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Game of October 22, 2011 at 07:57, 10 players
1. 520 pts asni
2. 451 pts fatcat
3. 353 pts hulusian

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cinrtv   H4    28    28   victor
 2. efgoosy  10F    32    60   feys
 3. acdertt  11A    78   138   tracted
 4. ?biiort   D4    74   212   bornitic
 5. addeeuv   A8    33   245   vauted
 6. aeehlou   E3    26   271   lah
 7. eeilnow   F2    28   299   wino
 8. fiorstu   9G    28   327   fruits
 9. aejkrrs   8K    35   362   saker
10. adeghnt   O6    64   426   thranged
11. elnnory   K5    44   470   nonstyle
12. ailmoqu  N11    42   512   umiaq
13. eginosz  13E    81   593   ginzoes
14. aegimop  H13    42   635   zep
15. adelnru  15A    86   721   underlap
16. abjoprx   J4    53   774   raj
17. aegiopw  15N    33   807   qi
18. aegimox   L2    41   848   moxie
19. aeglopw  M11    33   881   peg
20. abeloow   2J    42   923   wamble

Remaining tiles: ooo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5925 Fileasni        3 23:56  -403  520     1.6399 babsbedi    2  8:21  -727  196 
  2.4921 Filefatcat      2 20:35  -472  451     2.6020 annelhynz   0  0:17  -893   30 
  3.4826 Filehulusian    1 24:47  -570  353            Group: novice
  4.5421 Fileginalee     2 10:46  -601  322     1.5925 asni        3 23:56  -403  520 
  5.5359 Filemarigold    2  6:50  -653  270     2.5421 ginalee     2 10:46  -601  322 
  6.5198 Filegmills0     1 10:06  -703  220     3.5359 marigold    2  6:50  -653  270 
  7.6399 Filebabsbedi    2  8:21  -727  196     4.5198 gmills0     1 10:06  -703  220 
  8.4409 FileDbuggle     0  6:05  -828   95     5.5548 jimbo       0  1:31  -901   22 
  9.6020 Fileannelhynz   0  0:17  -893   30            Group: not rated
 10.5548 Filejimbo       0  1:31  -901   22     1.4921 fatcat      2 20:35  -472  451 
                                             2.4826 hulusian    1 24:47  -570  353 
                                             3.4409 Dbuggle     0  6:05  -828   95 

On 1st draw, VICT(O)R H4 28 --- VICTOR one who defeats an adversary [n]
Other tops: VITR(I)C H4 28, V(I)TRIC H4 28
Other moves: VIC(A)R H4 26, VINC(A) H4 26, VIN(I)C H4 26, VITR(I)C H7 26, VR(A)IC H4 26
CRIN(E) H4 18 asni
VIC(E) H8 16 fatcat, hulusian
VIN(E) H5 12 Dbuggle

On 2nd draw, FEYS 10F 32 --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other tops: FOYS 10F 32
Other moves: FEY 10F 31, FOGEYS 10D 31, FOY 10F 31, GOOSEY 10E 31, FOGEY 10D 30
FOYS 10F 32 hulusian, asni
FEY 10F 31 fatcat
GOOFS 10D 22 jimbo

On 3rd draw, TRACTED 11A 78 --- TRACT to trace [v]
Other moves: CITRATED 5G 72, TETRACID 5B 72, TETRADIC 5B 72, TRACTED 11I 72, ATTIRED 5E 32
CADET 11C 23 asni
DICER 5G 16 hulusian
TRACED 7H 12 fatcat

On 4th draw, BOR(N)ITIC D4 74 --- BORNITE an ore of copper [adj] --- BORNITIC of or like bornite [adj]
Other tops: BI(S)TROIC D4 74, (F)IBROTIC D4 74, (S)ORBITIC D4 74
Other moves: ORIBATI(D) C7 72, BI(S)TROIC 6A 65, BOR(N)ITIC 6A 65, (F)IBROTIC 6A 65, (S)ORBITIC 6A 65
ORBIT A7 21 fatcat
TRIB(E) A11 21 hulusian, asni

On 5th draw, VAUTED A8 33 --- VAUTE to attain great success [v]
Other tops: VEDUTA A7 33, VEDUTE A7 33
Other moves: EVADE E2 30, VADED E1 30, EAVED E1 28, VADE E3 28, DAUTED A8 27
DREAD B10 22 asni
DIVED 5G 20 fatcat

On 6th draw, LAH E3 26 --- LAH the sixth note of the scale [n]
Other moves: AH E4 24, EH E4 24, H**L* C2 24, H**L* C5 24, OH E4 24
HOLE C3 22 asni
LATHE 7F 13 hulusian
HAVE 4F 10 fatcat
DEAL 13A 10 Dbuggle

On 7th draw, WINO F2 28 --- WINO a drunken down and out who drinks cheap wine [n]
Other moves: LOWNE F4 27, LOWE F4 26, LOWN F4 26, NOWL F4 26, WREN 9G 26
WINO F2 28 babsbedi
VOWEL 4H 22 Dbuggle, fatcat
OW 12E 16 hulusian
AWE C11 12 asni

