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Game of October 20, 2011 at 21:41, 8 players
1. 643 pts musdrive
2. 579 pts mylover81
3. 556 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aacdilm   H4    26    26   calima
 2. ?deijlt   G7    41    67   taj
 3. deoortx   I6    37   104   ox
 4. adehnos   5E    33   137   donahs
 5. adeilnt   E3    60   197   tideland
 6. ?nnrsuy  11E    38   235   sunny
 7. ?ceeelr  10I    66   301   fleecer
 8. ainorsz  O10    75   376   razors
 9. aepstuv   8A    39   415   vespa
10. aeilnor  15H    77   492   ailerons
11. egginrt   B6    66   558   greeting
12. aeeptuw   D1    36   594   weep
13. aefhmtv  A11    43   637   meath
14. abdeirw   1B    39   676   bawdier
15. aeiotty  12L    32   708   oyez
16. afikort  14K    41   749   fakir
17. bdioqtu   J2    41   790   quist
18. adgiouw   2J    30   820   quoad
19. bgiouvw   1M    31   851   bow
20. fiortuv   6B    30   881   grief

Remaining tiles: giotuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7291 Filemusdrive    6 21:16  -238  643     1.7291 musdrive    6 21:16  -238  643 
  2.7164 Filemylover81   4 20:21  -302  579     2.7164 mylover81   4 20:21  -302  579 
  3.6429 FileGrace_Tjie  1 18:53  -325  556            Group: intermediate
  4.5667 Filemazscot     3 23:38  -406  475     1.6429 Grace_Tjie  1 18:53  -325  556 
  5.6665 Filern.roselle  1 10:18  -680  201     2.6665 rn.roselle  1 10:18  -680  201 
  6.6022 Filenarisa      0  3:31  -803   78     3.6022 narisa      0  3:31  -803   78 
  7.4433 FileDbuggle     0  1:46  -863   18     4.6496 iwhist      0  1:47  -868   13 
  8.6496 Fileiwhist      0  1:47  -868   13            Group: novice
                                             1.5667 mazscot     3 23:38  -406  475 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4433 Dbuggle     0  1:46  -863   18 

On 1st draw, CALIMA H4 26 --- CALIMA a dust storm [n]
Other tops: CALAMI H4 26, CALAMI H8 26, CALIMA H8 26, CAMAIL H4 26
Other moves: CLAIM H4 24, CLAIM H8 24, MALIC H4 24, MALIC H8 24, CALAMI H3 22
CLAIM H4 24 Grace_Tjie, musdrive, mazscot
CALM H5 16 narisa

On 2nd draw, T(A)J G7 41 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: JILTED G9 40, JE(R)ID G9 39, JIL(T)ED G9 39, JI(B)ED G9 39, JI(L)TED G9 39
JILTED G9 40 mylover81
J(O)LED G9 39 musdrive
JE(S)T 10F 36 narisa
JILT(S) G9 36 Grace_Tjie
JAILED 5G 28 mazscot

On 3rd draw, OX I6 37 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: REDOX I9 33, CODEX 4H 30, CORTEX 4H 30, COXED 4H 30, LOXED 6H 29
OX I6 37 musdrive, Grace_Tjie, mylover81
TAXED 5G 26 narisa
RODEO I9 19 mazscot

On 4th draw, DONAHS 5E 33 --- DONAH a sweetheart [n]
Other moves: AAHED 5G 31, AHEAD 5H 31, DONAH 5E 31, ADHANS 5E 30, ENDASH 5E 30
AHEAD 5H 31 mylover81, musdrive
HONED J2 29 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, TIDELAND E3 60 --- TIDELAND land alternately covered and uncovered by the tide [n]
Other moves: ALINED 6A 23, ANETIC 4C 23, ATELIC 4C 23, DENIAL 4A 23, DENTAL 4A 23
ALINED 6A 23 Grace_Tjie
TAILED 6A 23 musdrive
LINED 6B 22 mylover81
DAN 4D 13 mazscot

On 6th draw, SUNNY 11E 38 --- SUNNY filled with sunlight [adj]
Other tops: SUNR(A)Y 11E 38, SUN(D)RY 11E 38, SYNUR(A) 11E 38, S(E)NRYU 11E 38
Other moves: NU(T)SY 11B 36, RUS(H)Y 11C 36, RUS(T)Y 11C 36, RYN(D)S 11A 36, SN(A)RY 11E 36
SUNNY 11E 38 mazscot
Y(O)URS 11A 36 mylover81
Y(A)RNS 11A 36 musdrive
Y(A)RNS I9 29 Grace_Tjie
JAYS 9G 18 Dbuggle

On 7th draw, (F)LEECER 10I 66 --- FLEECER one that fleeces [n]
Other moves: ER(I)CA 8A 27, (A)RECA 8A 27, C(I)EL D1 22, CE(I)L D1 21, CE(L)LA 8A 21
EEL(I)ER 12H 20 musdrive
N(I)CER H11 18 Grace_Tjie
EER(I)E 12I 13 mazscot
(A)CE 4J 9 mylover81

