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Game of October 22, 2011 at 12:29, 5 players
1. 439 pts asni
2. 371 pts sunshine12
3. 183 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ddeiltv   H4    26    26   vilde
 2. ceegrsu   5D    20    46   grecise
 3. aeglort   I8    62   108   legator
 4. adelmsz  13F    92   200   damozels
 5. addirtv   K5    42   242   davit
 6. adeioqr  H11    35   277   dimer
 7. ?acinoy   D5    78   355   gynoecia
 8. befhint   6J    40   395   faith
 9. ?abhops   F2    72   467   bakeshop
10. aiiikno   C6    26   493   kaon
11. eijotty  L11    38   531   jolty
12. aaeilno   B9    70   601   aeolian
13. einoptx  A12    64   665   expo
14. efimoru   A6    37   702   forme
15. aenrtuu  J11    27   729   naze
16. eirrstu   O4    86   815   rustier
17. bintuuw   3K    24   839   unwit
18. beginqu   3C    38   877   niqab

Remaining tiles: eguuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5903 Fileasni        0 18:12  -438  439     1.6818 sunshine12  1 15:28  -506  371 
  2.6818 Filesunshine12  1 15:28  -506  371     2.6031 annelhynz   0  3:40  -768  109 
  3.5569 Filejimbo       1  5:08  -694  183     3.6611 GLOBEMAN    0  1:54  -873    4 
  4.6031 Fileannelhynz   0  3:40  -768  109            Group: novice
  5.6611 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:54  -873    4     1.5903 asni        0 18:12  -438  439 
                                             2.5569 jimbo       1  5:08  -694  183 

On 1st draw, VILDE H4 26 --- VILDE vile [adj]
Other tops: VELDT H4 26
Other moves: DIVED H4 24, DIVED H8 24, DEVIL H4 22, LIVED H8 22, DEVIL H8 20

On 2nd draw, GRECISE 5D 20 --- GRECISE to provide with a Greek style [v]
Other tops: CIERGES 5G 20, GRIECES 5F 20, VERGES 4H 20
Other moves: CIERGE 5G 18, ECURIES 5D 18, GRICES 5F 18, GRIECE 5F 18, VEGES 4H 18
VEERS 4H 16 asni

On 3rd draw, LEGATOR I8 62 --- LEGATOR one that legates [n]
Other moves: VORLAGE 4H 26, TOGAE 4A 22, VARLET 4H 22, GETA 4A 20, GORA 4A 20
GATER F2 12 annelhynz
GLARED 7C 11 asni

On 4th draw, DAMOZELS 13F 92 --- DAMOZEL a maiden [n]
Other moves: MAZED H11 74, MAZES H11 71, DAZES H11 67, LAZED H11 66, LAZES H11 63
MAZES 15E 57 asni, jimbo, annelhynz

On 5th draw, DAVIT K5 42 --- DAVIT a hoisting device on a ship [n]
Other moves: AVID K2 40, DIVA K5 40, DIV K5 38, VID K3 38, DRAD K2 36
ADD K3 34 asni
RAD 14I 22 sunshine12
MAD H13 20 annelhynz
DAVITS M8 11 jimbo

On 6th draw, DIMER H11 35 --- DIMER a molecule compound with two identical molecules [n]
Other moves: AIMED H11 34, QAID 12D 34, QAID F10 34, AIMER H11 31, QADI 12C 31
QAID F10 34 sunshine12
DAZER J11 26 asni
MOD H13 20 annelhynz

On 7th draw, GYNO(E)CIA D5 78 --- GYNOECIA gynecia [n] --- GYNOECIUM the female reproductive organs of a flower [n]
Other moves: CONGIA(R)Y D2 76, (G)YNOECIA F1 76, CYANO(S)IS M6 67, CYANOSI(S) M8 66, ONYC(H)IAS M6 66
(L)EY J4 26 sunshine12
YA(E) 12K 20 asni

On 8th draw, FAITH 6J 40 --- FAITH to believe or trust [v]
Other moves: BETH C6 34, THIEF J2 34, HABIT 6J 33, YEH 6D 32, FAINE 6J 31
YEH 6D 32 sunshine12

On 9th draw, BA(K)ESHOP F2 72 --- BAKESHOP a bakery [n]
Other moves: B(I)SHOP O4 57, ABOH(M)S O1 54, AB(M)HOS O1 54, BA(T)HOS O1 54, PA(T)HOS O1 54
B(I)SHOP O4 57 asni
HASP(S) O4 51 sunshine12

On 10th draw, KAON C6 26 --- KAON one of a subatomic particle [n]
Other tops: KAIN C6 26, KINA C6 26, KINO C6 26
Other moves: AKIN C11 24, KAIN C11 24, KAON C11 24, KINO 8A 24, NAIK 12K 24
KINO 8A 24 asni, sunshine12

On 11th draw, JOLTY L11 38 --- JOLTY marked by a jolting motion [adj]
Other tops: JETTY M3 38, JOTTY M3 38
Other moves: JOEY C12 37, JOY C12 35, JOY G1 30, JET C12 29, JOE C12 29
JOTTY M3 38 sunshine12
JOE K11 20 asni

On 12th draw, AEOLIAN B9 70 --- AEOLIAN pertaining to the wind [adj]
Other moves: INYALA 15J 27, LAZE J11 27, NAZE J11 27, NYALA 15K 24, ANSAE M11 23
YONI 15L 21 jimbo
YEAN 15L 21 sunshine12, asni

On 13th draw, EXPO A12 64 --- EXPO a public exhibition [n]
Other moves: PYXIE 15K 51, EXPO A7 46, TOXINE A5 44, PIX G1 41, POX G1 41
POX G1 41 sunshine12, asni
EXIT A6 36 jimbo

On 14th draw, FORME A6 37 --- FORME an assemblage of printing type secured in a metal frame [n]
Other moves: FORUM A5 35, FUME A7 34, FERM A6 32, FIRM A6 32, FORM A6 32
FORME A6 37 jimbo
FROM A6 32 asni
YOUR 15L 21 sunshine12

On 15th draw, NAZE J11 27 --- NAZE a headland [n]
Other moves: TYRAN 15K 24, YARE 15L 21, YARN 15L 21, YATE 15L 21, YEAN 15L 21
YARE 15L 21 sunshine12
YURT 15L 21 jimbo
YEAR 15L 21 asni

On 16th draw, RUSTIER O4 86 --- RUSTY covered with rust [adj]
Other moves: TRUSTIER M2 70, BRUITERS 2F 62, BURRIEST 2F 62, RUSTRE O4 33, TRIERS O1 33
RUSTIER O4 36 sunshine12
STURE O6 27 asni

On 17th draw, UNWIT 3K 24 --- UNWIT to make insane [v]
Other moves: BI B5 22, TUI B4 21, UNI B4 21, BINT 3L 20, BUNT 3L 20
HIT N6 10 asni
BI 8N 4 sunshine12

On 18th draw, NIQAB 3C 38 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: QUEAN 3C 30, QI B5 29, QUENA 3B 28, QUINA 3B 28, EYING 15K 27
QI N2 22 asni

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