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Game of October 23, 2011 at 12:03, 6 players
1. 464 pts inday1
2. 430 pts paulineasb
3. 395 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ahnsst   H8    76    76   snathes
 2. abcekrt   8A   107   183   brackets
 3. denopsu   B2    80   263   pounders
 4. abdinrr  13G    26   289   rebrand
 5. eeijntx   C1    46   335   next
 6. deenrty   D2    41   376   dyer
 7. efioqrz   L8    44   420   frozen
 8. cdegiou   A1    41   461   doc
 9. aeilnot   5D    82   543   relation
10. ?egghiw  10C    71   614   weighage
11. aeiilsu  11J    32   646   lazies
12. aaeinop  O10    33   679   aspine
13. eilmtvv   8L    30   709   five
14. aeemoqy   6J    31   740   yam
15. egilqtu   H1    45   785   quilt
16. egimoou  N10    25   810   meu
17. aeeiort  11E    20   830   toit
18. aeijotu   4J    38   868   jato
19. aefgilu  C10    24   892   waeful
20. egiorvw  15A    48   940   wolver

Remaining tiles: giio

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.  -  Fileinday1      2 20:43  -476  464     1.7101 Stranger    1  5:27  -770  170 
  2.4971 Filepaulineasb  1 19:42  -510  430     2.7004 reynaritz   1  4:48  -835  105 
  3.5247 Filetonikay     0 22:24  -545  395            Group: intermediate
  4.6022 FileJennyB      0 14:43  -703  237     1.6022 JennyB      0 14:43  -703  237 
  5.7101 FileStranger    1  5:27  -770  170            Group: novice
  6.7004 Filereynaritz   1  4:48  -835  105     1.5247 tonikay     0 22:24  -545  395 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  inday1      2 20:43  -476  464 
                                             2.4971 paulineasb  1 19:42  -510  430 

On 1st draw, SNATH(E)S H8 76 --- SNATHE the handle of a scythe [n]
Other tops: HAST(E)NS H4 76, SHANT(I)S H3 76, SN(E)ATHS H7 76
Other moves: HAST(E)NS H2 70, HAST(E)NS H3 70, HAST(E)NS H6 70, HAST(E)NS H7 70, SHANT(I)S H2 70
HAST(E)S H4 24 paulineasb
SH(U)NTS H3 24 tonikay

On 2nd draw, BRACKETS 8A 107 --- BRACKET to classify [v]
Other moves: BACKREST 14B 86, BRACKETS 14A 86, BACKREST 8B 69, BRACKET I2 69, REBACKS 14B 42
BRACKETS 8A 57 inday1
CAKES 14D 21 paulineasb
BAK(E)R 13E 16 tonikay

On 3rd draw, POUNDERS B2 80 --- POUNDER one that pounds [n]
Other moves: OUTSPEND 11F 72, UNPOSTED 11C 72, UNPOSTED G3 70, UNSOAPED 10D 65, UNSOAPED C4 65
POUNDERS B2 30 inday1
POSTED 11E 18 paulineasb
POD G13 17 tonikay

On 4th draw, R(E)BRAND 13G 26 --- REBRAND to change a product's brand name or image [v]
Other moves: BRAID(E)R 13C 24, BRAIN(E)D 13C 24, BRAIRDS 14B 24, BRAND(E)R 13C 24, BRIARDS 14B 24
BRANK E4 22 paulineasb
BAN C1 18 tonikay
BURN 4A 18 inday1

On 5th draw, NEXT C1 46 --- NEXT coming immediately after; adjoining [adj] --- NEXT the person or thing that comes immediately after [n]
Other moves: NIX C1 42, TEX C1 42, TIX C1 42, EX C2 40, JINXES 14C 38
NIX C1 42 inday1
JINX L11 36 tonikay
JEAN 10F 27 paulineasb

On 6th draw, DYER D2 41 --- DYER one that dyes [n]
Other moves: EYED D2 40, NYED D2 40, TYED D2 40, DYE D2 39, EYEN D2 38
TRENDY L10 28 paulineasb

On 7th draw, FROZEN L8 44 --- FREEZE to turn into a solid by lowering the temperature, pa p FROZEN [v] --- FROZEN very cold [adj]
Other moves: FRIZES 14C 40, ZO A1 40, FOZIER F4 38, FOZIER J8 38, FORZE J11 37
ZO A1 40 Stranger
ZO 12K 37 tonikay
ZEA 10F 32 paulineasb

On 8th draw, DOC A1 41 --- DOC a doctor [n]
Other moves: COD A1 40, GOD A1 37, COZIED 11J 36, COZED 11J 34, COZIE 11J 32
DOC A1 41 Stranger
COZED 11J 34 paulineasb
DOZE 11J 28 tonikay
FEUD 8L 24 inday1

