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Game of October 24, 2011 at 23:34, 4 players
1. 576 pts musdrive
2. 528 pts rn.roselle
3. 490 pts TwoFold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdnoru   H4    76    76   caudron
 2. ?aaglrw   5D    94   170   warragal
 3. beegpst   L1    36   206   beeps
 4. aemnptu   G9    76   282   putamen
 5. aadiimn  H12    46   328   mana
 6. adhinrt   D1    90   418   handwrit
 7. eeinors   1A   149   567   nosherie
 8. ?eeillo   A1    74   641   nielloed
 9. afgiiot  F10    37   678   fig
10. aeisstv   7H    67   745   distaves
11. egnortu   O7    80   825   sturgeon
12. afikoty  E11    45   870   kofta
13. beetwxy   M1    53   923   yex
14. bdelqtu   1J    60   983   qubyte
15. bceilor   B6    82  1065   bricole
16. diovwyz  A12    62  1127   dozy
17. dhiijov  N13    31  1158   jo
18. dhiiivw   6J    30  1188   hi

Remaining tiles: diivw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7303 Filemusdrive    4 17:33  -612  576     1.7303 musdrive    4 17:33  -612  576 
  2.6675 Filern.roselle  5 22:11  -660  528            Group: intermediate
  3.6682 FileTwoFold     1 17:40  -698  490     1.6675 rn.roselle  5 22:11  -660  528 
  4.4432 FileDbuggle     0  3:37  -990  198     2.6682 TwoFold     1 17:40  -698  490 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4432 Dbuggle     0  3:37  -990  198 

On 1st draw, CAUDRON H4 76 --- CAUDRON a caldron [n]
Other tops: CANDOUR H4 76
Other moves: CANDOUR H2 72, CANDOUR H3 72, CANDOUR H6 72, CANDOUR H7 72, CANDOUR H8 72
CANDOUR H4 26 musdrive, TwoFold
AROUND H7 18 Dbuggle
ROUND H4 14 rn.roselle

On 2nd draw, WAR(R)AGAL 5D 94 --- WARRAGAL warrigal [n]
Other tops: WA(R)RAGAL 5D 94
Other moves: WAR(R)AGAL 5B 72, WAR(R)AGAL 5G 72, WA(R)RAGAL 5B 72, WA(R)RAGAL 5G 72, WAR(R)AGUL 6B 71
WAG(E)R I9 24 musdrive
(S)WAG 11H 24 TwoFold, rn.roselle
CLAW(S) 4H 18 Dbuggle

On 3rd draw, BEEPS L1 36 --- BEEP to honk a horn [v]
Other moves: BEETS L1 32, BETES L1 32, GEEPS L1 32, BEEPS 11D 29, BEGETS 11C 29
BEEPS L1 36 rn.roselle, musdrive
BEEPS 11D 29 TwoFold
SWEEP D4 26 Dbuggle

On 4th draw, PUTAMEN G9 76 --- PUTAMEN the hard covering of the kernel of certain fruits [n]
Other tops: PUTAMEN I9 76
Other moves: UMPTEEN 2H 34, UNTAME 4A 34, PNEUMA 2J 32, PUMA 4A 32, BUMP 1L 30
UPBEAT 1J 30 musdrive, TwoFold
BEAM 1L 24 Dbuggle, rn.roselle

On 5th draw, MANA H12 46 --- MANA a supernatural force in certain Pacific island religions [n]
Other tops: MINA H12 46
Other moves: DAMAN F10 36, DIAMIN F7 35, AMID F9 34, DAMAN F8 34, NADA H12 34
MANA F10 31 TwoFold
DAM F12 29 rn.roselle
MAD F10 28 musdrive
MIND 15E 21 Dbuggle

On 6th draw, HANDWRIT D1 90 --- HANDWRIT written by hand [adj]
Other moves: ANTHERID 2H 78, DAH F12 40, NAH F12 38, RAH F12 38, DINAR F10 37
DAH F12 40 rn.roselle, musdrive
HAD F10 37 TwoFold
BIRD 1L 21 Dbuggle

