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Game of October 19, 2011 at 12:41, 3 players
1. 454 pts raggedy01
2. 365 pts remij
3. 177 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abkntu   H6    84    84   cutbank
 2. ceiilsy  12H    32   116   kylices
 3. eehimot   N8    88   204   homesite
 4. aehiqsu   O3   127   331   haiques
 5. ?aeemrt  15H   140   471   reteamed
 6. egnnpru  14I    26   497   punnet
 7. adeiltu   9C    65   562   dutiable
 8. aegnorx   8A    80   642   grex
 9. adeglor   F8    64   706   dialoger
10. aeinrrt   C1    72   778   retrained
11. abcegrs  15A    39   817   bracer
12. iopstww   N1    31   848   swopt
13. afloovy   1A    42   890   vary
14. adgnnos   4B    72   962   grandson
15. dijlovw   H1    36   998   dojo
16. fiilvwz  10J    36  1034   fiz
17. filoovw   M1    37  1071   oof
18. iiilovw   I2    22  1093   won

Remaining tiles: iiilv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6103 Fileraggedy01   2 24:08  -639  454     1.6103 raggedy01   2 24:08  -639  454 
  2.4612 Fileremij       0 18:42  -728  365            Group: novice
  3.5237 Filetonikay     0 10:48  -916  177     1.5237 tonikay     0 10:48  -916  177 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4612 remij       0 18:42  -728  365 

On 1st draw, (C)UTBANK H6 84 --- CUTBANK a steep stream bank [n]
Other moves: (C)UTBANK H2 76, (C)UTBANK H3 76, (C)UTBANK H7 76, (C)UTBANK H8 76, (C)UTBANK H4 74
B(R)ANK H8 30 remij
BANK(E)T H4 28 raggedy01
BAK(E) H6 18 tonikay

On 2nd draw, KYLICES 12H 32 --- KYLIX a two-handled drinking vessel [n]
Other moves: CEILIS 13C 31, ILICES 13C 31, SEY I7 27, KILEYS 12H 26, KYLIES 12H 26
SLICK 12D 22 raggedy01
SLEY 13H 21 remij
YES 13F 20 tonikay

On 3rd draw, HOMESITE N8 88 --- HOMESITE a location for a house [n]
Other moves: BOEHMITE 9H 67, HOSTIE N10 34, OHM 13K 33, HM 13L 29, MHO 13M 29
HOMES N8 16 raggedy01
EMOTE M8 10 tonikay
MI K11 8 remij

On 4th draw, HAIQUES O3 127 --- HAIQUE an Arab head covering [n]
Other tops: QUASHIE O3 127
Other moves: QUASHIE O2 125, HAIQUES 13B 103, HAIQUES M3 100, HAIQUES M2 95, QUASHIE M2 95
QI O7 48 remij
HAS O7 35 raggedy01
HIES 15L 33 tonikay

On 5th draw, RETEAME(D) 15H 140 --- RETEAM to team up with again [v]
Other moves: RETEAM(S) 13B 84, EMER(I)TAE 15G 80, EME(E)RATE 15G 80, EM(E)ERATE 15G 80, META(M)ERE 15G 80
TEAMER 15J 27 raggedy01, remij
MARE(S) 15K 21 tonikay

On 6th draw, PUNNET 14I 26 --- PUNNET a small basket [n]
Other moves: PUNG N2 24, PENE M9 23, PERE M9 23, PRUNE 14F 23, PURE M9 23
PRANG 10F 18 remij
PEN 14I 17 tonikay
PUNGENT 8B 11 raggedy01

On 7th draw, DUTIABLE 9C 65 --- DUTIABLE subject to import tax [adj]
Other moves: ALTITUDE 8D 60, LATITUDE 8D 60, DAUTIE M5 23, TAULD N1 22, ADULT N1 21
DUEL N2 19 tonikay
LAT M6 10 raggedy01
(C)UD 6H 7 remij

On 8th draw, GREX 8A 80 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other moves: ANNEX 11G 49, AXONE 8A 47, AXON 8A 42, EXON 8A 42, OXEN 8A 42
GREX 8A 80 raggedy01
GOX 8B 39 tonikay
TAXER E9 24 remij

On 9th draw, DIALOGER F8 64 --- DIALOGER one that dialogs [n]
Other moves: DOGEARED C2 24, RELOADED C2 24, GALLEY I7 23, ALOED N1 22, GAED N2 22
READ N1 18 raggedy01
REG J8 8 remij

On 10th draw, RETRAINED C1 72 --- RETRAIN to train again [v]
Other tops: IRREDENTA C5 72
Other moves: RETAINER J3 62, LINNET 11F 23, INEARTH 3I 22, ARTIER 15A 21, ENTIA M6 21
RETRAINED C1 72 raggedy01

On 11th draw, BRACER 15A 39 --- BRACER one that braces [n]
Other moves: BRACERS 1B 36, CARBS 1A 36, GARBES 1A 36, BARGES 13C 33, BARGES 1A 33
CARBS 1A 36 remij
CRABS N1 29 raggedy01

On 12th draw, SWOPT N1 31 --- SWOP to trade [v]
Other moves: TWO M8 30, W*PS N2 29, RIPOST 1C 27, STROW 1A 27, SWOP N1 27
W*PS N2 29 raggedy01
PORT 1A 21 remij

On 13th draw, VARY 1A 42 --- VARY to become or make different [v]
Other moves: FLAVOR B10 40, FLOOSY 1J 39, LEAFY 2B 38, LEAVY 2B 38, VEALY 2B 38
FLOOSY 1J 39 remij
YAR 1A 18 raggedy01

On 14th draw, GRANDSON 4B 72 --- GRANDSON the son of one's son or daughter [n]
Other moves: ADS M2 32, ODS M2 32, DONGAS 13C 31, GEASON 2B 29, SEADOG 2B 29
DOSS 1L 21 remij
GOSS 1L 21 raggedy01

On 15th draw, DOJO H1 36 --- DOJO a school that teaches judo or karate [n]
Other tops: JIVED J6 36, JOWED J6 36
Other moves: JOLED J6 33, JODEL J6 31, JIVE J6 30, WILJA C11 30, JOWL 11C 28
JOR B13 20 remij

On 16th draw, FIZ 10J 36 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: FEZ J8 35, VIZIR B11 34, L*Z J8 32, FUZIL 7G 31, FIZ 8J 30
ZIN E2 12 remij

On 17th draw, OOF M1 37 --- OOF money [n]
Other moves: OF M2 33, OOF 14A 25, FON I2 22, WON I2 22, OO M2 21
WIZ L8 19 raggedy01
DOW F4 15 remij

On 18th draw, WON I2 22 --- WON to dwell [v]
Other moves: AW B1 20, WE 2B 20, OW L1 19, WIZ L8 19, JOWL 3H 18
WIZ L8 19 raggedy01
WILD F1 10 remij

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