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Game sheet of ELCEE (file), Game of October 23, 2011 at 05:56

Word find
Word played
1 EIMOTWX             MOXIE H4 34 34  
2 ?AIIOOQ             QAI(D) G7 46 80  
3 ?DEJLSW             JED(I)S I3 49 129  
4 AEEIORS             ERASE J1 25 154  
5 CEMOOOR             CREME 1H 30 184  
6 AEHNTWW             WHATEN K3 56 240  
7 AEKLOPS             ANKLES 8J 45 285  
8 AEOPRVV             VARVEL M3 26 311  
9 AEIIPPT             KEPPIT L8 28 339  
10 DILOOUY             ODIOUSLY O3 64 403  
11 ABEOORZ BOOZER F9 28 -31 28 3/3 BEZOAR N10 59 462 3/3
12 ABGLORW BOWL F9 18 -21 46 2/2 WARB 15L 39 501 3/3
13 AHNORTY THORNY F8 25 -6 71 1/3 AROYNT H10 31 532 3/3
14 GIILNOT             TOILING F9 68 600 3/3
15 CDEHINO CEDING 15A 33 -6 104 2/3 ECHING 15A 39 639 3/3
16 DELRSTU             STURDILY 13A 26 665 3/3
17 AEFIINT FAINTS A8 30 -56 134 1/5 FAINITES A6 86 751 3/5
18 DFGNOUU FOUR D10 14 -19 148 3/4 DOF B8 33 784 3/5

Total: 148/784 or -636 for 18.87%
Rank: 5601

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