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Game of October 24, 2011 at 02:30, 2 players
1. 259 pts Biddy
2. 46 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeikrsu   H4    82    82   kauries
 2. ?denpru   5E    90   172   uplander
 3. ?iijrtt  10B    29   201   jitters
 4. enoopst   D8    78   279   potstone
 5. aabinot   B8    32   311   abjoint
 6. aacgilo   A4    36   347   coala
 7. bdeeirw   F8    65   412   dweebier
 8. deefort  15C    36   448   ferreted
 9. aeilosu   J5    63   511   douleias
10. adgnorv  A12    33   544   goad
11. aaimnoz  14J    43   587   amazon
12. efghnov  15L    61   648   hone
13. aceqsuv   8J    48   696   lasque
14. ehntwxy   B4    63   759   hex
15. egiiilm  12H    22   781   mislie
16. ciilnrt   9L    23   804   tirl
17. fginvvy   4A    37   841   chivy
18. cfggnwy   I3    22   863   wyn

Remaining tiles: cfggnv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4916 FileBiddy       0 16:35  -604  259     1.6341 charmz      0  1:24  -817   46 
  2.6341 Filecharmz      0  1:24  -817   46            Group: not rated
                                             1.4916 Biddy       0 16:35  -604  259 

On 1st draw, KAURIES H4 82 --- KAURY a timber tree [n]
Other moves: KAURIES H2 74, KAURIES H3 74, KAURIES H6 74, KAURIES H7 74, KAURIES H8 74

On 2nd draw, UP(L)ANDER 5E 90 --- UPLANDER an inhabitant of an upland [n]
Other tops: UNDRAPE(D) 5D 90, UNDRAPE(S) 5D 90, UNPAR(T)ED 5E 90, UNPA(I)RED 5E 90, UNPRA(Y)ED 5D 90, UNREAP(E)D 5D 90, UNR(E)APED 5D 90, UN(D)RAPED 5D 90, UN(S)PARED 5D 90, UN(W)ARPED 5E 90
Other moves: INP(O)URED 8H 83, (S)PURNED G8 73, P(O)UNDER G9 72, DEPURAN(T) 5C 70, PENDU(L)AR 5B 70
PRUNE 7G 11 Biddy

On 3rd draw, JITT(E)RS 10B 29 --- JITTER to fidget [v]
Other moves: JIRD J2 28, JIRD(S) J2 28, JI(L)T 6B 28, JI(M)P F2 28, J(A)RP F2 28
JET 9G 19 Biddy

On 4th draw, POTSTONE D8 78 --- POTSTONE impure talc or steatite [n]
Other moves: TOPSTONE D6 76, POTSTONE D6 72, POTSTONE E8 70, POSTPONE F1 66, POSNET M3 29
SNOOP M5 22 Biddy

On 5th draw, ABJOINT B8 32 --- ABJOINT to cut off by forming a septum [v]
Other moves: JABOT B10 28, ANOPIA 8A 24, BANIA 4K 24, BATON 4K 24, JOINT B10 24
BANE 15A 18 Biddy

On 6th draw, COALA A4 36 --- COALA an Australian mammal [n]
Other moves: CALIGO 4A 31, COALA A5 31, ALOGIA A3 30, GOAL A12 30, AGILA A5 28
CRAIG L4 20 Biddy

On 7th draw, DW(E)EBIER F8 65 --- DWEEBY socially inept [adj]
Other tops: DWE(E)BIER F7 65
Other moves: DWEEBIER K2 64, DWEEBIER K3 64, BEDEW 4K 38, BEER A12 38, BIER A12 38
BREWED L4 26 Biddy

On 8th draw, FERRETED 15C 36 --- FERRET to search out by careful investigation [v]
Other moves: FETED 4K 31, DEER A12 30, DEET A12 30, DOER A12 30, FEERED 15C 30
REFED 15F 27 charmz

On 9th draw, DOULEIAS J5 63 --- DOULEIA veneration of saints and angels [n]
Other moves: ILEUS A11 27, LOUIE A11 27, LOUIS A11 27, LOUSE A11 27, AISLE M3 23
ALES M2 19 charmz

On 10th draw, GOAD A12 33 --- GOAD to drive animals with a goad (a pointed stick) [v]
Other moves: LADRON 8J 27, ANDRO K8 25, RADON K7 25, LARDON 8J 24, DONGA 4K 23
GOVERN K2 14 Biddy

On 11th draw, AMAZON 14J 43 --- AMAZON a tall, powerful woman [n]
Other moves: MIZ K11 38, MOZ K11 38, MOZ 4K 36, AMAZON 11J 34, AZAN 6A 33
AMAZE K1 16 Biddy

On 12th draw, HONE 15L 61 --- HONE to sharpen [v]
Other moves: GONE 15L 45, HONG O12 36, FOH K9 35, FOEHN 4K 33, FONE O12 33
HONE O12 33 Biddy

On 13th draw, LASQUE 8J 48 --- LASQUE a thin, flat diamond [n]
Other moves: CASQUE M3 47, ACE 13M 42, CASQUES 12H 42, CASQUE 12H 40, AQUAS 6A 36
AQUAS 11J 28 Biddy

On 14th draw, HEX B4 63 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: EX B5 52, WHEY B3 43, THEW B3 40, THEY B3 40, HEW B4 39
WAXY 11I 34 Biddy

On 15th draw, MISLIE 12H 22 --- MISLIE to lie in the wrong position [v]
Other moves: LIME C1 20, MEG 4K 20, MILE C1 20, MILER L1 20, GLEI C1 18

On 16th draw, TIRL 9L 23 --- TIRL to make a vibrating sound [v]
Other moves: CHIC 4A 22, TIN 9L 20, CHIN 4A 18, CHIT 4A 18, CITRINS L2 18
CHIN 4A 18 Biddy

On 17th draw, CHIVY 4A 37 --- CHIVY to chase about [v]
Other moves: CHIV 4A 24, IF 13H 22, FIL K10 21, FY 4D 21, GLIM K11 20

On 18th draw, WYN I3 22 --- WYN a rune denoting bliss [n]
Other moves: FRY L4 18, FURY N7 18, ICY 13F 18, WRY L4 18, CURF N7 17

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