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Game of October 24, 2011 at 22:02, 5 players
1. 571 pts musdrive
2. 510 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 376 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adhiorr   H4    28    28   hairdo
 2. eefflst  10D    30    58   teffs
 3. aeenotx  11D    45   103   axe
 4. ?aaesuu  12D    25   128   sou
 5. abenstv   5E    40   168   savante
 6. aegioor   4A    22   190   goorie
 7. ?abnouv   3C    29   219   bunko
 8. eelmort   K4    70   289   telomere
 9. aglnopu   8K    27   316   munga
10. aeirtyz   A3    57   373   agryze
11. adeiilo   9A    31   404   dale
12. aiiknos   L1    43   447   kinas
13. cdeiltw   1I    42   489   tickled
14. ahinptw   B8    32   521   taniwha
15. bceinpr  A13    30   551   cep
16. bdegiot   J9    25   576   bodgie
17. eiilpvy  L11    37   613   veily
18. aiimoot  C13    25   638   ita
19. imnoprw  15H    50   688   wormy
20. ijopqru   N1    32   720   equip

Remaining tiles: jnor

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7296 Filemusdrive    6 20:34  -149  571     1.7296 musdrive    6 20:34  -149  571 
  2.6388 FileGrace_Tjie  2 16:43  -210  510            Group: intermediate
  3.5220 Filetonikay     0 20:44  -344  376     1.6388 Grace_Tjie  2 16:43  -210  510 
  4.4416 FileDbuggle     0 17:06  -345  375            Group: novice
  5.5576 Filejimbo       1  2:58  -644   76     1.5220 tonikay     0 20:44  -344  376 
                                             2.5576 jimbo       1  2:58  -644   76 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4416 Dbuggle     0 17:06  -345  375 

On 1st draw, HAIRDO H4 28 --- HAIRDO a style of wearing the hair [n]
Other tops: HORRID H4 28
Other moves: HOARD H4 26, HAIRDO H8 24, HORRID H7 24, HAIRDO H3 22, HAIRDO H7 22
HORRID H4 28 musdrive
HAIRDO H4 28 jimbo
HOARD H4 26 Grace_Tjie, Dbuggle, tonikay

On 2nd draw, TEFFS 10D 30 --- TEFF a cereal grass [n]
Other moves: *FFS 10E 29, FLEETS G5 27, LEFTS 10D 27, *FFS I8 26, EFTS 10E 26
FEST 10F 26 jimbo, tonikay, musdrive
HEFTS 4H 22 Grace_Tjie
TOFFEES 9G 19 Dbuggle

On 3rd draw, AXE 11D 45 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: NOX 11C 40, TAX 11C 40, TEX 11C 40, AX 11D 38, EX 11D 38
AXE 11D 45 musdrive
NOX 11C 40 Grace_Tjie
TAX 11C 40 tonikay
NEXT E9 22 Dbuggle, jimbo

On 4th draw, S(O)U 12D 25 --- SOU a former French coin [n]
Other moves: A(L)FS G8 21, E(L)FS G8 21, A(N)SAE G4 19, SAU(B)A C11 19, SAU(C)E C11 19
S(O) 12D 17 musdrive, Grace_Tjie
HEA(T)S 4H 14 Dbuggle
SA(Y) 12B 8 tonikay

On 5th draw, SAVANTE 5E 40 --- SAVANTE a woman of great learning [n]
Other moves: HAVENS 4H 24, SHAVEN 4G 24, BASTE I3 23, BEATHS 4D 22, HAVEN 4H 22
SHAVEN 4G 24 Grace_Tjie
HAVENS 4H 24 musdrive
HAVES 4H 22 Dbuggle
VENT I3 20 tonikay

On 6th draw, GOORIE 4A 22 --- GOORIE (New Zealand) a mongrel, an extinct native dog [n]
Other moves: GOORIE 6A 17, RIG 6D 17, ORGIA 4A 16, ORGIA 4B 16, ORGIA 4K 16
RIG 6D 17 Grace_Tjie, musdrive
GREAT J1 8 Dbuggle

On 7th draw, BUN(K)O 3C 29 --- BUNKO to swindle [v]
Other tops: BAN(T)U 3C 29, BON(Z)A 3C 29, BUN(Y)A 3C 29, UNBA(G) 3A 29, UNBA(N) 3A 29, UNBO(X) 3A 29, U(N)BAN 3A 29
Other moves: BONU(S) L1 28, BOUN(S) L1 28, BUNA(S) L1 28, ABOU(T) 3A 27, ABO(O)N 3A 27
OBA(S) 3B 24 musdrive
BOA(S) 3B 22 tonikay
BANG A1 21 Dbuggle
B(I)NGO A1 21 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, TELOMERE K4 70 --- TELOMERE the natural end of a chromosome [n]
Other moves: GOMEREL A4 30, GEMOTE A4 27, GROMET A4 27, EMOTER 4J 24, GEMEL A4 24
MERGE A1 24 musdrive
MOREL 4K 20 Grace_Tjie
GREET A4 18 tonikay
MEET J2 12 Dbuggle

