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Game of October 21, 2011 at 20:28, 8 players
1. 749 pts PIThompson
2. 736 pts immy
3. 621 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cdeinoo   H4    24    24   codein
 2. ?egllns   5E    82   106   allonges
 3. adelmuw   4K    35   141   wamed
 4. aeghosx   9B    72   213   hexagons
 5. abnrstu   C2    72   285   unbraste
 6. ?efiqtv   4A    51   336   qubit
 7. aeinptz   G8    72   408   topazine
 8. aaiilst   D8    29   437   axial
 9. efilopw   O2    42   479   oldwife
10. deiprsv  15A   212   691   prevised
11. abeinuu   A1    51   742   ubique
12. eeegnot   3I    29   771   teene
13. afmnorv   2F    36   807   foram
14. adjoort   1E    56   863   dojo
15. aaehrtu   N6    38   901   heart
16. acgiory  O10    35   936   orgiac
17. ikortuv   8A    29   965   kuta
18. inortvy  11F    78  1043   vanitory

Remaining tile: y

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7739 FilePIThompson  5 14:27  -294  749     1.7739 PIThompson  5 14:27  -294  749 
  2.6750 Fileimmy        5 12:12  -307  736            Group: intermediate
  3.6435 FileGrace_Tjie  1 16:27  -422  621     1.6750 immy        5 12:12  -307  736 
  4.5693 Filemazscot     2 20:14  -436  607     2.6435 Grace_Tjie  1 16:27  -422  621 
  5.6988 Fileyab         4 19:39  -447  596     3.6988 yab         4 19:39  -447  596 
  6.6161 Fileraggedy01   1  8:52  -734  309     4.6161 raggedy01   1  8:52  -734  309 
  7.6459 Fileiwhist      1  6:42  -858  185     5.6459 iwhist      1  6:42  -858  185 
  8.6660 Filern.roselle  0  0:20 -1017   26     6.6660 rn.roselle  0  0:20 -1017   26 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5693 mazscot     2 20:14  -436  607 

On 1st draw, CODEIN H4 24 --- CODEIN a narcotic alkaloid [n]
Other tops: COINED H4 24, CONDIE H4 24, CONOID H4 24
Other moves: CODEN H4 22, CODON H4 22, COINED H7 22, CONDO H4 22, CONED H4 22
COINED H4 24 immy, PIThompson, raggedy01, yab
CODEIN H4 24 mazscot
CONED H4 22 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, (A)LLONGES 5E 82 --- ALLONGE an addition to a document [n]
Other moves: L(E)GLENS 10D 73, SELL(I)NG 10H 73, LEGL(A)NS 10D 72, LEGL(E)NS 10D 72, L(I)NGELS G5 72
SELL(I)NG 10H 73 raggedy01
(A)LLONGES 5E 32 immy, yab
L(U)NGES 10C 20 PIThompson
SL(A)NG 10H 15 iwhist
CL(O)GS 4H 14 Grace_Tjie
LO(U)NGES 5G 14 mazscot

On 3rd draw, WAMED 4K 35 --- WAMED having a belly [adj]
Other tops: CAUMED 4H 35
Other moves: MAWED 4K 34, WAMED 4A 32, DWALM 10F 31, DWAUM 10F 31, WALED 4K 31
WAMED 4K 35 immy, iwhist, PIThompson, yab
WALED 4K 31 raggedy01
MAULED G7 25 Grace_Tjie
MEW 7G 15 mazscot

On 4th draw, HEXAGONS 9B 72 --- HEXAGON a polygon having six sides [n]
Other moves: HOAXES 10C 42, HOXES 10D 41, GOXES 10D 39, NOX I5 38, AXES 10E 37
HOAXES 10C 42 yab, PIThompson
NOX I5 38 immy
AXED O1 36 raggedy01, Grace_Tjie, iwhist
SEX 10H 36 mazscot

On 5th draw, UNBRASTE C2 72 --- UNBRASTE not braced [adj]
Other moves: TURBANS 10I 65, UNBRASTE 7A 64, URBANEST 7C 63, URBANEST C4 61, BURAN 8A 43
TUBA 8A 40 PIThompson
BUNDTS O1 27 yab
NAB 8A 24 immy
SUB 8A 24 Grace_Tjie
BAT 8C 22 raggedy01
BAN 8C 22 mazscot
BAN 8A 22 iwhist

On 6th draw, Q(U)BIT 4A 51 --- QUBIT in computing, a quantum bit [n]
Other moves: QUI(F)F 2B 48, QU(O)IF 2B 48, Q(A)ID O1 39, Q(U)ID O1 39, QUIVE(R) 2B 38
QU(O)IF 2B 48 PIThompson
Q(U)ID O1 39 raggedy01, mazscot, iwhist, Grace_Tjie, immy
QUIVE(R) 2B 38 yab