On 8th draw, FRUITS 9G 28 --- FRUIT to bear fruit (usually edible reproductive bodies of a seed plant) [v]
Other moves: FRIST 9G 27, FRITS 9G 27, FROST 9G 27, FRUIT 9G 27, FRUST 9G 27
DRIFTS 13A 20 fatcat
VISOR 4H 16 Dbuggle
SURFS I10 12 babsbedi
TRUST 7H 6 hulusian

On 9th draw, SAKER 8K 35 --- SAKER an Eurasian falcon [n]
Other moves: JARS 6B 34, AKES 8L 30, ARKS 8L 30, ERKS 8L 30, ESKAR 12F 28
JARS 6B 34 fatcat
JERKS L5 21 Dbuggle
TAJ K9 20 babsbedi
KAES 8J 20 asni
JETS K7 11 hulusian

On 10th draw, THRANGED O6 64 --- THRANG to throng [v]
Other moves: THREAD B9 56, GHASTED K5 48, THRAE B9 36, GREAT B10 32, HAGDEN C10 27
HANGED C10 27 asni, hulusian
DEATH 13A 18 fatcat
HEDGE N7 14 Dbuggle
THANK M4 13 babsbedi
STEAD K8 12 ginalee

On 11th draw, NONSTYLE K5 44 --- NONSTYLE a style which is not identifiable [n]
Other moves: ROYNE N2 24, VOLERY 4H 24, YORE N12 22, DERNLY 13A 20, INNERLY 5H 20
YON N12 20 babsbedi
YEN N12 20 asni
STOREY K8 18 ginalee
OY 12E 16 hulusian
STORY K8 16 fatcat

On 12th draw, UMIAQ N11 42 --- UMIAQ an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other tops: QUAIL J2 42
Other moves: MAQUI N2 40, MAQUI C10 36, MAQUI L2 36, QUAI J2 35, QUIM J3 33
QUID 13L 28 fatcat, gmills0, ginalee, asni
QUAD 13L 28 hulusian, babsbedi

On 13th draw, GINZOES 13E 81 --- GINZO (colloquial) a person of Italian descent [n]
Other moves: SIZE J4 68, SEZ J4 65, ZO J6 64, ZINES 12H 48, ZONES 12H 48
ZO J6 64 ginalee
ZONES N2 36 fatcat
QI 15N 33 asni, marigold, hulusian
ZONE 6J 33 babsbedi, gmills0

On 14th draw, ZEP H13 42 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other tops: ZAP H13 42, ZIP H13 42
Other moves: OMEGA M10 39, ZAG H13 39, ZIG H13 39, MEGA M11 37, GRAIP B10 36
ZAP H13 42 gmills0
ZIP H13 42 fatcat, asni, ginalee, babsbedi
QI 15N 33 marigold
MOP 6J 13 hulusian

On 15th draw, UNDERLAP 15A 86 --- UNDERLAP to extend partly under [v]
Other moves: LURDANE J1 70, RUNDALE J1 70, DEAL M11 30, DEAN M11 30, DERN M11 30
LEAD J3 18 marigold
RED G1 17 asni
RUN 14D 12 hulusian
DRUNK M4 11 fatcat
PLEAD 15H 10 gmills0

On 16th draw, RAJ J4 53 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: JA J6 52, JO J6 52, BORAX L2 39, AX L11 38, OX L11 38
JO J6 52 marigold, asni, ginalee
JOB L4 30 fatcat
REX J12 28 gmills0
BOX I12 21 hulusian

On 17th draw, QI 15N 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: PEG M11 33
Other moves: PAW L4 32, PEW L4 32, GAWPED C10 29, PEA M11 29, PEAG L3 28
QI 15N 33 ginalee, fatcat, marigold, asni
WEEP J12 16 gmills0
GAWK M5 16 hulusian

On 18th draw, MOXIE L2 41 --- MOXIE spirit or courage [n]
Other moves: OMEGA M10 39, AX L11 38, OX L11 38, MEGA M11 37, MOXIE L1 37
MOXIE L2 41 marigold
AX L11 38 ginalee, asni
EXO J13 26 gmills0
GOX I12 20 hulusian
AXE C11 20 fatcat

On 19th draw, PEG M11 33 --- PEG to fasten with a peg (a wooden pin) [v]
Other tops: LEAP M11 33, PEAL M11 33, PELA M11 33
Other moves: PAW M1 30, PEW M1 30, POW M1 30, GAWPED C10 29, PEA M11 29
POW M1 30 asni, marigold
MEWL 2L 18 gmills0
MOW 2L 16 hulusian, ginalee
POOL 3K 12 fatcat

On 20th draw, WAMBLE 2J 42 --- WAMBLE to move unsteadily [v]
Other moves: BOW M1 30, BAWLED C10 28, WAB M1 28, WEB M1 28, AWOL 14C 26
BOW M1 30 marigold, annelhynz, asni
BOWEL 3K 20 hulusian
WOMB 2J 19 gmills0, fatcat, ginalee

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