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Game of October 25, 2011 at 12:24, 3 players
1. 515 pts JennyB
2. 358 pts Stranger
3. 72 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ddeilrv   H4    26    26   vired
 2. aeglrsu   6H    65    91   regulars
 3. ahorttw   O1    39   130   thraws
 4. aeehory   5K    35   165   yah
 5. ?aeilnr   L4    86   251   ballerina
 6. ?deiiko   G7    72   323   hikoied
 7. adeosux  H12    50   373   doux
 8. efgimtw  13C    38   411   wifedom
 9. adelqru  12A    62   473   quale
10. eioppst   F1    67   540   potpies
11. acegiln   J4    74   614   cageling
12. aemnoru   M9    81   695   enamour
13. aeosttz  F10    64   759   zo
14. degnosy  15K    42   801   gyred
15. abeinos   1H    83   884   obeisant
16. beirstt  E11    30   914   befit
17. acejost  A12    39   953   qats
18. cenortv  K11    27   980   eco
19. fjnortt   2I    33  1013   oft

Remaining tiles: jnnrtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6020 FileJennyB      1 22:23  -498  515     1.7100 Stranger    1  9:35  -655  358 
  2.7100 FileStranger    1  9:35  -655  358            Group: intermediate
  3.5421 Fileginalee     0  3:22  -941   72     1.6020 JennyB      1 22:23  -498  515 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5421 ginalee     0  3:22  -941   72 

On 1st draw, VIRED H4 26 --- VIRE to transfer funds [v]
Other tops: VILDE H4 26
Other moves: DIVED H4 24, DIVED H8 24, DRIVEL H4 24, VILER H4 24, DEVIL H4 22
LIVED H8 22 ginalee
LIVED H4 20 JennyB

On 2nd draw, REGULARS 6H 65 --- REGULAR an habitual customer [n]
Other moves: REGULARS 6B 63, LEAGUERS 7C 62, LEAGUERS 7G 62, GLAIRES 5E 32, GRAILES 5E 32
VALUERS 4H 20 ginalee
GLARES 6E 11 JennyB

On 3rd draw, THRAWS O1 39 --- THRAW to twist [v]
Other tops: ROWTHS O1 39, THROWS O1 39, WHORTS O1 39, WORTHS O1 39, WRATHS O1 39
Other moves: HOSTA O4 36, SWARTH O6 36, SHROW O6 33, SOWTH O6 33, SWATH O6 33
WORTHS O1 39 JennyB
SHOW O6 30 ginalee

On 4th draw, YAH 5K 35 --- YAH an affirmative vote [n] --- YAH used as an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other tops: YEH 5K 35
Other moves: HOLEYER L4 34, HAYER G7 31, HOLEY L4 30, HOYA G7 30, RAYAH M3 30
HOY G7 29 JennyB

On 5th draw, (B)ALLERINA L4 86 --- BALLERINA [n]
Other moves: DAN(G)LIER 8H 77, DEARLIN(G) 8H 77, DRA(G)LINE 8H 77, RENAIL(E)D 8A 77, R(E)NAILED 8A 77
RELIN(E) G7 13 JennyB

On 6th draw, (H)IKOIED G7 72 --- HIKOI (Maori) to take part in a protest march, HIKOIS, HIKOIING, HIKOIED [v]
Other moves: O(A)KED K8 34, (B)OKED K8 34, (H)OKED K8 34, (P)OKED K8 34, (R)OKED K8 34
KID K10 29 Stranger
(S)OKE K10 25 JennyB

On 7th draw, DOUX H12 50 --- DOUX very sweet -- used of champagne [adj]
Other moves: DEXES I5 46, EXODUS K9 46, SEXED I5 46, EXED I6 43, AXED K9 42
SEXED I5 46 Stranger
SEX I5 37 JennyB

On 8th draw, WIFEDOM 13C 38 --- WIFEDOM the status or function of a wife [n]
Other moves: METIF K8 37, WEFTE 8K 33, METIF 8K 30, METIF K10 30, FEME I5 28
FEW I5 27 Stranger
FEW M10 21 JennyB

On 9th draw, QUALE 12A 62 --- QUALE a property considered apart from things having the property [n]
Other moves: QUAD 12A 59, EQUAL K9 47, QUAD K10 45, QUALE K10 45, QUARE K10 45
QUAD 12A 59 Stranger
QUARE K10 45 JennyB

On 10th draw, POTPIES F1 67 --- POTPIE a deep-dish pie containing meat and vegetables [n]
Other moves: P*P*SH 2J 38, P**PS 14A 35, POPSIE J10 35, EPOPTS K9 34, PEPS 14B 33
POISE J10 32 Stranger
POPS J10 31 JennyB

On 11th draw, CAGELING J4 74 --- CAGELING a caged bird [n]
Other moves: RELACING N6 67, PELAGIC 1F 45, CAPELIN 1D 42, CAPING 1D 42, GELCAP 1A 42
PLACING 1F 42 Stranger, JennyB

On 12th draw, ENAMOUR M9 81 --- ENAMOUR to inspire with love [v]
Other moves: MOPANE 1D 39, MANROPE 1A 36, MOPER 1D 36, REPOMAN 1D 36, PNEUMA 1F 30
PERM 1F 24 JennyB

On 13th draw, ZO F10 64 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZA F10 64
Other moves: TOPAZES 1D 57, TOPAZ 1D 51, SAZ N2 47, SEZ N2 47, SPAZ 1E 45
ZEROS 15K 45 JennyB, Stranger

On 14th draw, GYRED 15K 42 --- GYRE to move in a circle or spiral [v]
Other moves: DOPEY 1D 39, GYRES 15K 39, GYRON 15K 39, GYROS 15K 39, PODGY 1F 36
DOPEY 1D 39 Stranger
POSEY 1F 30 JennyB

On 15th draw, OBEISANT 1H 83 --- OBEISANT showing reverence or respect [adj]
Other moves: NIQABS A10 51, BANISH 2J 34, ABUNE 14K 31, SENOPIA 1B 30, BANES 14A 29
OBE 14A 16 JennyB

On 16th draw, BEFIT E11 30 --- BEFIT to be suitable for [v]
Other tops: BIRSE N11 30
Other moves: REBS 14B 29, BESTIR 2H 28, BESTIR N8 28, BEST 14B 27, BETS 14B 27
BETS 14B 27 JennyB

On 17th draw, QATS A12 39 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: TOECAP 1A 39
Other moves: COATIS 14A 33, ST*CT* 15A 33, AESC K10 31, COSTAE N8 28, JA 14J 28
QATS A12 39 Stranger
COAST 15A 24 JennyB

On 18th draw, ECO K11 27 --- ECO ecology [n]
Other moves: CORVET 3A 22, COVENT 3A 22, COVERT 3A 22, NEON N1 22, VECTOR 2B 22
CROP 4C 16 JennyB

On 19th draw, OFT 2I 33 --- OFT often [adv]
Other moves: OF 2I 30, EF F13 26, IF 14E 26, UFO 14M 25, FJORD O11 24
JOR 3M 20 JennyB

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