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Game of October 22, 2011 at 07:13, 7 players
1. 423 pts asni
2. 422 pts leobill
3. 388 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cnorry   H8    80    80   carryon
 2. eeiiops  15E    57   137   peise
 3. ?alltuw  11E    90   227   ultralow
 4. aeemnsv  12H    37   264   ysame
 5. afgmnru  14B    46   310   fanum
 6. gijlosy  13C    54   364   joy
 7. deilqsu   9E    69   433   squailed
 8. aegortu   L2    72   505   ragouted
 9. ghiloos   8A    35   540   shogi
10. adeotwx   8K    53   593   wexed
11. bdehlno   N7    82   675   beholden
12. einortz   A1   131   806   trizones
13. aceinrt   O1    90   896   crinated
14. afikprt  15A    41   937   fap
15. adegotv  O12    27   964   odea
16. abegiit   4A    32   996   zibet
17. aaeikrv   7C    36  1032   kava
18. egiirtv   2J    36  1068   virger

Remaining tiles: iinort

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5944 Fileasni        1 21:03  -645  423     1.5944 asni        1 21:03  -645  423 
  2.5010 Fileleobill     2 17:26  -646  422     2.5010 leobill     2 17:26  -646  422 
  3.4950 Filefatcat      0 23:12  -680  388     3.5551 jimbo       0  3:56  -925  143 
  4.4833 Filehulusian    0 16:49  -733  335     4.5864 ayoba       0  1:35 -1052   16 
  5.5551 Filejimbo       0  3:56  -925  143            Group: not rated
  6.4403 FileDbuggle     0  1:30 -1038   30     1.4950 fatcat      0 23:12  -680  388 
  7.5864 Fileayoba       0  1:35 -1052   16     2.4833 hulusian    0 16:49  -733  335 
                                             3.4403 Dbuggle     0  1:30 -1038   30 

On 1st draw, C(A)RRYON H8 80 --- CARRYON a small piece of luggage [n]
Other moves: C(A)RRYON H4 78, C(A)RRYON H2 74, C(A)RRYON H6 74, C(A)RRYON H7 74, C(A)RRYON H3 72
CORNY H8 28 fatcat
C(U)RRY H8 26 jimbo, leobill

On 2nd draw, PEISE 15E 57 --- PEISE to weigh [v]
Other tops: POISE 15E 57
Other moves: EPOS 15E 54, OPES 15E 54, PEES 15E 54, PESO 15F 54, PIES 15E 54
POISE 15E 57 leobill
PIES 15E 54 fatcat
POSE 15F 54 jimbo

On 3rd draw, ULTRAL(O)W 11E 90 --- ULTRALOW extremely low [adj]
Other moves: ULT(R)ALOW 13B 80, ULTRAL(O)W 10E 64, TALL(O)W 14A 48, ALL(O)W 14B 46, L(O)WAN 14D 33
WALL(S) J11 16 leobill
TRAWL 11G 16 fatcat
AWL(S) J12 15 jimbo
W(A)LL 9G 11 asni

On 4th draw, YSAME 12H 37 --- YSAME together [adv]
Other moves: MEVES 12K 35, MEVE 12K 31, AMENE 12J 29, AMENS 12J 29, EEVNS 12K 29
WAVES L11 24 fatcat, asni
WEEMS L11 22 jimbo
LEMES J11 17 leobill
MOVE 13G 16 hulusian

On 5th draw, FANUM 14B 46 --- FANUM a cape worn by the pope [n]
Other moves: GRANUM 14A 44, GARUM 14B 42, FANUM 12A 32, AUF 14D 31, FAN 14F 29
FLAM J10 17 leobill, asni
FLAG J10 16 hulusian
F(A)RM 9G 13 fatcat

On 6th draw, JOY 13C 54 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: JIG 13C 48, JOG 13C 48, SIJO 13A 47, JOY 13A 41, JO 13C 38
JOY 13C 54 asni
JAY C13 26 leobill, jimbo
J(A)Y 9G 24 hulusian
JAG C13 22 fatcat