On 7th draw, TOPAZINE G8 72 --- TOPAZ a mineral [adj] --- TOPAZINE like topaz [adj]
Other moves: ZA B6 64, ZETA 8A 57, NAZE 3J 52, ZAP 3L 52, ZEP 3L 52
ZA B6 64 immy, PIThompson, Grace_Tjie
DIZEN O4 45 yab
ZAP 6B 34 mazscot
DEPAINT O4 30 raggedy01

On 8th draw, AXIAL D8 29 --- AXIAL pertaining to or forming an axis [adj]
Other tops: AXILS D8 29, IXIAS D8 29
Other moves: SITZ 12D 26, LIPA 10E 25, LIPS 10E 25, TALA 3J 25, TIPS 10E 25
SITZ 12D 26 PIThompson
LAITIES 15B 24 yab
STAT 8B 22 raggedy01
DISTAL O4 21 immy
SAT H11 20 Grace_Tjie
TALES 15D 18 mazscot
LAID O1 15 iwhist

On 9th draw, OLDWIFE O2 42 --- OLDWIFE a marine fish [n]
Other moves: FEW 3L 37, WOF 3L 37, FOP 3L 34, LOWE 3J 34, PEW 3L 34
OLDWIFE O2 42 yab
WOF 3L 37 PIThompson
WOF H11 32 immy, raggedy01, Grace_Tjie
WELD O1 24 mazscot

On 10th draw, PREVISED 15A 212 --- PREVISE to foresee [v]
Other moves: DEPRIVES 15A 185, PREVISED 15E 98, DEPRIVES 15F 95, PREVISE 15A 48, PRIEVED 15D 48
DEPRIVES 15A 185 mazscot
PREVISED 15A 162 immy
DEPRIVES 15A 135 PIThompson
DEPRIVES 15F 95 Grace_Tjie
VIPERS 15D 45 yab

On 11th draw, UBIQUE A1 51 --- UBIQUE everywhere [adv]
Other moves: UNIQUE A1 45, QUEAN A4 42, QUENA A4 42, QUINA A4 42, QUINE A4 42
UBIQUE A1 51 immy
QUINA A4 42 PIThompson
QUEAN A4 42 yab
QUINE A4 42 Grace_Tjie
BANE 14E 19 mazscot

On 12th draw, TEENE 3I 29 --- TEENE to allot [v]
Other moves: TOGE 3J 28, GENE 3J 27, GONE 3J 27, EGO 3K 26, GENET N6 26
TOGE 3J 28 PIThompson
GONE N6 23 immy
GENT N6 23 yab
GOT H11 22 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, FORAM 2F 36 --- FORAM a marine protozoan [n]
Other moves: MOAN N6 29, MONA N6 29, MONAD H11 29, MORA N6 29, MORN N6 29
OAF 2H 29 PIThompson
MORN N6 29 Grace_Tjie, mazscot
MON N6 28 immy, yab
AM 10A 23 iwhist

On 14th draw, DOJO 1E 56 --- DOJO a school that teaches judo or karate [n]
Other moves: JAR 1G 48, JOR 1G 48, JOT 1G 48, JOTA 1E 46, JA 1G 42
DOJO 1E 56 PIThompson
JOT 1G 48 immy, Grace_Tjie, yab
JAR 1G 48 mazscot

On 15th draw, HEART N6 38 --- HEART to hearten [v]
Other moves: HEAR N6 35, HEAT N6 35, HER N6 34, HET N6 34, RATHA E8 33
HEART N6 38 immy, Grace_Tjie, PIThompson, mazscot
HAT E11 24 yab

On 16th draw, ORGIAC O10 35 --- ORGIAC of the nature of an orgy [adj]
Other moves: CAGY 11K 32, ORACY 11J 32, CORY 11K 30, CRAY 11K 30, CRY M6 30
ORGIAC O10 35 yab, immy
CORY 11K 30 PIThompson
RACY 11K 30 mazscot
YAG E11 26 Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, KUTA 8A 29 --- KUTA male dog (India) [n]
Other tops: KATI E8 29
Other moves: TROIKA 14J 24, KINO 14E 23, KIVA 14L 22, DOUR 6H 21, NORK 14G 21
KATI E8 29 PIThompson
KOS F13 19 Grace_Tjie
KO N1 16 immy, yab
VAT 11C 12 mazscot

On 18th draw, VANITORY 11F 78 --- VANITORY a combined dressing table and basin [n]
Other moves: YON H11 26, ANY E9 24, AVIARY 11D 24, VANITY 11F 24, VYING 12K 24
YON H11 26 rn.roselle, Grace_Tjie, PIThompson, yab, immy
ROVING 12J 20 mazscot

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