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Game of October 24, 2011 at 19:00, 4 players
1. 683 pts PIThompson
2. 437 pts raggedy01
3. 132 pts soul735

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ahnprty   H8    34    34   harpy
 2. benoors   G9    81   115   booners
 3. ?adhlrt  11E    40   155   dioptral
 4. adfgnot  F10    36   191   fiat
 5. aelnost   7B    73   264   etalons
 6. aehlmvv   8A    50   314   ahem
 7. ?cderty   L5    78   392   directly
 8. egimnnt  15D    39   431   mensing
 9. adejlsv   6F    52   483   ja
10. aelnrsu   5H    68   551   launders
11. aeiotuv  14I    29   580   outvie
12. bdeinpt  O12    41   621   bide
13. adiklor   4C    82   703   kilorad
14. cgiopsz   O1    36   739   scops
15. aefgotv   6B    41   780   fag
16. eiinouw   L3    30   810   indirectly
17. eioquwx  13A    46   856   quixote
18. eeegiot  12B    31   887   goe
19. eeiituv   H1    24   911   uveal
20. eiitwwz   8K    51   962   weize

Remaining tiles: eiitw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7698 FilePIThompson  8 18:42  -279  683     1.7698 PIThompson  8 18:42  -279  683 
  2.6184 Fileraggedy01   0 19:51  -525  437     2.7272 soul735     1  3:36  -830  132 
  3.7272 Filesoul735     1  3:36  -830  132     3.7018 jeff        0  2:05  -911   51 
  4.7018 Filejeff        0  2:05  -911   51            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6184 raggedy01   0 19:51  -525  437 

On 1st draw, HARPY H8 34 --- HARPY a shrewish person [n]
Other tops: HARPY H4 34
Other moves: PANTRY H7 30, PANTRY H4 28, PANTY H8 28, PARTY H8 28, PRATY H8 28
HARPY H8 34 PIThompson
PANTRY H7 30 raggedy01
PANTRY H4 28 soul735
PARTY H8 28 jeff

On 2nd draw, BOONERS G9 81 --- BOONER a young working class person from Canberra [n]
Other moves: BOONERS 7B 75, BOONERS G2 66, BOONER G9 30, BOONS G9 29, BOON G9 27
BOONERS 7B 75 raggedy01
BOONERS G9 31 PIThompson
BOONS G9 29 soul735
NOBS 7E 23 jeff

On 3rd draw, D(I)OPTRAL 11E 40 --- DIOPTER a measure of refractive power [adj] --- DIOPTRAL pertaining to diopter [adj]
Other moves: HADST 15D 39, HALS(E)D 15D 39, HARSL(E)T 15D 39, HAT(E)D I9 39, LATH(E)RS 15A 39
HADST 15D 39 soul735
THRAS(H) 15C 36 PIThompson

On 4th draw, F(I)AT F10 36 --- FIAT an authoritative order [n] --- FIAT to sanction [v]
Other tops: FANTODS 15A 36, F*TS* 15D 36
Other moves: GANOF 12K 33, D(I)OTA F10 31, FANGO 12A 29, FONDA 12A 29, AG(I)O F9 27
FANTODS 15A 36 soul735
F(I)AT F10 36 PIThompson
GONAD I5 23 raggedy01

On 5th draw, ETALONS 7B 73 --- ETALON a device used to measure wave length [n]
Other tops: TOLANES 7B 73
Other moves: TOLANES I3 71, SALET I7 25, ASTONES 15A 24, ASTONES 15F 24, ETALONS 15A 24
ASTONES 15F 24 raggedy01, PIThompson

On 6th draw, AHEM 8A 50 --- AHEM used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: HAEM 8A 47, HEMAL 6B 45, HAME 6B 38, LEAM 8A 38, AHEM 6A 36
HAEM 8A 47 PIThompson

On 7th draw, D(I)RECTLY L5 78 --- DIRECT straightforward [adv] --- DIRECTLY in a direct manner [adv]
Other moves: CYT(A)SE 15C 42, C(L)YSTER 15D 42, SCRE(W)Y 15G 42, SC(A)REY 15G 42, R(A)YED 6B 41
STE(A)DY 15G 39 PIThompson

