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Game of October 23, 2011 at 08:58, 5 players
1. 503 pts babsbedi
2. 467 pts raggedy01
3. 313 pts Stranger

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdeoty   H3    32    32   cytode
 2. ?eefnrs   5E    90   122   fastener
 3. deeilsv   J4    66   188   sniveled
 4. ?aceeir  11D    90   278   ceramide
 5. beghors  12A    38   316   bosh
 6. adeeins   L8    79   395   aniseed
 7. behilmw  13B    49   444   whelm
 8. adelrty  10A    89   533   lyrated
 9. gijnoqt   4A    47   580   jingo
10. aainorr   A1    36   616   rioja
11. filoprt  13I    32   648   firepot
12. aaeimtu  14E    32   680   amate
13. aginouu  15G    33   713   gonia
14. bgiouvw   O8    36   749   woubit
15. ioprttx   N9    52   801   ox
16. akprtuu  15A    39   840   kaput
17. agilrtv   B2    22   862   trial
18. ginquvz   F5    38   900   aquiver

Remaining tiles: gnnuz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6394 Filebabsbedi    2 17:25  -397  503     1.7092 Stranger    0 10:35  -587  313 
  2.6160 Fileraggedy01   0 23:16  -433  467            Group: intermediate
  3.7092 FileStranger    0 10:35  -587  313     1.6394 babsbedi    2 17:25  -397  503 
  4.4794 Filestrykyster  0  3:57  -838   62     2.6160 raggedy01   0 23:16  -433  467 
  5.5365 Filemarigold    0  0:58  -865   35            Group: novice
                                             1.5365 marigold    0  0:58  -865   35 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4794 strykyster  0  3:57  -838   62 

On 1st draw, CYTODE H3 32 --- CYTODE a protoplasm body without nucleus [n]
Other moves: CYTODE H4 30, DECAY H8 30, DECOY H8 30, COYED H4 28, CYTODE H8 28
DECOY H8 30 babsbedi
DECAY H8 30 raggedy01
COYED H4 28 Stranger

On 2nd draw, F(A)STENER 5E 90 --- FASTENER one that fastens [n]
Other tops: S(O)FTENER 5E 90
Other moves: ENSERFE(D) 8H 83, ENFE(V)ERS 8H 80, ENF(O)RCES 3C 78, F(I)NEERS G4 78, REF(E)NCES 3C 78
FEN(C)ERS 9B 74 raggedy01
F(A)STENER 5E 40 Stranger
FEN(C)ERS 9B 24 babsbedi
FEET 5E 14 strykyster

On 3rd draw, SNIVELED J4 66 --- SNIVEL to cry or whine with sniffling [v]
Other moves: VEILED 4A 35, VISEED 4A 35, VISED M3 33, VISEED M3 33, VISED 6B 32
VEILED 4A 35 babsbedi
VISED M3 33 Stranger
DEVILS 9C 26 raggedy01
VERSED L3 24 strykyster

On 4th draw, CERA(M)IDE 11D 90 --- CERAMIDE any of various lipids [n]
Other tops: C(H)ARIDEE 11E 90
Other moves: EAR(P)IECE 8A 77, CE(L)ERIAC 3A 74, REAR(M)ICE L2 74, CARIERE(S) L3 70, REAR(M)ICE L5 70
CRA(T)E 4A 23 babsbedi
FA(N)CIER E5 22 raggedy01
CA(S)E M3 20 Stranger

On 5th draw, BOSH 12A 38 --- BOSH nonsense [n]
Other moves: HORSE L8 35, BOHS 12B 34, BROCHES D8 34, GOSH 12A 34, E(M)BOGS H10 33
BOSH 12A 38 babsbedi
HORSE L8 35 marigold
GOSH 12A 34 raggedy01
HOB 4D 24 strykyster
SHE L11 23 Stranger

