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Game of October 22, 2011 at 23:50, 5 players
1. 336 pts iwhist
2. 58 pts jeannie108
3. 33 pts Jack22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?biilot   H8    72    72   kilobit
 2. deiiprt  11B    72   144   dipteroi
 3. aeersvy  15H    72   216   savey
 4. aabgnor   K8    72   288   baronage
 5. acdnors   M9    88   376   candors
 6. himmotu  10F    36   412   holm
 7. ?ghimwy   L3    51   463   whimmy
 8. egklnos   C6    82   545   songlike
 9. adeloru   B2    79   624   roulade
10. acefgqr   A6    49   673   farce
11. deeinsu   2A    61   734   uredines
12. aejnoot  12A    57   791   jake
13. aelnotu   1C    39   830   tolane
14. eeirttz  A12    60   890   jeez
15. efgiirt   M1    36   926   treif
16. inotuwx  N10    52   978   xu
17. aginqtt   4A    50  1028   quinta
18. gioptuv   1L    27  1055   ptui

Remaining tiles: gotvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6461 Fileiwhist      1  8:04  -719  336     1.6461 iwhist      1  8:04  -719  336 
  2.  -  Filejeannie108  0  2:11  -997   58     2.6732 immy        0  1:36 -1032   23 
  3.  -  FileJack22      0  1:45 -1022   33            Group: novice
  4.6732 Fileimmy        0  1:36 -1032   23     1.5232 Snook       0  1:55 -1041   14 
  5.5232 FileSnook       0  1:55 -1041   14            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  jeannie108  0  2:11  -997   58 
                                             2.  -  Jack22      0  1:45 -1022   33 

On 1st draw, (K)ILOBIT H8 72 --- KILOBIT a unit of computer information [n]
Other moves: (K)ILOBIT H2 68, (K)ILOBIT H3 68, (K)ILOBIT H6 68, (K)ILOBIT H7 68, (K)ILOBIT H4 66

On 2nd draw, DIPTEROI 11B 72 --- DIPTEROS a building with two colonnades [n]
Other moves: TRIPLIED 10D 65, RIPTIDE 13G 28, TIDERIP 13C 28, TIDERIP 14H 28, TIDERIP 13G 26

On 3rd draw, SAVEY 15H 72 --- SAVEY to understand [v]
Other tops: YEVES 15D 72
Other moves: SEVERY 15H 66, SYVER 15H 63, VARES 15D 63, VEERS 15D 63, YEARS 15D 63

On 4th draw, BARONAGE K8 72 --- BARONAGE the rank of a baron [n]
Other moves: BARONAGE F4 67, BONA 12A 31, BOLAR 10F 29, BOLA 10F 26, AROBA G10 25

On 5th draw, CANDORS M9 88 --- CANDOR frankness, sincerity [n]
Other tops: CARDONS M9 88
Other moves: DACRONS M9 86, SARDONIC 13B 80, SARDONIC 9B 66, DRACONES F5 65, SARDONIC C5 63

On 6th draw, HOLM 10F 36 --- HOLM an island in a river [n]
Other moves: HOI N10 32, HOLT 10F 32, HUI N10 32, MOTI 12A 31, OHM N8 31

On 7th draw, WHIM(M)Y L3 51 --- WHIMMY full of whims [adj]
Other tops: WHIM(S)Y L3 51, WHI(M)MY L3 51
Other moves: WI(T)HY N6 49, MIGH(T)Y L3 47, WHI(N)Y L4 45, WHI(T)Y L4 45, WI(T)HY L4 45

On 8th draw, SONGLIKE C6 82 --- SONGLIKE resembling a song [adj]
Other moves: SONGLIKE 5G 76, SNOEK K1 40, KENO 12A 39, KNOWES 3I 36, OKE K4 35
SKEIN C8 14 Snook

On 9th draw, ROULADE B2 79 --- ROULADE a rolled up cake with a filling [n]
Other moves: OPALED D10 38, PALED D11 34, PARED D11 34, POLED D11 34, PORED D11 34
WADE 3L 16 iwhist
WARD 3L 16 jeannie108
DI 5K 6 immy

On 10th draw, FARCE A6 49 --- FARCE to fill out with witty material [v]
Other moves: QUAG 4A 48, QUARE 4A 48, FAG A6 43, FENCER 8A 42, FAKE 12A 41
FENCER 8A 42 jeannie108, iwhist

On 11th draw, UREDINES 2A 61 --- UREDO a skin irritation [n]
Other moves: PIEND D11 34, PINED D11 34, DEKE 12A 33, DIKE 12A 33, EIDE M3 32
NEED M2 28 iwhist
SED A1 17 immy

On 12th draw, JAKE 12A 57 --- JAKE a yokel [n] --- JAKE all right; fine [adj]
Other tops: JOKE 12A 57
Other moves: JUNTA 4A 40, JUNTO 4A 40, JEAN M2 39, JEAT M2 39, JEON M2 39
TAJ 1G 38 iwhist

On 13th draw, TOLANE 1C 39 --- TOLANE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ALONE 1D 34, ATONE 1D 34, JANE A12 33, JATO A12 33, JEAN A12 33
JOLT A12 33 iwhist
JANE A12 33 Jack22

On 14th draw, JEEZ A12 60 --- JEEZ used as a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: ETHERIZE F8 40, ZEE M2 39, HERTZ F10 37, MEZE 6L 35, ZITE 14F 35
JEEZ A12 60 iwhist

On 15th draw, TREIF M1 36 --- TREIF not kosher [adj]
Other moves: REIF M2 34, FREIT M1 33, GIFT 3E 32, GIF 3E 28, GEIT M2 27
FUG A1 24 iwhist

On 16th draw, XU N10 52 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: NOX 3A 42, TEXT C1 42, OX 3B 38, TEX C1 38, XI G13 36
XI G13 36 iwhist

On 17th draw, QUINTA 4A 50 --- QUINTA a country estate in Portugal or Latin America [n]
Other tops: QUAINT 4A 50
Other moves: QUAG 4A 48, QUANT 4A 48, QUINA 4A 48, QUINT 4A 48, QUIN A1 47
QI G13 44 iwhist

On 18th draw, PTUI 1L 27 --- PTUI used to express the sound of spitting [interj]
Other moves: GO K5 24, GU K5 24, PUTTI 1K 24, PUTTO 1K 24, TITUP 1K 24
TOP 1M 15 iwhist

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