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Game of October 22, 2011 at 03:19, 1 player
1. 138 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ggimnoo   H4    24    24   mooing
 2. ?egjkno   7G    79   103   jingkoes
 3. adeelrx   8K    43   146   axe
 4. aeglnot   K5    44   190   alkanet
 5. alnsttu  12H    26   216   tutsan
 6. ?deiory   I3    79   295   pyrenoid
 7. eehilsy  13L    35   330   hyle
 8. aeginrr  13C    75   405   rangier
 9. hilnotu  O11    36   441   thein
10. aeloruu  11B    67   508   rouleau
11. abfioor  10D    31   539   oaf
12. eilpqrt  N10    33   572   qi
13. beosttu   B9    31   603   turbots
14. aceilwz   A5    44   647   aizle
15. adeiimr  15B    92   739   semiarid
16. bcefosw   B3    36   775   sowf
17. acdeipv   L1    33   808   viced
18. acdesvw   2J    42   850   waived
19. bcepprs   1N    25   875   be

Remaining tiles: cpprs

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6377 FileZweep       2  5:49  -737  138     1.6377 Zweep       2  5:49  -737  138 

On 1st draw, MOOING H4 24 --- MOO to make the deep, moaning sound of a cow [v]
Other moves: MONGO H4 22, MOOING H7 22, MOOING H3 20, MOOING H8 20, GOING H4 18
MOOING H4 24 Zweep

On 2nd draw, JINGKOE(S) 7G 79 --- JINGKO an ornamental tree [n]
Other moves: JOKE G5 44, JOK(E) G5 42, J(O)KE G5 42, JOOK(I)NG 5F 36, JOOK(I)NG 5G 36
JOK(I)NG 5G 34 Zweep

On 3rd draw, AXE 8K 43 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: REDOX L4 42, AX 8K 40, AX(S)EED N5 33, EXEDRAE M7 32, EXEDRAE M1 30
AXE 8K 43 Zweep

On 4th draw, ALKANET K5 44 --- ALKANET a Mediterranean plant [n]
Other moves: AGLET 6K 32, ANGEL 6K 32, OGLE 6K 31, ALTO 6K 29, ANTE 6K 29
TOLE 9K 26 Zweep

On 5th draw, TUTSAN 12H 26 --- TUTSAN park leaves [n]
Other tops: UNLAST 12G 26
Other moves: ALLS 6J 24, LAGS J5 24, NAGS J5 24, SAULT 12K 24, SAUNT 12K 24
SAT 6M 11 Zweep

On 6th draw, (P)YRENOID I3 79 --- PYRENOID a protein body of certain lower organisms [n]
Other moves: (J)OYRIDE 13B 76, (J)OYRIDE 11B 72, OY(S)TER J9 34, RID(L)EY(S) N1 34, DER(A)Y(S) N2 32

On 7th draw, HYLE 13L 35 --- HYLE wood, matter [n]
Other tops: HYES 13L 35, YETIS J10 35, YITES J10 35
Other moves: ETHYL H11 33, HYE 13L 33, HYLES L1 32, YETI J10 32, YITE J10 32

On 8th draw, RANGIER 13C 75 --- RANGY tall and slender [adj]
Other tops: ANGRIER 13C 75, GRAINER 13C 75
Other moves: ANGRIER O8 27, ENRAGE O8 27, GRAINER O8 27, RANGIER O8 27, REGEAR O10 27

On 9th draw, THEIN O11 36 --- THEIN caffeine [n]
Other moves: HEIL O12 33, HELO O12 33, HENT O12 33, THIOL B10 29, HOUT 12A 28

On 10th draw, ROULEAU 11B 67 --- ROULEAU a roll of coins wrapped in paper [n]
Other moves: REALO 12A 20, ROULE 12A 20, NOLE 9K 19, OLEA 12C 19, ROUT J9 19

On 11th draw, OAF 10D 31 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other moves: FA 10F 28, ARBOR B10 27, BROOMY 4D 26, FIBRO(S) N2 24, ROOF 14D 23

On 12th draw, QI N10 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI J2 32, (S)LIPE N7 25, PLIE 14J 24, QI L4 24, PERIL L1 22

On 13th draw, TURBOTS B9 31 --- TURBOT a European flatfish [n]
Other moves: SETOUT 14B 29, TURBOS B9 29, TURBOT B9 29, BOUSE 14I 26, BOUTS 14D 26

On 14th draw, AIZLE A5 44 --- AIZLE hot ashes [n]
Other moves: LAZE A6 41, ZILA A6 41, ZEA 14J 38, ZEA A7 38, ALCORZA 5E 36

On 15th draw, SEMIARID 15B 92 --- SEMIARID characterized by light rainfall [adj]
Other moves: MERIDIAN 15H 89, SEDARIM 15B 36, SIDEARM 15B 36, AIMED B2 33, ARMED B2 33

On 16th draw, SOWF B3 36 --- SOWF to whistle softly [v]
Other moves: BOWES B2 30, BOWES L1 28, BOWSE L1 28, EF B5 28, BOWSE(S) N2 24

On 17th draw, VICED L1 33 --- VICE to grip with a special tool [v]
Other tops: VAPID L1 33
Other moves: CAVED L1 31, PAVED L1 31, PAVID L1 31, BAP 12B 29, CAPED L1 29

On 18th draw, WAIVED 2J 42 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other moves: ADVEW(S) N2 40, WAIVES 2J 40, ADVEWS 1J 39, WAIVE 2J 38, WAIDE 2J 34

On 19th draw, BE 1N 25 --- BE to have actuality [v]
Other tops: PE 1N 25
Other moves: BES C4 21, PES C4 21, CRE(S)S N4 19, PRE(S)S N4 19, REST J9 19

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