On 8th draw, MENSING 15D 39 --- MENSE to do honour to [v]
Other moves: STEMING 15G 33, TEMSING 15D 33, GEM 6D 30, IND(I)RECTLY L3 30, STIGME 15G 30
MENSING 15D 39 PIThompson
NESTING 15E 24 raggedy01

On 9th draw, JA 6F 52 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JADE 6D 39, JAVEL K2 37, JEHADS B6 37, JEELS 8K 36, JEHAD B6 36
JA 6F 52 PIThompson
JA(I)LED 6J 31 raggedy01

On 10th draw, LAUNDERS 5H 68 --- LAUNDER to wash clothes [v]
Other moves: ARET I8 23, ERAS 6A 22, ALURES 14J 21, LASER K4 21, RAN 6B 21
ERAS 6A 22 PIThompson
ALES M12 13 raggedy01

On 11th draw, OUTVIE 14I 29 --- OUTVIE to surpass in a competition [v]
Other moves: OAVES O1 27, SATIVE O5 27, SOVIET O5 27, UVEAL H1 27, UVEAS O1 27
VOTES O1 27 PIThompson

On 12th draw, BIDE O12 41 --- BIDE to wait [v]
Other moves: BESPIT O3 33, DIEBS O1 33, BENDS O1 30, BINDS O1 30, IND(I)RECTLY L3 30
BIDE O12 41 PIThompson
SPINED O5 27 raggedy01

On 13th draw, KILORAD 4C 82 --- KILORAD a unit of nuclear radiation [n]
Other moves: DARKS O1 45, DIRKS O1 45, DORKS O1 45, LAIKS O1 42, LARKS O1 42
DARKS O1 45 raggedy01, PIThompson

On 14th draw, SCOPS O1 36 --- SCOP an Old English poet [n]
Other tops: SP*CS O1 36
Other moves: COZIES M1 35, COZES M2 33, PISCOS O3 33, PIZES M2 33, COZIE M1 32
SP*CS O1 36 PIThompson
POCK C1 24 raggedy01

On 15th draw, FAG 6B 41 --- FAG to make weary by hard work [v]
Other moves: FAT 6B 39, FA 6B 33, EF 6A 30, OF 6A 30, FOVEA 14A 28
FAG 6B 41 PIThompson
FAKE C2 22 raggedy01

On 16th draw, IND(I)RECTLY L3 30 --- INDIRECTLY [adv]
Other moves: WIENIE 8J 27, NEWIE 8K 24, ENOW 14B 23, WINK C1 22, WONK C1 22
WOK C2 20 PIThompson
WINO 14A 18 raggedy01

On 17th draw, QUIXOTE 13A 46 --- QUIXOTE a quixotic person [n]
Other moves: EQUAL H1 42, QUIM D12 30, QUITE 13C 28, QUOTE 13C 28, OXIM D12 26
QUIM D12 30 PIThompson
EX M7 22 raggedy01

On 18th draw, GOE 12B 31 --- GOE to go [v]
Other moves: GO 12C 27, OXIM D12 26, OE 12C 24, TE 12C 24, TO 12C 24
GO 12C 27 PIThompson
GEEK C1 18 raggedy01

On 19th draw, UVEAL H1 24 --- UVEA a layer of the eye [adj] --- UVEAL resembling a uvae [adj]
Other tops: VITAL H1 24
Other moves: IT 14A 23, EVET 8L 21, EVE 13I 20, TET I9 17, TEEK C1 16
VITAL H1 24 PIThompson
VIES 1L 11 raggedy01

On 20th draw, WEIZE 8K 51 --- WEIZE to guide in a certain direction [v]
Other moves: ZEK C2 32, WIZ 3K 30, WIZ M13 30, ZIT M1 28, ZEE 3F 27
ZEK C2 32 PIThompson
WIZ 3K 30 raggedy01

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