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Game of October 20, 2011 at 17:53, 8 players
1. 703 pts PIThompson
2. 601 pts jeff
3. 570 pts JennyB

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adefnr   H4    78    78   friande
 2. blnoost  11F    27   105   boston
 3. aemnopt   5C    74   179   empatron
 4. abdilor  12A    79   258   labroid
 5. ?eeegrw   B7    76   334   sewerage
 6. adegrtu   J8    66   400   ragouted
 7. aadeioy   A8    52   452   yodel
 8. aehiinu   4A    38   490   hinau
 9. aeiilsy   K1    42   532   yales
10. ceirstw   A1    42   574   wechts
11. eiiorsz  15H   302   876   iodizers
12. cimoruu   8J    33   909   rumour
13. fiklnot   1G    51   960   konfyt
14. aceiilv  N10    34   994   cavier
15. aeilqtv   2F    37  1031   qi
16. aaginpt   3E    38  1069   gip
17. aeilntx   B1    41  1110   ex
18. ahijntv   G7    42  1152   jai
19. ahilntv   C7    32  1184   han

Remaining tiles: illtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7744 FilePIThompson  5 15:27  -481  703     1.7744 PIThompson  5 15:27  -481  703 
  2.7047 Filejeff        2 15:55  -583  601     2.7047 jeff        2 15:55  -583  601 
  3.6039 FileJennyB      3 20:53  -614  570            Group: intermediate
  4.4985 FileSuzette     0 10:20  -910  274     1.6039 JennyB      3 20:53  -614  570 
  5.5594 Filejimbo       0  5:46 -1027  157     2.6033 narisa      0  2:29 -1135   49 
  6.6033 Filenarisa      0  2:29 -1135   49            Group: novice
  7.5232 Filetonikay     1  0:31 -1147   37     1.5594 jimbo       0  5:46 -1027  157 
  8.3145 Filerabeeact9   0  2:32 -1157   27     2.5232 tonikay     1  0:31 -1147   37 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4985 Suzette     0 10:20  -910  274 
                                             2.3145 rabeeact9   0  2:32 -1157   27 

On 1st draw, FR(I)ANDE H4 78 --- FRIANDE a female epicure [n]
Other tops: FARDEN(S) H4 78, FRAN(K)ED H4 78, (S)NARFED H8 78
Other moves: FRAN(K)ED H6 74, FR(I)ANDE H7 74, (S)NARFED H6 74, FARDEN(S) H2 72, FARDEN(S) H3 72
FRAN(K)ED H4 28 PIThompson
FRA(M)ED H4 26 jeff
FRA(Y)ED H4 26 JennyB
FEAR(E)D H4 26 narisa
FADER H8 20 rabeeact9

On 2nd draw, BOSTON 11F 27 --- BOSTON a card game [n]
Other tops: BOLSON 11E 27
Other moves: BOOLS I7 26, BOONS G7 26, BOONS I7 26, BOOST I7 26, BOOTS G7 26
BOONS G7 26 PIThompson
BOOTS G7 26 jeff
BOOST 11E 25 JennyB
SLOB 11H 23 narisa
LOANS 7F 7 rabeeact9

On 3rd draw, EMPATRON 5C 74 --- EMPATRON to patronize [v]
Other moves: PTOMA(I)NE 6C 69, TAMPONED 9A 67, MANROPE 5E 44, OPERANT 5E 36, MOPANE 10J 30
POTMEN 10J 30 PIThompson
PANTO 10J 27 JennyB
POEM 10J 26 jeff
MOPE J10 14 jimbo

On 4th draw, LABROID 12A 79 --- LABROID a marine fish [n]
Other moves: BRAID 6B 35, BROAD 6B 35, DOAB 6C 34, BOARD 10J 30, LAROID 6A 30
BOARD 10J 30 jeff, PIThompson
BALD 10J 25 JennyB
BOLD J10 13 jimbo

On 5th draw, (S)EWERAGE B7 76 --- SEWERAGE the waste matter carrier off by sewers [n]
Other moves: (S)EWERAGE 7C 64, GREW(S) K1 40, EWER(S) K1 38, RE(S)EW K3 38, WE(I)RE(D) 6F 38
W(A)GER 10J 32 jeff
WEA(R)ER B10 32 PIThompson
W(H)EELER A8 27 JennyB
GR(O)WL A8 24 jimbo

On 6th draw, RAGOUTED J8 66 --- RAGOUT to make into a highly seasoned stew [v]
Other moves: GRADUATE 7F 64, ARGUED A3 37, GATED A4 37, GRATED A3 37, GRUED A4 37
GRADUATE 7F 64 jimbo
GATED A4 37 PIThompson
GRAD A5 28 JennyB

