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Game of October 26, 2011 at 12:50, 7 players
1. 537 pts Stranger
2. 500 pts churchill
3. 445 pts reynaritz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?finqrz   H8    52    52   fritz
 2. adehmsw  11E    52   104   swathed
 3. ?aalrwx  12J    50   154   earwax
 4. ddegouv  10J    38   192   vogued
 5. eilmnor   O8    39   231   index
 6. beinrty  12A    35   266   byrnie
 7. aeeoqsu   C8    50   316   square
 8. acfinot   8A    42   358   fascio
 9. ddilnos  14A    35   393   indols
10. aelorrt  15D    25   418   oater
11. bemnort  A10    36   454   mobbie
12. eknortu  M10    26   480   unwork
13. dehlorv  15J    45   525   holked
14. aiioptu  14K    27   552   parti
15. cemprtu   N2    90   642   crumpet
16. aegilot   B2    24   666   otalgia
17. aeilntv   L3    76   742   valeting
18. egijsty   4A    46   788   jasey

Remaining tiles: egintu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7095 FileStranger    5 12:06  -251  537     1.7095 Stranger    5 12:06  -251  537 
  2.6143 Filechurchill   1 21:54  -288  500            Group: intermediate
  3.6996 Filereynaritz   0 22:37  -343  445     1.6143 churchill   1 21:54  -288  500 
  4.5985 Filenaomiari    0 16:15  -366  422     2.6996 reynaritz   0 22:37  -343  445 
  5.4846 Filestrykyster  0 20:29  -440  348     3.6002 Hasni       1  5:40  -632  156 
  6.4946 Fileleobill     1 12:42  -479  309            Group: novice
  7.6002 FileHasni       1  5:40  -632  156     1.5985 naomiari    0 16:15  -366  422 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4846 strykyster  0 20:29  -440  348 
                                             2.4946 leobill     1 12:42  -479  309 

On 1st draw, FRI(T)Z H8 52 --- FRITZ a non functioning state, out of order [n]
Other tops: FRI(Z)Z H8 52
Other moves: Q(U)IZ H5 42, Q(U)IZ H6 42, Q(U)IZ H7 42, Q(U)IZ H8 42, FRIZ(E) H4 40
Q(U)IZ H6 42 Stranger
Q(U)IZ H5 42 naomiari, strykyster, reynaritz
F(A)QIR H4 40 churchill

On 2nd draw, SWA(T)HED 11E 52 --- SWATHE to wrap in bandages [v]
Other moves: DEAWS I10 28, DEAW I10 27, HEADS G7 26, DEASH I10 25, AHEM I12 24
(T)HAWED 11H 24 churchill
AWED I12 23 Stranger
SEAM I10 23 naomiari
WHIMS 10F 23 strykyster

On 3rd draw, (E)ARWAX 12J 50 --- EARWAX a waxy secretion of the ear [n]
Other moves: LAR(N)AX 12J 45, WAX(E)R 10J 40, R(E)WAX 10J 38, WAX 10J 37, WAX(Y) 10J 37
WAX(E)R 10J 40 reynaritz
ZAX 12H 33 naomiari, strykyster, Hasni
REWAX J10 33 churchill
H(O)X I11 30 Stranger

On 4th draw, VOGUED 10J 38 --- VOGUE to imitate poses of fashion models [v]
Other moves: VOGUE 10J 36, VOUGE 10J 36, VOE 10J 31, DOVED 10J 29, GOADED N10 26
GEO 13K 25 Stranger
VOWED M10 24 churchill
WOVE M12 20 strykyster
DO 11N 15 naomiari
VE(E) J10 13 reynaritz

On 5th draw, INDEX O8 39 --- INDEX a type of reference guide at the end of a book [n] --- INDEX to provide with an index [v]
Other tops: MINORED O4 39, REDOX O8 39
Other moves: LIMNED O5 27, MELOID O5 27, MILORD O5 27, MOILED O5 27, MONIED O5 27
INDEX O8 39 Stranger
REDOX O8 39 Hasni, churchill
MINED O6 24 reynaritz
MILD O7 21 leobill
WORM M12 18 strykyster

On 6th draw, BYRNIE 12A 35 --- BYRNIE an armored shirt [n]
Other moves: BREYING L4 28, EBAYER N10 26, YRENT 12A 26, BYTE 12C 25, INBYE I5 25
BYTE 12C 25 Stranger
BRENT 12A 22 reynaritz
WIRY M12 20 leobill
BRINY I4 19 naomiari
WYE M12 18 strykyster
WEB M12 16 churchill

