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Game of October 20, 2011 at 10:07, 7 players
1. 589 pts yab
2. 486 pts jimbo
3. 390 pts rn.roselle

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deinnst   H7    70    70   intends
 2. ??gilnu  11D    78   148   unmingle
 3. aeeirrt  13A    68   216   arteries
 4. acehosu   9F    69   285   cathouse
 5. aceffou   B9    46   331   afforce
 6. abdelsw   N9    50   381   swaled
 7. gioopst   A7    35   416   topoi
 8. aadjlos  L11    38   454   slojd
 9. ehinopt   F2    73   527   phonetic
10. egilnor  15B    80   607   eloigner
11. aaeenvz   E3    48   655   azan
12. adiruvy   D1    56   711   yird
13. aikmrvy  O13    34   745   mak
14. abgorvx   1A    48   793   boxy
15. abeeerw   L3    26   819   bewares
16. amqrttu   6J    36   855   quart
17. eegiitu   O5    30   885   geit
18. aeimuvy   M1    32   917   ivy

Remaining tiles: aemuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6982 Fileyab         5 18:03  -328  589     1.6982 yab         5 18:03  -328  589 
  2.5562 Filejimbo       3 14:23  -431  486     2.6663 rn.roselle  2 16:41  -527  390 
  3.6663 Filern.roselle  2 16:41  -527  390            Group: novice
  4.3724 FileZEHAVARON   0  9:13  -700  217     1.5562 jimbo       3 14:23  -431  486 
  5.4162 Filelesft       0 11:07  -716  201            Group: not rated
  6.4945 Fileleobill     2  6:52  -754  163     1.3724 ZEHAVARON   0  9:13  -700  217 
  7.  -  FileJayJay13    0  1:37  -878   39     2.4162 lesft       0 11:07  -716  201 
                                             3.4945 leobill     2  6:52  -754  163 
                                             4.  -  JayJay13    0  1:37  -878   39 

On 1st draw, INTENDS H7 70 --- INTEND to have as a specific aim or purpose [v]
Other tops: DENTINS H4 70, INDENTS H2 70
Other moves: DENTINS H2 68, DENTINS H3 68, DENTINS H6 68, DENTINS H7 68, DENTINS H8 68
INTENDS H7 70 jimbo
INTENDS H7 20 yab
DINES H4 16 rn.roselle

On 2nd draw, UN(M)INGL(E) 11D 78 --- UNMINGLE to separate things that are mixed [v]
Other tops: LU(M)IN(I)NG 11D 78, LU(M)(I)NING 11D 78, L(A)UN(C)ING 11E 78, L(O)UNGIN(G) 11E 78, L(O)UN(D)ING 11E 78, L(O)UN(G)ING 11E 78, UNG(E)NI(A)L 11D 78, UNLIN(I)(N)G 11D 78, UNL(I)NI(N)G 11D 78, UN(K)INGL(Y) 11D 78, U(N)LIN(I)NG 11D 78, U(N)L(I)NING 11D 78, (B)LUNGIN(G) 11E 78, (B)LUN(G)ING 11E 78, (B)LUN(K)ING 11E 78, (B)LUN(T)ING 11E 78, (C)LUN(K)ING 11E 78, (F)LUN(K)ING 11E 78, (P)LUNGIN(G) 11E 78, (P)LUN(G)ING 11E 78, (P)LUN(K)ING 11E 78
Other moves: NUL(L)ING(S) 8H 74, NU(B)(B)LING 8H 74, NU(L)LING(S) 8H 74, NU(R)(D)LING 8H 74, NU(R)(S)LING 8H 74
UN(M)INGL(E) 11D 28 yab
DING(S) 12H 12 rn.roselle
LUS(T)ING 13F 8 jimbo

On 3rd draw, ARTERIES 13A 68 --- ARTERY a vessel that carries blood away from the heart [n]
Other moves: RETAILER J6 62, RETRAITE 9B 61, RETRAITE 9F 61, REASTIER 13E 60, RETAINER 8C 59
ARTERIES 13A 18 yab
TERRAIN E5 14 jimbo
RITE 12K 9 rn.roselle

On 4th draw, CATHOUSE 9F 69 --- CATHOUSE a brothel [n]
Other moves: SOUTACHE 9E 65, CHAOS A11 42, CHASE A11 42, HAES 12A 41, HOAS 12A 41
CHASE A11 42 jimbo, ZEHAVARON, rn.roselle
CHAOS A11 42 yab

