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Game of October 23, 2011 at 16:41, 7 players
1. 557 pts jimbo
2. 489 pts jeff
3. 488 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeknst   H4    80    80   knesset
 2. aeegort   5E    32   112   grantee
 3. aahnstu   6J    34   146   haunts
 4. ?dfilmr   9B    69   215   midlifer
 5. aaehnsw   O4    48   263   washen
 6. adlorty   C8    74   337   dilatory
 7. eeilptv  14B    38   375   prieve
 8. eioqrsu   J9    51   426   squire
 9. aeooruz   4A    51   477   zooea
10. afijstx  15A    52   529   jays
11. cenoopw   A1    48   577   cooze
12. abdeinr   N8    80   657   bandier
13. acdflot  H12    49   706   fado
14. bcgintu   8A    32   738   budi
15. cilnovw   2A    34   772   ovonic
16. elotuwy  M13    30   802   yow
17. agiinru   L9    24   826   airing
18. egilmpt   M1    28   854   temping

Remaining tiles: lltux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5624 Filejimbo       2 17:45  -297  557     1.7026 jeff        3 13:25  -365  489 
  2.7026 Filejeff        3 13:25  -365  489            Group: intermediate
  3.6595 FileGLOBEMAN    3 13:10  -366  488     1.6595 GLOBEMAN    3 13:10  -366  488 
  4.6811 Filesunshine12  2 11:31  -501  353     2.6811 sunshine12  2 11:31  -501  353 
  5.6936 Filesusieq8182  1 11:29  -620  234     3.6936 susieq8182  1 11:29  -620  234 
  6.5016 Fileleobill     0  4:28  -773   81     4.6512 Kenpachi    0  1:24  -776   78 
  7.6512 FileKenpachi    0  1:24  -776   78            Group: novice
                                             1.5624 jimbo       2 17:45  -297  557 
                                             2.5016 leobill     0  4:28  -773   81 

On 1st draw, KNE(S)SET H4 80 --- KNESSET the Israeli parliament [n]
Other tops: KEEN(E)ST H4 80, KEN(N)ETS H4 80, KETEN(E)S H4 80, KET(E)NES H4 80, KET(O)NES H4 80, KE(E)NEST H4 80, KE(N)NETS H4 80, KNES(S)ET H4 80, K(E)ENEST H4 80, K(E)TENES H4 80, NETS(U)KE H7 80
Other moves: KEEN(E)ST H2 72, KEEN(E)ST H3 72, KEEN(E)ST H6 72, KEEN(E)ST H7 72, KEN(N)ETS H2 72
KEEN(E)ST H4 80 jimbo
KEENS H4 28 Kenpachi
KEEN H8 16 leobill

On 2nd draw, GRANTEE 5E 32 --- GRANTEE one to whom something is granted [n]
Other moves: GREEK 4D 20, KOTARE 4H 20, RETAKE 4D 20, TOERAG G6 20, KORAT 4H 18
GREEK 4D 20 jimbo
GOAT I3 17 Kenpachi
GATOR 10F 12 leobill

On 3rd draw, HAUNTS 6J 34 --- HAUNT to visit frequently [v]
Other tops: KANTHAS 4H 34
Other moves: HANSA 6J 33, HANTS 6J 33, HANTS L1 33, HASTA 6J 33, HAUNT 6J 33
HUNTS L1 33 Kenpachi
HAUNTS 11C 29 leobill, jimbo

On 4th draw, MIDL(I)FER 9B 69 --- MIDLIFER a middle-aged person [n]
Other moves: M(I)DLIFER 9B 68, REFILM(E)D 9G 68, R(E)FILMED 9B 68, DISF(O)RM O4 42, FR(E)MDS O1 42
SMIL(E)D O6 24 jimbo
SLIM(E)D O6 24 leobill

On 5th draw, WASHEN O4 48 --- WASH to cleanse by immersing in or applying a liquid [v]
Other tops: WASHES O1 48, WASHES O4 48
Other moves: WHAE 8A 46, HAWSES O1 39, HAWSES O3 39, SAWAHS O1 39, WHENAS O1 39
WASHES O1 48 jeff

