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Game sheet of fatcat (file), Game of October 26, 2011 at 07:30

Word find
Word played
1 ?EFINRX             XER(A)FIN H4 98 98  
2 ?DEGGOW             W(A)GGONED 10C 71 169  
3 ADRSUUY             URSA 11F 28 197  
4 EEILMST             FISTMELE 8H 98 295  
5 EIIKORT             KORERO G9 27 322  
6 CEHOSUY CHOSE 14E 18 -41 18 3/3 HOUSEY 15D 59 381 3/3
7 EFILNRW WIFE C10 20 -10 38 3/3 REFIX 4D 30 411 3/3
8 AELSTTW REFIXES 4D 17 -48 55 2/3 WATTLESS J1 65 476 3/3
9 AAELRUZ LAZE N8 33 -24 88 2/3 WURZEL 1J 57 533 3/3
10 ADEEINO ZONED M1 30 -2 118 2/3 ZANIED M1 32 565 3/3
11 DIINOPV OVEN E2 14 -16 132 3/3 DOP C2 30 595 3/3
12 BCDINTY MINTY L8 20 -13 152 1/3 YOB 14F 33 628 3/3
13 AAIINOT FAINT F4 10 -10 162 2/3 RAITA L1 20 648 3/3
14 ADEMNOV MOVED L8 22 -8 184 1/4 MADE 5E 30 678 3/4
15 AEINNOP PAD 2A 12 -18 196 4/4 NEP 6D 30 708 3/4
16 AEIOOTV MOTIVE L8 22   218 1/4       730 3/4
17 ACILNOQ QI B1 28   246 1/4       758 3/4
18 ACGHLTU WATCH C10 26 -72 272 1/4 CLAUGHT A2 98 856 3/4
19 AINOORV RAVEN 13I 18 -6 290 2/4 VINER 13I 24 880 3/4
20 ABCJNOO JO 7C 19 -13 309 4/4 JOBE 12D 32 912 3/4
21 ACINNOO CON 13C 21 -4 330 2/4 ANCON 13A 25 937 3/4

Total: 330/937 or -607 for 35.21%
Rank: 6189

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