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Game sheet of PIThompson (file), Game of October 25, 2011 at 10:52

Word find
Word played
1 ACELRRS             CARRELS H4 74 74  
2 ?AEIILU LEA(R) G5 12 -49 12 2/3 SILI(Q)UAE 10H 61 135 3/3
3 AEINOPS PAEONIES O4 39 -110 51 1/3   O8 149 284 3/3
4 ?GKLNRU (H)ULK 9F 24 -74 75 1/2 KNURLI(N)G K5 98 382 2/3
5 CEIOTYZ COZEY L1 53 -5 128 1/2 OYEZ L12 58 440 1/3
6 DEMOSTV DEMO M12 44   172 2/2 VETO M12   484 1/3
7 ACERSTU KNURLI(N)GS K5 19 -45 191 2/2 TRACEURS 6B 64 548 1/3
8 AEFLNOQ FOEN L4 24   215 1/2       572 1/3
9 DEHILTT HEID M3 32   247 2/2       604 1/3
10 ADDEIRS DEADS N1 34 -36 281 1/2 DISRATED B1 70 674 1/3
11 ABHIMNT MATH A7 40 -10 321 1/2 HITMAN A7 50 724 1/3
12 EIINOPT OPE A1 30   351 1/2       754 1/4
13 ABDGJOT JOG N2 34   385 2/3       788 1/4
14 AEGNRVW VAW O1 45   430 2/3       833 1/4
15 ADEIMTY TEARY C3 47 -6 477 2/3 MAYED B10 53 886 1/4
16 AEFNRUX EX C12 42   519 1/3       928 1/4
17 AFNOTUW FA K14 23 -5 542 1/3 OUTFAWN D2 28 956 1/4
18 ABGILOT BA K14 21 -44 563 1/2 OBLIGATO 2D 65 1021 1/4
19 BIINQRT BIN 3I 19 -1 582 1/2 AARTI 11A 20 1041 1/4

Total: 582/1041 or -459 for 55.90%
Rank: 7321

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