On 6th draw, DILATORY C8 74 --- DILATORY tending to delay [adj]
Other moves: D(I)LATORY F8 65, ADROITLY C5 63, YO 10B 30, AY 10A 28, DATO 8A 28
YAD 8A 28 jeff
YA 8A 19 jimbo

On 7th draw, PRIEVE 14B 38 --- PRIEVE to prove [v]
Other moves: IVY 15A 27, VLY 15A 27, EDILE D8 26, PRIVET 14B 26, VITTLE 12A 26
PLY 15A 24 jimbo, jeff

On 8th draw, SQUIRE J9 51 --- SQUIRE to serve as a squire (an escort) [v]
Other tops: SQUIER J9 51
Other moves: RISQUE 15G 50, ROQUES 15G 50, SQUIER 15G 50, SQUIRE 15G 50, ROQUE 15G 44
ROQUES 15G 50 jeff
RISQUE 15G 50 jimbo

On 9th draw, ZOOEA 4A 51 --- ZOOEA the larval stage of crabs [n]
Other moves: ZAIRE 12H 48, ZETA 12A 46, ZED 8A 43, AZO 15G 38, RAZOO N8 38
ZAIRE 12H 48 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ZED 8A 43 jimbo, jeff

On 10th draw, JAYS 15A 52 --- JAY a corvine bird [n]
Other moves: AXIS 15G 51, XIS 15H 46, FAJITAS 11B 45, FAST H12 45, FIST H12 45
AXIS 15G 51 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, jeff
XIS 15H 46 jimbo
FIX 15G 44 susieq8182

On 11th draw, COOZE A1 48 --- COOZE (colloquial) Italian-American taboo slang word for the female genitals [n]
Other moves: POONCE 3B 36, POWN 3B 35, POWN 3C 35, PONCE 3B 34, PONCE 3C 34
COOZE A1 48 jeff
CODE 8A 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, susieq8182
NOW 15G 20 jimbo

On 12th draw, BANDIER N8 80 --- BANDY having crooked legs [adj]
Other moves: ENDBRAIN M5 64, ARDEB 15H 50, ABIDER 15G 49, BIDER 15H 44, ABIDE 15G 43
ABIDER 15G 49 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
BAD 15H 35 jimbo
NERD 15G 34 jeff

On 13th draw, FADO H12 49 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other moves: FOLD 15G 46, CODA H12 43, FADO 15H 41, CODA 15H 38, FAD 15H 38
FOLD 15G 46 jimbo, jeff, susieq8182, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 14th draw, BUDI 8A 32 --- BUDI an insulting term for an old woman (India) [n]
Other moves: BIONT B2 30, BUNCING M1 28, INCUT 3C 28, CUBING M2 26, BUNTING M1 24
BUDI 8A 32 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
BUG M13 22 jeff
CUTIN 12A 20 susieq8182
BUTT 12A 18 jimbo

On 15th draw, OVONIC 2A 34 --- OVONIC an electronic device [n]
Other moves: VIOL M9 28, WON 3C 28, WOOL B2 28, WOON B2 28, LOWN 3C 27
WON 3C 28 jeff
WON M13 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
COIL M9 24 susieq8182
OWL 2A 12 jimbo

On 16th draw, YOW M13 30 --- YOW to yowl [v]
Other tops: SUETY 8H 30, TOWNY M3 30, WETLY 12A 30, WEY M13 30, YEW M13 30
Other moves: WYTE 12A 28, LEWIS D11 27, OWE M8 27, YEW G13 27, LYE M12 26
YOW M13 30 sunshine12
WETLY 12A 30 susieq8182
WEY M13 30 jeff
TEW O13 22 jimbo

On 17th draw, AIRING L9 24 --- AIRING an exposure to the air [n]
Other moves: IRING L10 22, RUING L10 22, GARIS D11 21, NAG O13 21, AIRNING M1 20
NAG O13 21 jimbo, sunshine12, susieq8182, GLOBEMAN
IN K10 19 jeff

On 18th draw, TEMPING M1 28 --- TEMP to be employed as a temporary worker [v]
Other tops: EMPTING M1 28
Other moves: PLIM 4J 27, PIGMENT M1 26, GEMEL G11 25, GIMEL G11 25, MELTING M1 24
PETIT 12A 20 sunshine12
MITE 12A 18 jeff
PAIR 13G 17 susieq8182

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