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Game of October 26, 2011 at 09:50, 5 players
1. 492 pts charmz
2. 399 pts annelhynz
3. 393 pts Cruiser

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deiitw   H4    26    26   wited
 2. deggiir   4H    24    50   wiggier
 3. ?dghinv   M1    34    84   inveigh
 4. abllnos   8A    92   176   slobland
 5. ?cekoov   E4   114   290   overlock
 6. aanrrty   B2    76   366   arrantly
 7. aeeiotx   1K    60   426   axite
 8. abdefno   D1    30   456   fand
 9. eelmnou   A1    35   491   oleum
10. aeinoru   2I    31   522   narine
11. eehirsy  12A    49   571   heresy
12. eeijpst   8K    38   609   piste
13. aeeersw  A11    33   642   whare
14. blmnoou   1F    26   668   ombu
15. cfijost   I6    33   701   ifs
16. acdeoot  14A    24   725   redcoat
17. eloptuz  15E    56   781   plotz
18. adjnoqu   6M    27   808   gju
19. adeinou   5J    32   840   oidia

Remaining tiles: einqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6352 Filecharmz      2 22:08  -348  492     1.6352 charmz      2 22:08  -348  492 
  2.6054 Fileannelhynz   1 15:24  -441  399     2.6054 annelhynz   1 15:24  -441  399 
  3.4636 FileCruiser     1 19:01  -447  393            Group: novice
  4.5363 Filemarigold    1  5:38  -712  128     1.5363 marigold    1  5:38  -712  128 
  5.5609 Filejimbo       1  2:33  -776   64     2.5609 jimbo       1  2:33  -776   64 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4636 Cruiser     1 19:01  -447  393 

On 1st draw, WITED H4 26 --- WITE to blame [v]
Other tops: TWI(N)ED H3 26, TWI(R)ED H3 26, WIDE(S)T H4 26, WID(D)IE H4 26, WID(G)ET H4 26, WID(G)IE H4 26, WIT(H)ED H4 26, WIT(T)ED H4 26, WI(D)DIE H4 26, WI(L)TED H4 26, WI(S)TED H4 26, WI(T)TED H4 26, W(A)ITED H4 26, W(H)ITED H4 26
Other moves: I(N)DEW H8 24, WEID(S) H4 24, WEI(R)D H4 24, WIDE(N) H4 24, WIDE(R) H4 24
WI(L)TED H4 26 Cruiser
W(A)ITED H4 26 jimbo
WEI(R)D H4 24 charmz
TWE(E)D H8 20 marigold

On 2nd draw, WIGGIER 4H 24 --- WIGGY crazy [adj]
Other tops: WIGGED 4H 24
Other moves: DIRIGE G5 22, DIRIGE I5 22, WIDGIE 4H 22, WIGGER 4H 22, DERIG G5 21
WIGGED 4H 24 charmz, marigold
DIGGER I7 21 jimbo
WIRED 4H 18 Cruiser

On 3rd draw, INVE(I)GH M1 34 --- INVEIGH to protest angrily [v]
Other tops: NEIGH(E)D M3 34, (I)NVEIGH M1 34
Other moves: GIR(S)H N2 32, GIR(T)H N2 32, HE(A)VING M3 32, HE(L)VING M3 32, HIV(I)NG G7 32
HE(A)VING M3 32 charmz
HED(G)ING M3 28 marigold
HING(E)D K1 20 Cruiser
R(A)VING N4 17 jimbo

On 4th draw, SLOBLAND 8A 92 --- SLOBLAND a mudflat [n]
Other moves: BALLONS G7 74, BONSELLA 7D 62, BASON 8K 38, ALBINO 1J 33, OBIAS 1K 30
SOB 8M 29 Cruiser, marigold, charmz
SAB 8M 29 annelhynz

On 5th draw, OVE(R)LOCK E4 114 --- OVERLOCK to oversew to prevent fraying [v]
Other tops: (L)OVELOCK E4 114
Other moves: CO(N)VOKES A1 110, LOVE(L)OCK B8 98, OVE(R)COOK C2 94, OVE(R)COOK C3 90, OVE(R)COOK C8 90
K(N)IVE 1K 33 charmz
(S)OV 8M 28 annelhynz
(L)ICK 1L 27 Cruiser
(S)ICK 1L 27 marigold

On 6th draw, ARRANTLY B2 76 --- ARRANT notorious [adv] --- ARRANTLY in an arrant manner [adv]
Other moves: YIRR 1L 33, RARITY 1J 30, RAINY 1K 27, ARTY D1 26, NARY D1 26
TRAY D1 26 charmz
YA(R)N 7C 25 annelhynz
TANGY K1 18 Cruiser