On 7th draw, YODEL A8 52 --- YODEL to sing with a fluctuating voice [v]
Other moves: YAD A8 44, YOD A8 44, DAY A8 40, DOY A8 40, YAE A8 40
YODEL A8 52 PIThompson
DAY A6 37 jeff
LADY A12 30 JennyB
DYED 15G 27 jimbo

On 8th draw, HINAU 4A 38 --- HINAU (Maori) a New Zealand tree [n]
Other moves: HAEN C7 37, HAE C7 32, HAN C7 32, HUE 4D 32, HUN 4D 32
HUE 4D 32 PIThompson
AH 6E 30 jeff
HAND 15G 24 JennyB
NUDE 15H 15 jimbo

On 9th draw, YALES K1 42 --- YALE a mythical animal [n]
Other tops: LYASE K2 42
Other moves: EASY 6C 41, AYES K2 40, EASY K3 40, EYAS K2 40, LAYS K2 40
LYES K2 40 Suzette
RAYLES 8J 39 PIThompson
SLY K5 38 JennyB
YEAHS A1 33 jeff

On 10th draw, WECHTS A1 42 --- WECHT an instrument for measuring grain [n]
Other tops: SCREWY 1F 42, WICHES A1 42
Other moves: WECHT A1 39, SCREW L11 37, SWE(I)R 6E 37, DICERS 15J 36, WICH A1 36
WICHES A1 42 jeff
WRISTY 1F 36 PIThompson
SWEY 1H 30 Suzette
CRED 15G 21 JennyB

On 11th draw, IODIZERS 15H 302 --- IODIZER one that iodizes [n]
Other moves: IODIZER 15H 81, IODIZES 15H 81, DOZERS 15J 78, DOZIER 15J 78, IODIZE 15H 78
DOZIER 15J 78 PIThompson
SIZED 15F 45 jeff, JennyB
ZEDS 15H 42 Suzette

On 12th draw, RUMOUR 8J 33 --- RUMOUR to spread by hearsay [v]
Other moves: CAROM 2J 30, MACRO 2J 30, ORC 3C 28, CORY 1H 27, MIRY 1H 27
MIRY 1H 27 Suzette
CORY 1H 27 PIThompson
OM 6E 25 jeff
OM 3C 21 JennyB

On 13th draw, KONFYT 1G 51 --- KONFYT a South African jam [n]
Other moves: FOLKY 1G 45, KALIF 2J 44, FIKY 1H 42, KAOLIN 2J 40, KATION 2J 40
FOLKY 1G 45 JennyB
KALIF 2J 44 PIThompson
NIFTY 1G 33 Suzette
INKY 1H 33 jeff

On 14th draw, CAVIER N10 34 --- CAVIER the roe of sturgeon [n]
Other tops: CALVER N10 34, CLAVER N10 34
Other moves: VILIACO M2 30, ACTIVE 13H 28, CLAVIE 2C 27, CALVE 3I 26, CAVIE 2D 26
CAVIER N10 34 PIThompson
CLAVER N10 34 JennyB
CLAVE 3J 20 jeff
AVAIL F5 16 Suzette

On 15th draw, QI 2F 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAT 14F 34, VILLAE 3I 26, CLAT 3A 25, TAEL C7 25, TALAQ 7E 25
QI 2F 37 JennyB, tonikay, PIThompson, jeff
AVAIL F5 16 Suzette

On 16th draw, GIP 3E 38 --- GIP to swindle [v]
Other moves: TIP 3E 36, ANTI 3C 35, PIN 3E 32, PIT 3E 32, GIN 3E 30
GIP 3E 38 JennyB
TIP 3E 36 jeff
PIN 3E 32 PIThompson
PIG 13M 12 Suzette

On 17th draw, EX B1 41 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: AX 9L 38, AX L3 38, EX 9L 38, TEX C8 35, AX A14 29
EX B1 41 PIThompson
AX L3 38 jeff
EX 9L 38 JennyB
AXLE F5 27 Suzette

On 18th draw, JAI G7 42 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JA G7 36, TAJ G5 36, HAN C7 32, HAT C7 32, AJIVA F5 31
JAI G7 42 PIThompson
HA(I)N 6F 31 jeff
HAJ 7G 25 JennyB
JAI 7G 19 Suzette

On 19th draw, HAN C7 32 --- HAVE to be in possession of [v]
Other tops: HAT C7 32
Other moves: VILLAN 3I 26, NAH 7K 25, TALI C7 25, THAN L1 25, THAT L1 25
VILLAN 3I 26 PIThompson
HAE M13 24 jeff
HAT 14F 16 JennyB
HIT 13M 12 Suzette

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