On 9th draw, RELATION 5D 82 --- RELATION a significant association between two or more things [n]
Other moves: ELATION K4 73, TONALITE 11B 66, TONALITE G2 64, TAILERON J8 62, TOTALIZE 11F 34
LOZEN 11J 28 Stranger
LAZE 11J 26 paulineasb
LAZO 11J 26 inday1
OLDEN M11 19 tonikay

On 10th draw, W(E)IGHAGE 10C 71 --- WEIGHAGE the rate paid for weighing of goods [n]
Other moves: WEIGHAG(E) 10C 69, WIGHT H1 48, WIGHT(S) H1 48, W(I)GHT H1 45, WEIGH 6J 43
H(O)WE 6J 31 Stranger
H(U)GE 6J 29 JennyB
F(L)EW 8L 27 paulineasb
H(A) M10 19 tonikay

On 11th draw, LAZIES 11J 32 --- LAZY to move or lie sluggishly [v]
Other tops: AIZLES 11J 32
Other moves: AIZLE 11J 30, LAZES 11J 30, SIZEL 11J 30, LAZE 11J 28, SIZE 11J 28
LAZES 11J 30 Stranger
LAZE 11J 28 inday1
FUEL 8L 21 paulineasb
AISLE N11 20 JennyB
LEIS L2 17 tonikay

On 12th draw, ASPINE O10 33 --- ASPINE the trembling poplar [n]
Other moves: ANOPSIA O7 30, INAPT H1 30, INEPT H1 30, PAESANI O8 30, PAESANO O8 30
SPAIN O11 30 JennyB
POISE O8 24 paulineasb
PAINT H1 24 inday1
PINES O7 21 tonikay

On 13th draw, FIVE 8L 30 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other moves: FILM 8L 27, FLIM 8L 27, MELT 6J 24, MEL 6J 23, MET 6J 23
FIVE 8L 30 paulineasb, inday1
MELT 6J 24 JennyB
VET 11B 12 tonikay

On 14th draw, YAM 6J 31 --- YAM a plant having an edible root [n]
Other tops: OYE 6I 31, YOM 6J 31
Other moves: YAE 6J 29, YEA 6J 29, MY 6J 28, OY 6I 28, YA 6J 28
YAM 4J 23 tonikay
QI M7 21 paulineasb, JennyB
MOVE N6 15 inday1

On 15th draw, QUILT H1 45 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other tops: QUIET H1 45
Other moves: QUELL F2 36, QUILL F2 36, QUILT F2 36, QUILT I3 34, EQUAL G2 24
QUILT H1 45 inday1
QUILT F2 36 JennyB
QUAT G3 23 paulineasb
QI M7 21 tonikay

On 16th draw, MEU N10 25 --- MEU the plant baldmoney [n]
Other moves: EMO 11C 22, MA 10N 20, ME N10 20, MOI 11D 20, MOO 11D 20
ME N10 20 reynaritz
GEM 7I 19 tonikay
MOVE N6 15 inday1
GIVE N6 12 paulineasb
BIG A8 8 JennyB

On 17th draw, TOIT 11E 20 --- TOIT to saunter [v]
Other tops: OTARIES 14B 20
Other moves: AERO 11B 18, EAR 9D 18, HEARER G10 18, HEARIE G10 18, TORAH 12D 18
WAITER C10 18 inday1
TARE 4J 17 reynaritz
WATER C10 16 JennyB
TEE 7I 13 tonikay
QAT 1H 12 paulineasb

On 18th draw, JATO 4J 38 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other moves: JAI 4J 36, JOULE F2 30, TAJES 14D 30, JEAT 12C 29, JIAO 12C 29
TAJ 4J 29 inday1
JA 4J 25 tonikay
JOE 11A 15 JennyB

On 19th draw, WAEFUL C10 24 --- WAEFUL woeful [adj]
Other moves: LUGE 3K 22, FAG 6E 21, FIG 6E 21, FULLAGE F2 21, ALEF 3L 20
LAG 3K 20 reynaritz
ELF 3L 18 inday1
QUALE 1H 15 paulineasb
FILE 15L 11 JennyB

On 20th draw, WOLVER 15A 48 --- WOLVER a hunter of wolves [n]
Other moves: WOLVE 15A 45, OWLIER 15A 30, WIG B12 30, W*G B12 30, REW 3K 28
WOLVER 15A 48 reynaritz
WOLVE 15A 45 inday1
WIG B12 30 tonikay
VILER 15A 27 JennyB
BOWER A8 13 paulineasb

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