On 7th draw, AXITE 1K 60 --- AXITE a fiber of an axon [n]
Other moves: EXTINE 2I 58, AX I6 36, EX I6 36, OX I6 36, XI L1 36
EX I6 36 charmz
OX I6 36 annelhynz
NIX 2M 20 Cruiser

On 8th draw, FAND D1 30 --- FAND to try [v]
Other tops: FEND D1 30, FEOD D1 30, FOND D1 30
Other moves: FADO D1 28, BAND D1 26, BEAD D1 26, BEND D1 26, BOND D1 26
FAE A1 22 annelhynz
INVE(I)GHED M1 18 Cruiser
BE A1 14 charmz

On 9th draw, OLEUM A1 35 --- OLEUM a corrosive liquid [n] --- OLEUM oil [n]
Other moves: FOEMEN 1D 33, EMEU A1 30, FLEME 1D 30, FLUME 1D 30, NEEM C2 30
FLUME 1D 30 Cruiser
MEAN F6 25 annelhynz
ME A1 14 charmz

On 10th draw, NARINE 2I 31 --- NARINE relating to naris [adj] --- NARIS a nostril [adj]
Other tops: RANINE 2I 31
Other moves: RAINE 2J 29, URINE 2J 29, FAINER 1D 27, FORANE 1D 27, FURANE 1D 27
FINER 1D 24 charmz
REAN F6 13 annelhynz
GROIN K4 12 Cruiser

On 11th draw, HERESY 12A 49 --- HERESY a belief contrary to a church doctrine [n]
Other moves: ASHY F8 44, FISHY 1D 42, HYES F10 42, HEIRS 12A 41, HERES 12A 41
FISHY 1D 42 Cruiser
SHY 8M 41 charmz, annelhynz

On 12th draw, PISTE 8K 38 --- PISTE a downhill ski trail [n]
Other moves: JETE 1F 35, EEJITS L7 33, JEE 1G 32, JEE F2 30, JET F2 30
JEE 1G 32 charmz
SHEEP A11 30 Cruiser
SIP 8M 29 annelhynz

On 13th draw, WHARE A11 33 --- WHARE a house [n]
Other tops: FEWER 1D 33, SHREW A11 33, WHEAR A11 33, WHERE A11 33
Other moves: HAWS A12 30, HEWS A12 30, AWNERS G6 25, AWNER G6 24, EASER I6 24
SHREW A11 33 annelhynz
WHARE A11 33 charmz
SHEER A11 24 Cruiser

On 14th draw, OMBU 1F 26 --- OMBU a type of South American tree [n]
Other tops: UMBO 1F 26
Other moves: PLUMB K8 22, COULOMB 10E 21, BOLO 1F 20, LOBO 1F 20, MONO 1F 20
MOB F2 19 charmz
ROOM C12 12 annelhynz
BRO C11 10 Cruiser

On 15th draw, IFS I6 33 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other moves: ROJIS 14A 24, SIJO I8 24, MOITS G1 23, JORS C10 22, ROJI 14A 22
FORTS C10 16 charmz
JOE O6 10 Cruiser

On 16th draw, REDCOAT 14A 24 --- REDCOAT a British soldier during the American Revolution [n]
Other moves: OPCODE K7 22, PEACOD K8 22, REDACT 14A 22, ROATED 14A 22, ROOTED 14A 22
PACED K8 20 charmz
DO 2F 18 annelhynz
CRED C11 14 Cruiser

On 17th draw, PLOTZ 15E 56 --- PLOTZ to be overwhelmed by an emotion [v]
Other moves: TOUZLE 15F 49, TOUZE 15F 46, OUZEL 15G 44, TOZE 15F 43, L*Z 15F 40
TOZE 15F 43 annelhynz, charmz
OPT 15G 17 Cruiser

On 18th draw, GJU 6M 27 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: PUJA K8 26, TAJ N8 26, AQUA 2D 23, GJU K4 22, DA 2F 18
TAJ N8 26 annelhynz
POND K8 14 charmz
JAR C10 10 Cruiser

On 19th draw, OID(I)A 5J 32 --- OIDIUM a type of fungus [n]
Other moves: IN(I)A 5K 24, AIDE 2D 20, DEAN F6 19, JETON N6 19, JOTUN N6 19
DEAN F6 19 annelhynz
PAINED K8 18 charmz, Cruiser

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