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Game of October 19, 2011 at 04:19, 1 player
1. 378 pts bonniebest

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeeopss   H3    22    22   eposes
 2. aeoostt   4H    72    94   potatoes
 3. adeiinw   5J    33   127   awed
 4. aehinor   3K    36   163   hare
 5. ?bcgirz   3B    56   219   grecize
 6. adeinuv   F3    66   285   induviae
 7. aelnrtv   D2    72   357   levanter
 8. ?bcjouy   8A    39   396   jobe
 9. abeorsu   G9    68   464   aerobus
10. ?agiilr  13G    72   536   brailing
11. eklnnot  15D    45   581   kelson
12. adiootu   E2    32   613   acid
13. cdioptx   6H    52   665   six
14. eilpttu   O4    27   692   stipule
15. acemotu   B8    26   718   outcome
16. fhinoqw  A12    69   787   howf
17. dginrty   L8    84   871   dirtying
18. aefimnq  N10    47   918   feign

Remaining tiles: amnqy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filebonniebest  0 19:19  -540  378     1.  -  bonniebest  0 19:19  -540  378 

On 1st draw, EPOSES H3 22 --- EPOS an epic poem [n]
Other moves: PESOS H4 20, POSES H4 20, POSSE H4 20, EPOSES H4 18, EPOSES H7 18
POSES H4 20 bonniebest

On 2nd draw, POTATOES 4H 72 --- POTATO the edible tuber of a cultivated plant [n]
Other moves: SOOTE I3 21, TASTE I3 21, TESTA I3 21, TOOTS I3 21, APTOTES 4G 18
POETS 4H 14 bonniebest

On 3rd draw, AWED 5J 33 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other tops: DAWN 3K 33, WADE 5K 33, WAID 5K 33, WAND 5K 33, WEID 5K 33, WEND 5K 33, WIDE 5K 33, WIND 5K 33
Other moves: DAWN 5K 31, DEWANI 3G 31, DEWANI G5 31, NOWED 5G 31, ANEW 3J 30
WADS O1 24 bonniebest

On 4th draw, HARE 3K 36 --- HARE to run [v]
Other tops: HARN 3K 36, HARO 3K 36
Other moves: NAH 3K 35, RAH 3K 35, HAN 3K 32, ARSHINE O2 30, HAE 3M 30

On 5th draw, GR(E)CIZE 3B 56 --- GRECIZE to provide with a Greek style [v]
Other moves: BR(A)IZE 3C 52, (A)GRIZE 3C 50, BEZ 3G 48, C(H)EZ 3F 45, G(E)EZ 3F 44
Z(A) 2N 44 bonniebest

On 6th draw, INDUVIAE F3 66 --- INDUVIAE persistent withered leaves on some plants [n]
Other moves: VIDS O1 33, VIED 4A 33, AVISED 6E 30, VAGUED B1 30, UNDO I1 29
SAVED O4 27 bonniebest

On 7th draw, L(E)VANTER D2 72 --- LEVANTER a boisterous Mediterranean easterly wind [n]
Other tops: R(E)LEVANT D2 72
Other moves: LEVANTER 10E 63, RELEVANT 10C 63, RELEVANT 10E 63, RAVELINS 8A 36, VENTAILS 8A 36
TRAVEL E9 22 bonniebest

On 8th draw, JOBE 8A 39 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other tops: JUBE 8A 39
Other moves: JO 2N 38, JO(S)S O1 37, JU(D)S O1 37, SOY(S) 6H 37, BU(N)JY E10 36
JO 2N 38 bonniebest

On 9th draw, AEROBUS G9 68 --- AEROBUS a small passenger airplane [n]
Other moves: SABS 6H 33, SOBS 6H 33, SUBS 6H 33, BASSER O1 32, BOSSER O1 32
BOSS O1 26 bonniebest

On 10th draw, BRAILI(N)G 13G 72 --- BRAIL to haul in a sail [v]
Other moves: OLIG(U)RIA B8 70, ORIGI(N)AL B8 70, OLIG(U)RIA 12G 68, ORIGI(N)AL 12G 68, (O)LIGURIA 14C 64

On 11th draw, KELSON 15D 45 --- KELSON a beam in a ship [n]
Other moves: NEKTONS 15A 36, SKLENT 15G 33, SLOKEN 15G 33, ENLINK L10 30, KOEL 12I 30

On 12th draw, ACID E2 32 --- ACID a type of chemical compound [n] --- ACID sour [adj]
Other moves: ADO I2 28, CAD E3 28, CID E3 28, UDO I2 28, DAUT 2H 27
AIDS O1 24 bonniebest

On 13th draw, SIX 6H 52 --- SIX a number [n]
Other tops: SOX 6H 52
Other moves: OXID I6 43, OXIDIC J9 38, XI 12L 37, OX I6 36, XI I7 36
XI 12L 37 bonniebest

On 14th draw, STIPULE O4 27 --- STIPULE an appendage at the base of a leaf in certain plants [n]
Other tops: OUTLET 12G 27, SPITTLE O4 27
Other moves: STIPEL O4 24, PLU 2M 23, LEP 12J 22, PIGLET B1 22, PIU 12L 22
TULIP L10 14 bonniebest

On 15th draw, OUTCOME B8 26 --- OUTCOME a result [n]
Other tops: AECIUM L10 26, AMUCK D11 26, MAUT 12L 26, MEAT 12L 26, MOAT 12L 26, MOUE 12L 26, TEAM 12L 26
Other moves: CAMOTE E10 25, COMATE E10 25, MUCATE E10 25, OMER 9A 25, TAME 12J 25
COMET B7 11 bonniebest

On 16th draw, HOWF A12 69 --- HOWF a place frequently visited [n] --- HOWF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: HONGI N10 47, WONGI N10 47, QI 12L 45, FOH C12 36, HOW A13 36
QI 12L 45 bonniebest

On 17th draw, DIRTYING L8 84 --- DIRTY to make dirty [v]
Other moves: DIRTY 2H 38, DINGY N10 35, DIGNITY L9 32, RIDGY N10 28, TIDYING L9 28
DIGNITY L9 32 bonniebest

On 18th draw, FEIGN N10 47 --- FEIGN to pretend [v]
Other moves: MANGE N10 38, MINGE N10 38, FANE 14J 31, FINE 14J 31, NEF N8 31

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