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Game of October 21, 2011 at 04:29, 3 players
1. 358 pts Suzette
2. 130 pts leobill
3. 104 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efilovy   H4    30    30   foyle
 2. ?adeggw   5D   102   132   waggoned
 3. bdikoor   4A    44   176   brook
 4. aceelrt   A4    86   262   bracelet
 5. adennpr   3C    37   299   drape
 6. ?eeiins  12A    78   377   sienite
 7. adinnrt   8A    61   438   entrained
 8. aagiors   9G    28   466   asiago
 9. adelnov   8L    35   501   deva
10. ehiilmt   O1   101   602   lithemia
11. beioorv   1H    98   700   overboil
12. filnouz  10L    42   742   fiz
13. aioprsy  H12    38   780   spay
14. aenotwx  11C    58   838   woxen
15. elnosuu  13B    35   873   ones
16. chilttu   2D    39   912   chut
17. ainqtuu  13H    38   950   piquant
18. jlmrtuu   6E    25   975   mu

Remaining tiles: jlrtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4990 FileSuzette     0 21:02  -617  358     1.5585 jimbo       1  5:11  -871  104 
  2.4955 Fileleobill     1  5:35  -845  130            Group: not rated
  3.5585 Filejimbo       1  5:11  -871  104     1.4990 Suzette     0 21:02  -617  358 
                                             2.4955 leobill     1  5:35  -845  130 

On 1st draw, FOYLE H4 30 --- FOYLE to foil [v]
Other tops: FOLEY H4 30, FOLEY H8 30, LOVEY H8 30, VEILY H4 30, VEILY H8 30
Other moves: FOLIE H4 24, FOYLE H8 24, LOVEY H4 24, VOILE H4 24, FOLEY H5 22

On 2nd draw, WAGGO(N)ED 5D 102 --- WAGGON to transport in a four wheeled horse-drawn vehicle [v]
Other moves: (S)WAGGED 9B 80, (S)WAGGED 9H 78, WAGG(L)ED 9B 77, WAGG(L)ED G8 69, (S)WAGGED I8 68
WAY 6F 17 Suzette

On 3rd draw, BROOK 4A 44 --- BROOK to tolerate [v]
Other moves: DROOK 4A 40, KOBO 4A 40, BOKO 4A 36, BOOK 4B 36, KORO 4A 36
BIKER J2 19 Suzette

On 4th draw, BRACELET A4 86 --- BRACELET a wrist ornament [n]
Other moves: DECRETAL K5 72, CELLARET 7F 63, TREACLE G8 63, TREACLE I8 63, CELLARET 7E 62
BRACELET A4 36 Suzette

On 5th draw, DRAPE 3C 37 --- DRAPE to arrange in graceful folds [v]
Other moves: PARRED B1 35, PRAD 3C 35, DRAP 3C 33, PARED B2 33, DEARN B10 29
DEEP J3 13 Suzette

On 6th draw, SIENI(T)E 12A 78 --- SIENITE an igneous rock [n]
Other tops: FINE(R)IES 4H 78
Other moves: FE(M)INISE 4H 77, LENI(F)IES 9A 71, LENI(T)IES 9A 71, (H)EINIES B7 71, EIS(W)EIN 9F 69
SEEIN(G) 12A 26 Suzette

On 7th draw, ENTRAINED 8A 61 --- ENTRAIN to board a train [v]
Other moves: RANID 13C 30, DAINT B10 29, NADIR 13C 27, NADIR 11C 25, IDANT 11D 23
DINNER C8 16 Suzette

On 8th draw, ASIAGO 9G 28 --- ASIAGO an Italian cheese [n]
Other moves: GOAS 9E 26, SAGA H12 26, SAGO H12 26, ASAR 9G 25, GA(N)OIDS I3 25
SAGA H12 26 jimbo
GAS H10 13 Suzette

On 9th draw, DEVA 8L 35 --- DEVA a Hindu god [n]
Other tops: DOVE 8L 35
Other moves: DAINE B10 29, ALOED 8K 27, ANODE 8K 27, LADEN 13C 27, LAVE 8L 27
GLOVED K9 22 Suzette
LOVED L8 20 jimbo

On 10th draw, LITHEMIA O1 101 --- LITHEMIA an excess of uric acid in the blood [n]
Other moves: MEITH B10 44, HIM 10J 38, MEITH 6J 37, HILI 10J 35, HILT 10J 35
METH 13G 20 jimbo
HELM C11 18 Suzette

On 11th draw, OVERBOIL 1H 98 --- OVERBOIL to boil too long [v]
Other moves: BIER 10J 29, BIER N2 29, BIRO 10J 29, BOOR 10J 29, BORE 10J 29
DOVER L8 18 leobill
VO(T)ER F10 17 Suzette

On 12th draw, FIZ 10L 42 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: FUZIL 13G 40, FIZ 6J 39, FUZIL 11G 39, FIZ 13G 38, FIZ 4J 38
FEZ J4 35 leobill
FUZE M5 26 Suzette

On 13th draw, SPAY H12 38 --- SPAY to remove the ovaries of [v]
Other tops: SPRY H12 38
Other moves: PAYORS 11E 36, ZOYSIA N10 36, PAYOR 11E 34, YAPS 11C 34, YIPS 11C 34
SPRY H12 38 jimbo
SPAY H12 38 leobill
PREYS C10 20 Suzette

On 14th draw, WOXEN 11C 58 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: WAXEN 11C 58
Other moves: YEX 6H 55, EX 10I 54, NOX B8 53, REX B4 53, WAX 11C 51
WEX J4 29 Suzette
AXE 6A 26 leobill

On 15th draw, ONES 13B 35 --- ONE a number [n]
Other moves: NOS 13C 31, ZONULE N10 30, ZONES N10 28, ZULUS N10 28, OES 13B 23
LITHEMIAS O1 14 Suzette
ALES 6A 13 leobill

On 16th draw, CHUT 2D 39 --- CHUT an impatient expression [interj]
Other moves: ZILCH N10 38, HIC 6J 32, HILT 6J 31, HIT 6J 30, CHUT 2A 29
CHIT 3L 18 Suzette

On 17th draw, PIQUANT 13H 38 --- PIQUANT having an agreeably sharp taste [adj]
Other moves: QUAINT 14F 37, QUANTA 14F 37, QUANT 14F 36, AQUA J9 33, QUAI 14F 33
QUAINT 3J 30 Suzette

On 18th draw, MU 6E 25 --- MU a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: JE(T) F10 25, YUM 6H 25
Other moves: JAM L12 24, JARL L12 24, UMU N4 22, JAR L12 20, JUT 3M 20
JAM L12 24 Suzette

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