On 7th draw, NOSHERIE 1A 149 --- NOSHERIE a cafe [n]
Other moves: INDORSEE 7F 62, ORDINEES 7F 62, RINSE F10 31, HENRIES 1D 30, HEROINE 1D 30
HEROINE 1D 30 rn.roselle
RESHINE 1A 30 musdrive, TwoFold
HORNS 1D 24 Dbuggle

On 8th draw, NIELLOE(D) A1 74 --- NIELLO to decorate with niello [v]
Other moves: EL(S)E F11 21, E(C)BOLE 1J 21, E(M)BOIL 1J 21, E(M)BOLI 1J 21, ILLE(R) 9A 21
(M)OBILE 1J 21 musdrive
LIBEL(S) 1J 21 rn.roselle
(S)OLE 9A 20 TwoFold
BILL 1L 18 Dbuggle

On 9th draw, FIG F10 37 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other tops: FAG F10 37
Other moves: FAT F10 35, FIT F10 35, GOAF F7 35, OAF F8 33, AFT B5 31
FIG F10 37 rn.roselle
FAG F10 37 musdrive
OFT B5 31 TwoFold
BOAT 1L 18 Dbuggle

On 10th draw, DISTAVES 7H 67 --- DISTAFF a type of staff [n]
Other moves: ASSENTIVE 14D 66, ASSET I9 33, MAVISES 13G 32, SEATS I10 29, AVISES C8 28
VETS I11 24 TwoFold
SIEVES 2J 22 rn.roselle
EVENTS 14E 19 musdrive
VIBES 1J 10 Dbuggle

On 11th draw, STURGEON O7 80 --- STURGEON an edible fish [n]
Other moves: STURGEON J7 63, TONGERS O1 30, TONGUES O1 30, GOER I10 27, GONER E11 27
TONGUES O1 30 TwoFold
STURGEON O7 30 musdrive
BONG 1L 21 rn.roselle

On 12th draw, KOFTA E11 45 --- KOFTA fried balls of meat or vegetables [n]
Other moves: KATION 14J 40, OKAY I9 39, FAKEY 3I 38, FOY E11 37, TOKAY E11 37
KA F14 36 musdrive, rn.roselle
YO 6J 30 TwoFold

On 13th draw, YEX M1 53 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: EXOGAMY 12C 40, TEX 8J 39, EX M2 38, EX 8K 36, EX C6 36
YEX M1 53 rn.roselle
YEX N13 35 musdrive
YE 6J 30 TwoFold

On 14th draw, QUBYTE 1J 60 --- QUBYTE a sequence of eight quantum bits [n]
Other moves: BYDE 1L 30, BLEED 2J 28, BYTE 1L 27, ABLUTED L7 26, BLED B6 26
QUBYTE 1J 60 musdrive
EL N1 18 rn.roselle

On 15th draw, BRICOLE B6 82 --- BRICOLE a cushion shot in billiards [n]
Other moves: ALBICORE L7 76, CEIBA 15A 36, BICORN 14J 32, BICRON 14J 32, COBIA 15A 30
COBRA 15A 30 TwoFold, musdrive
OBE B5 25 rn.roselle

On 16th draw, DOZY A12 62 --- DOZY drowsy [adj]
Other moves: DZO N12 44, TOWZY K7 40, WIZ N13 39, DOZY C12 37, ZO N13 37
ZO N13 37 rn.roselle
DOZE N4 34 musdrive
WIZ A12 28 TwoFold

On 17th draw, JO N13 31 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other tops: SHOJI J7 31
Other moves: HI 6J 30, HIOI C9 30, HO 6J 30, ZHO 14A 30, DIVI C10 28
JO N13 31 rn.roselle
HO 6J 30 TwoFold
HI 6J 30 musdrive

On 18th draw, HI 6J 30 --- HI used as a greeting [interj]
Other moves: WHID C12 29, DIVI C10 28, HI C9 22, HID 8J 21, IWI C11 21
HI 6J 30 TwoFold, rn.roselle, musdrive

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