On 8th draw, RAZORS O10 75 --- RAZOR to shave or cut with a sharp-edged instrument [v]
Other moves: ZIRCONS M7 58, NAZI D6 50, ZOA D8 48, ZOEAS L8 48, AZO D7 47
RAZORS O10 75 mylover81, musdrive
ZOA D8 48 Grace_Tjie
RAZORS O6 45 mazscot

On 9th draw, VESPA 8A 39 --- VESPA a common wasp [n]
Other moves: VASTER 14J 34, PUTZ 12L 30, SPAZ 12L 30, STUPA 8A 30, PASTER 14J 28
PUTZ 12L 30 musdrive
VAST D1 28 mylover81
NAVES H11 27 Grace_Tjie
PAVES 6B 22 mazscot

On 10th draw, AILERONS 15H 77 --- AILERON a movable control surface on an airplane wing [n]
Other tops: ALERIONS 15H 77, ALIENORS 15H 77
RECOIL M8 18 musdrive
REAL D1 16 Grace_Tjie, mylover81
CLONER M10 16 mazscot

On 11th draw, GREETING B6 66 --- GREETING a salutation [n]
Other moves: GREETING B5 64, GRENZ 12K 30, NERTZ 12K 28, RITZ 12L 26, TREZ 12L 26
GREETING B6 66 mazscot
STINGER C8 18 musdrive
GREETING B6 16 mylover81
REGENT L7 16 Grace_Tjie
GRIT 3B 10 rn.roselle

On 12th draw, WEEP D1 36 --- WEEP to express sorrow by shedding tears [v]
Other moves: PAWER 14K 35, TAUPE A11 32, PEEWIT 4A 30, PUTZ 12L 30, PEW 6D 29
WEEP D1 36 musdrive
PEW 6D 29 Grace_Tjie, mylover81, rn.roselle
WEPT L9 18 mazscot

On 13th draw, MEATH A11 43 --- MEATH an alcoholic drink [n]
Other moves: WHEFT 1D 42, FAH 11K 37, FEH 11K 37, FETWA 1A 33, WHEAT 1D 33
MEATH A11 43 musdrive
WHEAT 1D 33 mylover81, Grace_Tjie
THAW 1A 30 rn.roselle
HEAVE K9 22 mazscot

On 14th draw, BAWDIER 1B 39 --- BAWDY obscene [adj]
Other moves: ARDEB C10 35, BEARD C11 34, WAREZ 12K 34, DEAW C11 33, BEAD C11 32
WAIRED 1D 30 musdrive
BREW 1A 27 Grace_Tjie, mazscot
WIRED 1D 27 mylover81
GREED 6B 18 rn.roselle

On 15th draw, OYEZ 12L 32 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: TOADY 10B 30, TYEE 2A 30, TYTE 2A 30, EASY J3 29, TOYER 14K 29
EASY J3 29 musdrive
AYE 2B 25 rn.roselle
OY 2A 24 Grace_Tjie
AY 2A 24 mylover81
YET 14F 16 mazscot

On 16th draw, FAKIR 14K 41 --- FAKIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: KOFTA 14F 35, FARO 13L 31, KEF 6D 31, ARK C1 30, GRIEF 6B 30
KEF 6D 31 mylover81
GRIEF 6B 30 rn.roselle
FA 2F 28 musdrive
FAKER K7 24 Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, QUIST J2 41 --- QUIST a pigeon [n]
Other moves: QUITE N6 34, QUOTE N6 34, QUITED K6 32, QUOTED K6 32, QI 2A 30
QUIST J2 41 musdrive, mylover81
QUITE N6 34 Grace_Tjie
QUIET 3A 28 mazscot

On 18th draw, QUOAD 2J 30 --- QUOAD so far as [conj]
Other tops: GAWD C12 30, GOWD C12 30
Other moves: DEW 6D 28, WADE 2A 27, WAGE 2A 27, WIDE 2A 27, DAW C12 26
QUOAD 2J 30 mylover81
DEW 6D 28 Grace_Tjie, rn.roselle
WIDE 2A 27 musdrive
WIG K1 21 mazscot

On 19th draw, BOW 1M 31 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other moves: VIBE 2A 30, BOW 3M 27, WIG 3M 27, W*G 3M 27, GIBE 2A 26
BOW 1M 31 musdrive, rn.roselle, mazscot
VIBE 2A 30 Grace_Tjie
BOW 3M 27 mylover81

On 20th draw, GRIEF 6B 30 --- GRIEF intense mental distress [n]
Other moves: FURTIVE L4 28, REF 6D 27, TEF 6D 27, ARF C1 26, EF 6E 26
FURTIVE L4 28 mazscot
REF 6D 27 mylover81, musdrive
VIRE 2A 24 Grace_Tjie
IF F1 13 iwhist

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