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Game sheet of ceosickey (file), Game of October 20, 2011 at 00:06

Word find
Word played
1 AEEHLOV             HEAVE H4 30 30  
2 IILNSTW             INWITS 3C 32 62  
3 ?ACEERR             CA(R)EERER 5E 86 148  
4 ?CDFKOR FROCK L4 38 -46 38 3/4 DEFROCK(S) K4 84 232 4/4
5 AEIMNNT             MANNITE(S) 11D 68 300 4/4
6 AAEORTX OXTER 8K 60 -26 98 1/4 XEROMATA D7 86 386 4/4
7 DGLOSUY             GOODLY 8J 36 422 4/4
8 AEFLLNS FALL C12 25 -43 123 2/3 FLANNELS G8 68 490 4/4
9 ABEISTU BEAUTIES 13F 22 -52 145 3/4 SUITABLE N2 74 564 4/4
10 ENNOUWY YOWE 8A 30 -3 175 1/4 YEWEN 8A 33 597 4/4
11 EGLMOOT STOOGE 15G 24 -23 199 3/4 GLOOM 2B 47 644 4/4
12 BDEIPVZ SIZED 15G 45 -4 244 3/4 PIZE C12 49 693 4/4
13 ABEEIRU BUSIER 15E 24 -9 268 3/3 BREARE L1 33 726 3/4
14 DIISTTU             DITT O1 25 751 3/5
15 ADHIPQS             SPAHI 1D 50 801 3/5
16 DGIJNUV JIN 4A 21 -8 289 1/3 DING 4A 29 830 3/5
17 JOOOQRU JOE 15A 30 -6 319 3/3 SUQ 15G 36 866 3/5
18 IJOORUV JOE 15A 30   349 1/3       896 3/5
19 IOORUUV VOE B6 14 -16 363 2/3 IZAR 14B 30 926 3/5

Total: 363/926 or -563 for 39.20%
Rank: 6586

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