On 6th draw, ANISEED L8 79 --- ANISEED the seed of the anise used as a flavoring [n]
Other tops: ANISEED M2 79
Other moves: DENARIES L1 74, NEARSIDE L2 72, ANISEED 13D 68, NEARSIDE F8 65, DENARIES F7 63
DEBASE A10 27 babsbedi
DIES 13B 25 Stranger
ABIDE A11 24 raggedy01

On 7th draw, WHELM 13B 49 --- WHELM to cover with water [v]
Other moves: WHIM 13B 47, WHILE 13B 45, BHEL 13B 40, WIBBLE A10 39, WHOLE B10 38
WHIM 13B 47 babsbedi
WIBBLE A10 39 raggedy01
BLEW A12 27 Stranger

On 8th draw, LYRATED 10A 89 --- LYRATED having the shape of a lyre [adj]
Other moves: DAYT(A)LER F1 65, EYRA 14B 46, LYRA 14B 46, RAYLED 14D 44, RAYED 14D 43
RAYED 14D 43 Stranger
YEAR 14A 41 babsbedi
LEA 14A 24 raggedy01

On 9th draw, JINGO 4A 47 --- JINGO a zealous patriot [n]
Other moves: JIGOT 4B 32, JONTY B6 31, JOL A8 30, JOIN 4C 28, G(A)JO F4 27
JOL A8 30 babsbedi, Stranger
J(A)G F4 14 raggedy01

On 10th draw, RIOJA A1 36 --- RIOJA a dry red Spanish wine [n]
Other moves: ANA 14A 24, NA 14B 22, NOR 9B 22, OAR 9B 22, ANA 9C 20
NA 14B 22 Stranger, raggedy01
RADIO 14J 16 babsbedi

On 11th draw, FIREPOT 13I 32 --- FIREPOT a pot with burning contents used as a missile [n]
Other moves: FLIP M12 30, FLOP M12 30, FOP M13 29, FOIL B2 28, FOR 9B 28
SPORT 4J 22 Stranger
FOIL A7 21 babsbedi
STOP 4J 18 raggedy01

On 12th draw, AMATE 14E 32 --- AMATE to daunt [v]
Other moves: META 9B 30, MATE 14F 29, META 14F 29, MITE 14F 29, MUTE 14F 29
DAME 14L 28 babsbedi
AMATED 14G 22 raggedy01

On 13th draw, GONIA 15G 33 --- GONION a part of the lower jaw [n] --- GONIUM an immature reproductive cell [n]
Other moves: GAUN 15G 30, AGIN 15H 28, AGIO 15H 28, AGON 15H 28, GAN 15G 27
ION 15G 23 babsbedi
GOAL A7 15 raggedy01

On 14th draw, WOUBIT O8 36 --- WOUBIT a hairy caterpillar [n]
Other moves: AVOW 8L 30, DOW 14L 28, WOO 6F 28, BOWL A7 27, SWOB 4J 27
AVOW 8L 30 raggedy01
BOWL A7 27 babsbedi

On 15th draw, OX N9 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OXO 3A 33, POX N12 28, PIX B3 25, POACHER D8 25, XU 10N 25
OX N9 52 babsbedi
POX N12 28 raggedy01

On 16th draw, KAPUT 15A 39 --- KAPUT ruined [adj]
Other moves: KURU 9B 34, KUTA 9B 34, KUTU 9B 34, KRAUT 15A 33, KAT 9B 30
SPARK 4J 30 babsbedi
KOP N12 24 raggedy01

On 17th draw, TRIAL B2 22 --- TRIAL a judicial examination [n] --- TRIAL to test [v]
Other moves: VAIL A7 21, VIAL A7 21, VILL A7 21, VIRL A7 21, VRIL A7 21
VAIL A7 21 raggedy01
GRAVE 8D 11 babsbedi

On 18th draw, (A)QUIVER F5 38 --- AQUIVER quivering [adj]
Other moves: QUINZE 8C 25, QUINE 8D 24, ZING D1 24, QI M7 23, GOV N12 17

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