On 9th draw, MUNGA 8K 27 --- MUNGA (New Zealand) an army canteen [n]
Other tops: MANGO 8K 27, MOGUL 8K 27, MULGA 8K 27, MUNGO 8K 27
Other moves: GALOP A4 24, GAPO J7 24, GLOP 2A 24, GUANGO A4 24, MANUL 8K 24
MANGO 8K 27 Grace_Tjie, musdrive
PONG A1 21 Dbuggle
GAP J7 17 tonikay

On 10th draw, AGRYZE A3 57 --- AGRYZE to terrify [v]
Other moves: ZATI L1 50, ZETA L1 50, ZITE L1 50, AGRIZE A3 48, GAZIER A4 48
ZITE L1 50 musdrive
GAZY N8 37 Grace_Tjie
RITZY 10K 37 Dbuggle
ZA L3 26 tonikay

On 11th draw, DALE 9A 31 --- DALE a valley [n]
Other tops: DALI 9A 31, DELI 9A 31, DOLE 9A 31
Other moves: DAE 9A 26, DAL 9A 26, DEI 9A 26, DEL 9A 26, DIE 9A 26
EA B6 22 musdrive, Grace_Tjie
OLD B7 17 tonikay
TOLD 4K 10 Dbuggle

On 12th draw, KINAS L1 43 --- KINA cinchona bark from which quinine is derived [n]
Other tops: KINOS L1 43
Other moves: NKOSI L2 35, KAIS L2 31, KOAS L2 31, KOIS L2 31, NKOSI 12H 31
KINO L1 30 Grace_Tjie
AKIN 8C 29 musdrive
SKIN 12K 27 tonikay
STINK 4J 20 Dbuggle

On 13th draw, TICKLED 1I 42 --- TICKLE to touch lightly so as to produce a tingling sensation [v]
Other moves: DETICK 1G 39, CLEIK 1H 33, KEWL 1L 33, CLIED 2J 28, INDWELT M7 28
TICKLED 1I 42 musdrive
KILT 1L 24 Dbuggle, tonikay, Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, TANIWHA B8 32 --- TANIWHA a Maori monster [n]
Other moves: WRATH 10J 27, HAP 2B 26, HATPIN J9 26, WAP 2B 26, ATAP B7 25
HAP 2B 26 musdrive
HA 2N 23 Grace_Tjie
HAIN 2G 20 tonikay
PAINT O7 7 Dbuggle

On 15th draw, CEP A13 30 --- CEP a large mushroom [n]
Other moves: BIPED 8D 23, LERP 6K 22, PRINCE 10J 22, BREID 8D 21, INCITE J1 19
BIPED 8D 23 musdrive
PRINCE 10J 22 Dbuggle
IRE C13 18 Grace_Tjie
BE A14 16 tonikay

On 16th draw, BODGIE J9 25 --- BODGIE a male cult figure of the 1950s [n] --- BODGIE useless or fraudulent [adj]
Other moves: INGOTED M7 24, ET C13 23, IT C13 23, BIDED 8D 22, BODED 8D 22
ET C13 23 tonikay
GOB 2B 22 Grace_Tjie
DOB 2B 22 musdrive
BOGGED N6 19 Dbuggle

On 17th draw, VEILY L11 37 --- VEILY like a veil [adj]
Other moves: LEVY 6K 28, VLY L11 25, YELP L11 25, YIPE L11 25, EVIL L10 24
YE M3 23 musdrive
YEP L11 23 Grace_Tjie
CHE 13A 16 tonikay
GIVE N8 16 Dbuggle

On 18th draw, ITA C13 25 --- ITA the miriti palm [n]
Other moves: AT C13 23, IT C13 23, LOAM M1 23, LOOM M1 23, MOA M12 20
MOI M12 20 musdrive
MOA M12 20 Grace_Tjie
LIMA 14L 12 Dbuggle

On 19th draw, WORMY 15H 50 --- WORMY infested with worms [adj]
Other moves: PORNY 15H 41, YOMP 15L 33, MINOR 15F 32, YORP 15L 27, MIR 15H 26
WORMY 15H 50 musdrive, Grace_Tjie
GOWN N8 16 Dbuggle
WO 2H 7 tonikay

On 20th draw, EQUIP N1 32 --- EQUIP to provide with whatever is needed [v]
Other moves: JIG N6 27, JOG N6 27, JUG N6 27, JIN I3 23, JO 2B 23
EQUIP N1 32 musdrive
JOG N6 27 Grace_Tjie
JUG N6 27 Dbuggle
JO 2B 23 tonikay

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