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Game of October 22, 2011 at 04:05, 3 players
1. 587 pts Zweep
2. 388 pts kellybelly
3. 14 pts leobill

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deelorv   H2    80    80   lovered
 2. aacklrs   1H    78   158   carks
 3. aeemnoy   3G    32   190   mooneye
 4. aaehhrt   4K    47   237   heath
 5. aeiinsu   5K    31   268   sane
 6. ainnprt   O1    27   295   pith
 7. ademrvz   2C    40   335   drazel
 8. ?adnsuw   5B    72   407   unwashed
 9. aeefiov   G7    32   439   foveae
10. ?aciqtt   1A    36   475   qua
11. ilmoprr  12A    78   553   implorer
12. eilorxy   B9    68   621   oxymel
13. afgiinu  H10    37   658   firing
14. abbgist  15A    40   698   isba
15. acdlotu   A7    33   731   coda
16. bginotw   6N    27   758   wo
17. beglott   C7    29   787   lobe
18. egiintt   I7    27   814   geit
19. giijntu  14F    30   844   jinni
20. ginrttu   O6    30   874   outring

Remaining tiles: ttuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6379 FileZweep       3 19:15  -287  587     1.7159 kellybelly  3  8:55  -486  388 
  2.7159 Filekellybelly  3  8:55  -486  388            Group: intermediate
  3.4987 Fileleobill     0  1:45  -860   14     1.6379 Zweep       3 19:15  -287  587 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4987 leobill     0  1:45  -860   14 

On 1st draw, LOVERED H2 80 --- LOVERED having a love [adj]
Other moves: LOVERED H6 76, LOVERED H3 74, LOVERED H4 74, LOVERED H7 74, LOVERED H8 74
VOLED H4 26 kellybelly
LOVED H8 22 Zweep

On 2nd draw, CARKS 1H 78 --- CARK to worry [v]
Other tops: CALKS 1H 78
Other moves: ALACK 1E 75, LACKS 1F 75, RACKS 1F 75, SLACK 1E 75, CALK 1H 72
SLACK 1E 75 kellybelly, Zweep

On 3rd draw, MOONEYE 3G 32 --- MOONEYE a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: MAYO G5 31, MOYA G5 31, YAMEN G5 31, YAMEN G7 29, YEOMAN G7 28
MAYO G5 31 Zweep
MONEY G5 27 kellybelly

On 4th draw, HEATH 4K 47 --- HEATH an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: HATHA 4K 41, HAHA 4K 40, EARTH 4K 38, HAH 4K 38, HEH 4K 38
HEATH 4K 47 kellybelly, Zweep

On 5th draw, SANE 5K 31 --- SANE mentally sound [adj] --- SANE to make the sign of the cross on [v]
Other moves: ASTUN N2 27, HAUSEN O4 27, SAN 5K 27, SAU 5K 27, HAINS O4 24
HAINS O4 24 kellybelly
ASHEN O2 8 Zweep

On 6th draw, PITH O1 27 --- PITH to sever the central nervous system of [v]
Other tops: PATH O1 27
Other moves: TAPIR G5 25, PAINT G7 21, PARTI G7 21, PATIN G5 21, PATIN G7 21
PITH O1 27 kellybelly
PAINT G7 21 Zweep

On 7th draw, DRAZEL 2C 40 --- DRAZEL a slut [n]
Other tops: MAZED G7 40, MAZED I7 40
Other moves: MAZER G7 39, MAZER I7 39, MAZE G7 38, MAZE I7 38, ZERDA 6F 37
MAZED G7 40 kellybelly
MAZER G7 39 Zweep

On 8th draw, UNWAS(H)ED 5B 72 --- UNWASHED an ignorant or underprivileged group [n]
Other tops: UNSWA(Y)ED 5B 72, UNWAS(T)ED 5B 72
Other moves: (S)UNWARDS 6C 71, SUNWARD(S) 6C 69, UNSWA(Y)ED 7B 64, UNWAS(H)ED 7B 64, UNWAS(T)ED 7B 64
W(E) 6N 26 kellybelly
AW(E)D G6 26 Zweep

On 9th draw, FOVEAE G7 32 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other tops: FOVEAE I7 32
Other moves: FOVEA G7 31, FOVEA I7 31, EVOE 1A 30, FAVE G7 30, FAVE I7 30
FOVEA G7 31 Zweep
FIVE I7 30 kellybelly

On 10th draw, Q(U)A 1A 36 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other tops: ACQ(U)ITE 12A 36
Other moves: AQ(U)ATIC 11D 34, AQ(U)ATIC 11G 34, AQ(U)ATIC E5 34, ACQ(U)IT 11G 32, ATACTI(C) 11E 32
Q(U)A 1A 36 Zweep
ACQ(U)IT 11G 32 kellybelly

On 11th draw, IMPLORER 12A 78 --- IMPLORER one that implores [n]
Other moves: IMPLORER 10A 70, MILO H12 34, MIRO H12 34, MOIL H12 34, LIMP H12 30
MOIL H12 34 kellybelly
ROMP H12 30 Zweep

On 12th draw, OXYMEL B9 68 --- OXYMEL a mixture of vinegar and honey [n]
Other moves: XI 6N 51, YEX I7 42, OX N1 40, ELIXIR A10 39, ELIXIR A8 39
XI 6N 51 Zweep

On 13th draw, FIRING H10 37 --- FIRING the process of maturing ceramic products by heat [n]
Other tops: FARING H10 37
Other moves: FARING F10 35, FAR F10 29, FA 6N 27, FANG A6 27, FUNG A6 27
FIG A7 24 Zweep
QUIN A1 14 leobill

On 14th draw, ISBA 15A 40 --- ISBA a Russian log hut [n]
Other moves: BIGA A7 33, GABS I7 31, GAITS I7 31, ISBA A7 31, SIBB 15B 30
AS 15A 25 Zweep

On 15th draw, CODA A7 33 --- CODA a passage at the end of a musical composition [n]
Other moves: CALO A7 29, COLA A7 29, DOULA A6 29, OCTA A7 29, DALT I7 27
ADO 4D 23 Zweep

On 16th draw, WO 6N 27 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: BOW C7 26, OBI 4D 26, BOWING 14D 24, WEFTING 10F 24, GIO 4B 23
WO 6N 27 Zweep

On 17th draw, LOBE C7 29 --- LOBE a rounded, projecting anatomical part [n]
Other moves: GELT I7 27, OBE C8 27, BE C9 26, OBE 4D 26, BOLE C7 25
LOGE C7 25 Zweep

On 18th draw, GEIT I7 27 --- GEIT a child [n]
Other tops: GENT I7 27
Other moves: NETT I7 23, TENT I7 23, GEN I7 20, GET I7 20, NETTING 14H 20
GETTING 15H 10 Zweep

On 19th draw, JINNI 14F 30 --- JINNI a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JINN 14F 27, JIGOT E9 26, JIN 14F 26, JINGO E8 26, JUN 14F 26
JIN 14F 26 Zweep

On 20th draw, OUTRING O6 30 --- OUTRING to ring louder than [v]
Other moves: OUTGRIN O6 27, TRUING 15J 26, OUTING O6 21, OUTRIG O6 21, TRUING 13J 16
TINT 13J 10 Zweep

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