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Game of October 24, 2011 at 01:00, 6 players
1. 643 pts soccer1313
2. 310 pts iwhist
3. 238 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdhimt   H8    32    32   match
 2. ?isstuy   I3    77   109   tissuey
 3. ?abdlsx   H1    73   182   flax
 4. adejnor  11E    40   222   dracone
 5. adehiln   K4    74   296   headline
 6. aaeegis   L3    30   326   siege
 7. abgiort  12J    33   359   orbita
 8. aeinopr   1D    62   421   pinafore
 9. efilrtv   M7    41   462   firelit
10. aegnorw   6B    72   534   wagoners
11. cdegnru   O8   158   692   ungraced
12. deooqst   H8    45   737   matchets
13. aeoopqz   5E    56   793   zep
14. abdimqy   4B    41   834   qaid
15. abefnou   2B    28   862   beano
16. filouuy  N12    27   889   toy
17. efilotu  15A    95   984   outflies
18. ijmouvw   G9    47  1031   jiao

Remaining tiles: kmuvvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6167 Filesoccer1313  4 14:08  -388  643     1.6167 soccer1313  4 14:08  -388  643 
  2.6473 Fileiwhist      1 16:35  -721  310     2.6473 iwhist      1 16:35  -721  310 
  3.5236 Filetonikay     0 11:33  -793  238     3.6083 ELCEE       1  1:13  -999   32 
  4.5115 Filenaneru      0  8:24  -858  173     4.6732 immy        0  1:58 -1011   20 
  5.6083 FileELCEE       1  1:13  -999   32            Group: novice
  6.6732 Fileimmy        0  1:58 -1011   20     1.5236 tonikay     0 11:33  -793  238 
                                             2.5115 naneru      0  8:24  -858  173 

On 1st draw, MATCH H8 32 --- MATCH to set in competition or opposition [v]
Other tops: MITCH H8 32
Other moves: DITCH H8 30, MACHI H4 30, MATCH H4 30, MICHT H4 30, MITCH H4 30
MATCH H8 32 soccer1313, ELCEE

On 2nd draw, TISSU(E)Y I3 77 --- TISSUEY resembling tissue [adj]
Other tops: TISSU(E)Y G3 77, (C)YTISUS 7B 77
Other moves: CIT(R)USSY 11H 74, TISSU(E)Y 7E 74, TISSU(E)Y 7F 74, (C)YTISUS 7D 74, (C)YTISUS I3 68
Y(E)TI I7 19 iwhist
(B)ITTY 10F 15 naneru
STU(D)Y I4 14 soccer1313

On 3rd draw, (F)LAX H1 73 --- FLAX the fibres of the plant linum [n]
Other moves: MATCHB(O)X H8 69, AX(E)D H1 45, AXIS(E)D 4G 42, SAX(E) H2 38, (A)XAL H1 38
(F)LAX H1 73 soccer1313
LAX H2 37 naneru

On 4th draw, DRACONE 11E 40 --- DRACONE a container used for transporting liquids by sea [n]
Other tops: JA G9 40
Other moves: HODJA 12H 32, HEJRA 12H 30, CAJON 11H 28, JARS 6F 27, JOES 6F 27
JA G9 40 soccer1313, iwhist
JARS 6F 27 naneru

On 5th draw, HEADLINE K4 74 --- HEADLINE to provide with a title [v]
Other moves: EXILIAN 4G 28, HIELAND 12H 28, AHED G6 27, HALED 12K 27, HALID 12K 27
HADE 12K 21 naneru
AH G2 21 iwhist
HAIL 12K 19 soccer1313

On 6th draw, SIEGE L3 30 --- SIEGE to attempt to capture or gain [v]
Other moves: GHEES 12G 29, SAIGA 12K 27, SIEGE 12K 27, AEGIS L1 26, AIGAS L1 26
SAGE L1 22 iwhist
SAGE L11 21 soccer1313
HAGS 4K 16 naneru