On 7th draw, SQU(A)ILED 9E 69 --- SQUAIL to pelt with sticks [v]
Other moves: DEI 15A 27, Q(A)DIS 9G 26, Q(A)DI 9G 25, Q(A)IDS 9G 25, LEI 15A 24
QUILLS F7 17 fatcat
DULE 13L 17 asni
QU(A)D 9F 16 hulusian
QUILL F8 16 leobill

On 8th draw, RAGOUTED L2 72 --- RAGOUT to make into a highly seasoned stew [v]
Other tops: OUTRAGED L2 72
Other moves: OUTRAGES E2 68, RAG 15A 28, REG 15A 28, TAG 15A 28, TEG 15A 28
REG 15A 28 hulusian
OUTRAGED L2 22 fatcat
GRATED L4 18 asni, leobill

On 9th draw, SHOGI 8A 35 --- SHOGI a Japanese game like chess [n]
Other moves: GOSH M3 32, HORIS 2J 32, HEILS 8K 29, HELIO 8K 29, HELOS 8K 29
HELIO 8K 29 leobill
HOO M3 27 asni
SLOUGH 6I 20 hulusian
HOST 7I 11 fatcat

On 10th draw, WEXED 8K 53 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: DEWAX 8K 51, WOX M3 48, WEX M1 46, DETOX M1 44, WAXED 7C 44
WEXED 8K 53 leobill
WEX M1 46 asni
WAXED 3K 32 hulusian
TAX 13L 26 fatcat

On 11th draw, BEHOLDEN N7 82 --- BEHOLDEN indebted [adj]
Other tops: BEHOLDEN N2 82
Other moves: HORNED 2J 36, DEB 15A 35, HORDE 2J 34, HOB M3 33, BOH M3 32
BEHOLDEN N2 32 hulusian
BEHOLDEN N7 32 fatcat
HO M3 23 asni
HOLD 5K 16 leobill

On 12th draw, TRIZONES A1 131 --- TRIZONE a country formed of three zones [n]
Other moves: ROZETING D1 88, ROZETING 4E 69, ZONATE 3I 50, ZONAE 3I 48, ZO K5 46
ZO K5 46 asni
ZONER 5K 28 leobill
RAZE 3K 26 hulusian
ZEROS A4 24 fatcat

On 13th draw, CRINATED O1 90 --- CRINATED having hair [adj]
CAR 15A 30 hulusian
ZINC 4A 30 asni
TRACING D2 20 fatcat
TRACE 2K 14 Dbuggle
CRATE 3J 14 leobill

On 14th draw, FAP 15A 41 --- FAP drunk or befuddled [adj]
Other moves: TAK 15A 40, KAI 15A 36, FAR 15A 33, FAP K3 32, RAP 15A 32
FAR 15A 33 hulusian
KA 7C 25 asni
PARK 2J 16 Dbuggle, leobill
POT 5K 10 fatcat

On 15th draw, ODEA O12 27 --- ODEUM a theater or concert hall [n]
Other tops: VEGO M1 27
Other moves: D*G* K3 26, DEV O13 26, GAVOT 7C 26, ZETA 4A 26, ZOEA 4A 26
HOVED B8 20 asni
HAVE B8 18 leobill
ROVED 2A 18 fatcat
DOVE C7 14 hulusian

On 16th draw, ZIBET 4A 32 --- ZIBET an Asian civet [n]
Other moves: BARTER 2J 28, BAG M13 27, BEG M13 27, BAGIE 7C 26, ZATI 4A 26
BAG K3 25 asni
HABIT B8 16 leobill
EAT 7A 12 hulusian
BARE 2J 12 fatcat

On 17th draw, KAVA 7C 36 --- KAVA a tropical shrub [n]
Other moves: VARIER 2J 34, KAE M13 33, KAI M13 33, KEA M13 33, KA M13 31
HIKER B8 22 leobill, asni
HIKE B8 21 fatcat
VIBE C2 18 hulusian

On 18th draw, VIRGER 2J 36 --- VIRGER a church official [n]
Other moves: VITAE 3I 24, GIRT M3 23, REV M13 23, RIVET 5D 22, VEG M1 22
HIVE B8 18 hulusian
VIBE C2 18 asni
VERB C1 18 fatcat
GIVER 2H 17 leobill
RIVET 2A 16 ayoba

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