FACT G9 22, FETA I5 22, FICE G9 22, FICO G9 22
FACET G9 24 Zweep

On 3rd draw, HANDGRIP 6C 75 --- HANDGRIP a grip by the hand or hands [n]
Other moves: HAND H12 47, HANG H12 47, HIND H12 47, HING H12 47, HADING I7 44
HANG H12 47 Zweep
HEADING 12F 26 iwhist

On 4th draw, JUBILANT 8H 104 --- JUBILANT exultant [adj]
Other moves: LIBANT I5 35, NUBIA 5B 30, ABUT I8 29, BUNIA 5B 28, AB I8 27
TABU 5B 25 Zweep
BATH C3 18 iwhist

On 5th draw, SNO(O)ZED 14B 133 --- SNOOZE to sleep lightly [v]
Other tops: SN(O)OZED 14B 133
Other moves: Z(I)NCODES 11D 126, DONZE(L)S 14C 97, DONZE(L)S 14A 93, DONZE(L)S 5I 89, ADON(I)ZES M8 88
DOZE H12 55 Zweep
ZO 7M 44 iwhist

On 6th draw, TUTELARY O8 86 --- TUTELARY one who has the power to protect [n]
Other moves: TUTELARY O6 62, EARLY 15H 45, ELYTRA 15H 39, LATHERY C3 36, EYRA 15C 34
AYE 15H 27 Zweep
AYE 7L 23 iwhist

On 7th draw, DOGY 15G 49 --- DOGY a stray calf [n]
Other moves: DOTY 15G 46, DOYS 15G 46, DOY 15G 43, DOGS 15G 40, DOG 15G 37
DOYS 15G 46 Zweep
YODS K3 32 iwhist

On 8th draw, QIS K4 40 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 15A 35, INLIERS E5 28, LEIRS K2 26, LIERS 15A 26, LIERS K2 26
QI 15A 35 iwhist, Zweep

On 9th draw, THERMAL(S) M3 82 --- THERMAL a rising mass of warm air [n]
Other moves: THERMAL(S) D1 76, THERMEL(S) 12B 76, THERMEL(S) 12E 76, THERM(A)LS B7 64, THERM(E)LS B7 64
MELT(E)R 14J 39 iwhist
H(I)T L3 32 Zweep

On 10th draw, POCKIEST 11E 114 --- POCKY covered with pock marks [adj]
Other moves: PICKETS 11E 60, POCKETS 11E 60, POCKIES 11E 60, INKPOTS E5 52, INKSPOT E5 52
KITE 14J 37 iwhist
SPOKE 5A 37 Zweep

On 11th draw, TEX 15B 39 --- TEX a unit of linear density of yarn, 1 gm per kilometre [n]
Other moves: EX 15C 36, NIXE 12D 35, XI 15D 35, EXTINE 12B 32, EXINE 12C 30
XI 15D 35 Zweep

On 12th draw, ANI 13C 23 --- ANI a tropical American bird [n]
Other tops: ONS 13C 23
Other moves: ANOA 5C 22, ANOA N12 21, AREAS 12E 21, AN 13C 20, AROHAS C3 20
AIR N3 12 Zweep
US I8 10 iwhist

On 13th draw, MOWA 10D 34 --- MOWA a butter tree [n]
Other moves: MOIRE N2 31, OWE 10I 31, WOE(S) 10J 31, WOMERA D1 30, MOW F10 29
VIM N2 25 Zweep

On 14th draw, FLAB 14J 33 --- FLAB flabby body tissue [n]
Other tops: FABS 14J 33, FLOC 14J 33, FOBS 14J 33
Other moves: FAB 14J 32, FAB N13 32, FOB 14J 32, FOB N13 32, FOAL 14J 31
FOCAL D3 20 Zweep

On 15th draw, WOE(S) 10J 31 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other tops: AWE 10I 31, OWE 10I 31, WAE(S) 10J 31, WUS(S) 10J 31
Other moves: AW 10I 28, OW 10I 28, WAREHOU C2 28, WE 10J 28, WO 10J 28
ORE N4 16 Zweep

On 16th draw, GUSHIER C3 26 --- GUSHY overly sentimental [adj]
Other moves: GRUSHIE C2 24, RUSHIER C3 24, GUSHER C3 22, SIGHER C3 22, EUGHS C3 20
SIGH C3 16 Zweep

On 17th draw, RAINE N2 27 --- RAINE a kingdom [n]
Other moves: NEAR 12J 23, EINE 12G 20, AINE N3 19, ISNAE 5B 19, NORIA D2 19
RAIN N2 17 Zweep

On 18th draw, NERD O1 35 --- NERD a socially inept person [n]
Other tops: REND O1 35
Other moves: DERN O1 30, UREDO 8A 24, REDO O3 23, UNDE O3 23, UNDO O3 23
DERN O1 30 Zweep

On 19th draw, OVONIC E3 22 --- OVONIC an electronic device [n]
Other moves: CONVO E4 20, COVIN E2 20, OVA 13M 20, VINIC E4 20, OCA 13M 18
VIE 8A 18 Zweep

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