On 7th draw, ORBITA 12J 33 --- ORBITA the hollow in which the eyeball rests [n]
Other moves: ORBIT 12J 29, ARGOT 12J 27, ORGIA 12J 27, ARB 12J 25, ARIOT 12J 25
OBIT M6 23 soccer1313
RIOT 12K 21 naneru
BIT M2 20 iwhist

On 8th draw, PINA(F)ORE 1D 62 --- PINAFORE a child's apron [n]
Other moves: PATINE N10 28, PATRON N10 28, PATEN N10 26, PATER N10 26, PATIN N10 26
NIP M2 22 iwhist
OPERA O8 21 soccer1313, naneru
OP M3 20 immy

On 9th draw, FIRELIT M7 41 --- FIRELIT lighted by firelight [adj]
Other moves: FITTER N10 34, VITTLE N10 34, FAVEL O11 33, FAVER O11 33, FITTE N10 32
FAVER O11 33 soccer1313
FLITE 2B 30 tonikay
FIT 13M 26 iwhist
RAILE O11 15 naneru

On 10th draw, WAGONERS 6B 72 --- WAGONER one who drives a waggon [n]
Other moves: GNAWER O10 30, GREW G6 30, ANEW G6 29, AREW G6 29, WONGA 12A 29
WAGER O11 27 soccer1313
WREN 2B 20 iwhist
WAGE 2A 20 tonikay

On 11th draw, UNGRACED O8 158 --- GRACE to give beauty to [adj] --- UNGRACED not graced [adj]
Other moves: UNGRACED C2 84, UNCAGED O9 33, DURANCE O9 30, GRACED O10 30, UNCAGED C3 30
UNGRACED O8 108 soccer1313
CRUDE 12A 25 tonikay
ED 13I 8 iwhist

On 12th draw, MATCHETS H8 45 --- MATCHET a large heavy knife [n]
Other moves: DOETH 12D 25, SOOTE 2B 24, TOSED 7C 24, DOS 13I 23, EDS 13I 23
QATS 3G 23 iwhist
QAT 3G 22 soccer1313
MATCHED H8 15 tonikay

On 13th draw, ZEP 5E 56 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other tops: ZAP 5E 56
Other moves: AZO 5D 51, ZOOEA 12A 51, ZAP 5C 50, ZEA 5E 50, ZOA 5E 50
ZAP 5E 56 soccer1313
ZOA 5E 50 tonikay
QAT 14F 32 iwhist

On 14th draw, QAID 4B 41 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QAID M1 39, QI N6 39, QADI 10B 37, QAID 2B 35, BAY 4D 34
QAID M1 39 soccer1313
QAT 14F 32 iwhist
BAY 5A 18 tonikay

On 15th draw, BEANO 2B 28 --- BEANO a form of bingo [n]
Other moves: BEAU G9 27, FOEN M2 27, TEF N12 27, EF G8 26, ATONE N11 25
FAA G9 25 iwhist
FOB 7A 23 soccer1313
FAN 2C 12 tonikay

On 16th draw, TOY N12 27 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v]
Other tops: FITLY 14F 27, FOY 7A 27, FY N6 27
Other moves: AUF G11 24, LOY 7A 24, OY 7B 23, YO N14 23, FLY N5 22
YO 1A 19 soccer1313
WILY B6 10 tonikay

On 17th draw, OUTFLIES 15A 95 --- OUTFLY to surpass in speed of flight [v]
Other moves: FOULIE 12A 31, TUFOLI N2 30, FLITE 12A 27, FLOTE 12A 27, FLUTE 12A 27
OUTFLIES 15A 45 soccer1313
FLITE 12A 27 tonikay

On 18th draw, JIAO G9 47 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: MIAOW G9 44, JO 14A 31, JO 1A 31, JOW 7A 31, VIM M2 28
JO 14A 31 tonikay
VIM M2 28 soccer1313

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