On 5th draw, AFFORCE B9 46 --- AFFORCE in law, to strengthen with expertise [v]
Other moves: CAFF A12 45, FACE A12 39, *FF 14E 37, CAFE A12 36, CAUF A12 36
CAFF A12 45 jimbo
FACE A12 39 yab, ZEHAVARON, JayJay13

On 6th draw, SWALED N9 50 --- SWALE to sway [v]
Other moves: BAWLED A4 48, BLAWED A4 48, BEDEWS 15A 39, DEAWS 15A 39, SEWABLE 15A 39
BLAWED A4 48 yab
BEADLES 15A 36 jimbo
BASED A5 27 rn.roselle

On 7th draw, TOPOI A7 35 --- TOPOS a stock rhetorical theme [n]
Other moves: POIS 12A 33, POST 12A 33, SPIGOT A4 32, STOOP L11 28, TOPI A7 27
SPIGOT A4 32 yab, jimbo
PEGS 15A 24 lesft
PESO 15A 21 rn.roselle

On 8th draw, SLOJD L11 38 --- SLOJD a Swedish system of manual training [n]
Other moves: JALOUSED D7 34, SLOJDS L4 32, SALAD O11 31, JALOUSE D7 30, JALOUS(E)D K5 30
JO B6 27 rn.roselle
DEAL 15A 18 jimbo

On 9th draw, PHONETIC F2 73 --- PHONETIC pertaining to speech sounds [adj]
Other moves: HOTEN O11 40, PHONIED 15F 39, PHONED 15G 36, PITHED 15G 36, EPHOD 15H 33
PHONED 15G 36 yab
HEPT 15A 30 lesft
HEP 15A 24 jimbo

On 10th draw, ELOIGNER 15B 80 --- ELOIGNER one that eloigns [n]
Other moves: GIRON O11 32, GONER O11 32, LINER O11 28, LONER O11 28, ONLINER 5E 28
GONER O11 32 rn.roselle
ELOIGNER 15B 30 yab
LEERING 15A 27 jimbo
LEGER 15A 21 lesft

On 11th draw, AZAN E3 48 --- AZAN the Muslim call to prayer [n]
Other moves: ZEA E4 41, ZEE E4 41, EVZONE 4C 38, ZA E4 37, NAZE B4 35
AZAN E3 48 yab
HAZE 3F 18 jimbo
ZONE 4E 14 lesft

On 12th draw, YIRD D1 56 --- YIRD earth [n] --- YIRD to bury [v]
Other tops: YARD D1 56
Other moves: YAD D3 51, DRAY D4 48, YAR D3 48, YAD D2 46, RYA D2 45
YAD D3 51 rn.roselle
YAR D3 48 yab
AZO 4D 24 jimbo, lesft

On 13th draw, MAK O13 34 --- MAK to make [v]
Other moves: AMIR O12 31, KAY C7 31, MAY O13 31, MIRKY C5 31, MARVY C5 30
VARY 1A 30 jimbo, yab, lesft, leobill
MARY 1A 27 rn.roselle

On 14th draw, BOXY 1A 48 --- BOXY resembling a box [adj]
Other moves: VOX C7 45, BORAX C5 43, BOX C7 43, GOX C7 41, RAX C7 39
BOXY 1A 48 jimbo, yab, leobill, rn.roselle
VARY 1A 30 lesft

On 15th draw, BEWARES L3 26 --- BEWARE to be on one's guard [v]
Other tops: BRAW C6 26, BREW C6 26
Other moves: AREW C6 24, AW 2A 24, WEBERS L4 24, RAW C7 23, REW C7 23
BEWARES L3 26 yab
AW 2A 24 rn.roselle
BOWLER J8 19 leobill
OWER B1 14 lesft
BREWS L5 14 jimbo

On 16th draw, QUART 6J 36 --- QUART a liquid measure of capacity [n]
Other tops: QUAT M1 36
Other moves: QAT M2 34, AQUA 6I 33, QUAT 6J 33, QUA 6J 32, QUA M1 32
QUART 6J 36 yab, jimbo, leobill, rn.roselle
BAM 3L 14 lesft

On 17th draw, GEIT O5 30 --- GEIT a child [n]
Other tops: TEGU O5 30
Other moves: EUGE O3 21, GEE O4 21, GIE O4 21, GITE O3 21, GUE O4 21
GEIT O5 30 yab
GET M2 18 rn.roselle
BITE 3L 12 leobill

On 18th draw, IVY M1 32 --- IVY a climbing vine [n]
Other moves: AIMER M2 31, MAUBY 3I 30, MAY M1 30, MAYBE 3I 30, AYE M2 28
MAYBE 3I 30 yab
OVUM B1 18 leobill

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