On 7th draw, SQUARE C8 50 --- SQUARE having four equal sides and four right angles; rigidly conventional [adj] --- SQUARE rigidly conventional [adj] --- SQUARE to make square [v] --- SQUARE to make equal all over [v]
Other moves: QUARE C9 48, SQUAB A8 48, QUA N6 34, QUAERES C8 34, QUAERE C8 32
SQUARE C8 50 leobill, Stranger
SQUAB A8 48 churchill
QUEERS C8 32 reynaritz
SQ**W M8 27 naomiari
AQUA N12 26 Hasni

On 8th draw, FASCIO 8A 42 --- FASCIO an organized political group [n]
Other moves: CONFAB A7 39, FASCI 8A 39, FISC 8A 36, ANTIFOG L4 30, BAFT A12 27
BAFT A12 27 Stranger, churchill, strykyster
FAST 8A 24 naomiari, leobill
FOIN D7 24 reynaritz
FIST 8A 24 Hasni

On 9th draw, INDOLS 14A 35 --- INDOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: IDOLS 14B 33, DIDOS 14A 31, DIDO 14A 29, DILDOS 14C 29, DODS 14A 29
SLID 14C 25 churchill
DOS 14A 24 naomiari
DIS 14A 24 reynaritz
BIDS A12 21 Stranger
BIND A12 21 leobill
BOIL A12 18 strykyster

On 10th draw, OATER 15D 25 --- OATER a cowboy movie [n]
Other tops: RATEL 15D 25, RATER 15D 25, ROTAL 15D 25
Other moves: ALBEIT A10 24, REBAIT A10 24, REBOIL A10 24, OUTWEAR M9 22, ABOIL A11 21
RATER 15D 25 Stranger
REBAIT A10 24 churchill
BAIT A12 18 leobill
BRIT A12 18 naomiari
OATER 15F 17 reynaritz
TO 15A 14 strykyster

On 11th draw, MOBBIE A10 36 --- MOBBIE a frothy beverage [n]
Other moves: ROBBIN A10 30, BRIM A12 24, EM 13M 22, OB 13M 22, OM 13M 22
BRIM A12 24 Stranger, leobill, churchill, reynaritz
EM 13M 22 naomiari
ON 13M 16 strykyster

On 12th draw, UNWORK M10 26 --- UNWORK to undo [v]
Other moves: WOKE M12 22, WONK M12 22, WORK M12 22, UNKET 14H 21, UNKET N4 21
UNWORK M10 26 Stranger
WOKE M12 22 naomiari, leobill, churchill
WOK M12 20 strykyster
KO 7F 13 reynaritz

On 13th draw, HOLKED 15J 45 --- HOLK to howk [v]
Other moves: HOKED 15K 42, OKEH 15L 36, VORRED 14J 36, ROKED 15K 33, KED 15M 24
HOLKED 15J 45 Stranger
HOKED 15K 42 reynaritz, churchill, naomiari, leobill
HOD N6 18 Hasni
INDEXED O8 16 strykyster

On 14th draw, PARTI 14K 27 --- PARTI a group of people [n]
Other moves: TARP 14K 24, PART 14K 22, ATOP 14H 21, ATOPIC D3 20, PA 10E 19
TARP 14K 24 Stranger
TAP 14I 18 reynaritz
TOPIC D4 18 churchill
POT 14I 16 Hasni, strykyster
PAT 14I 16 naomiari

On 15th draw, CRUMPET N2 90 --- CRUMPET a small cake cooked on a griddle [n]
Other moves: TEMPURA B2 26, CUMEC D4 22, METRIC E4 20, PERMIT E4 20, UREMIC E4 20
CUMEC D4 22 reynaritz
METIC E5 18 churchill
CUP N6 17 Stranger
PROM F6 14 leobill
ME I7 12 naomiari
FEMUR 8H 11 strykyster

On 16th draw, OTALGIA B2 24 --- OTALGIA pain in the ear [n]
Other moves: ALGETIC D2 20, CIG D8 20, OTALGIC D2 20, AGE M3 19, AGO M3 19
AGO M3 19 Stranger
GLIME 5K 16 reynaritz
GLUT 4L 12 leobill, naomiari
GLARE 3K 12 churchill
ORE 3M 6 strykyster

On 17th draw, VALETING L3 76 --- VALET to act as a personal servant to [v] --- VALETING the act of being a valet [n]
Other moves: AVENTAIL 4B 74, VIAE A1 31, VIAL A1 31, VALIANT 4A 28, ALINE A1 27
VIAL A1 31 naomiari, Stranger
VALIANT 4A 28 reynaritz
VALET 4A 24 churchill
VIOL F6 15 leobill
ANTE N12 6 strykyster

On 18th draw, JASEY 4A 46 --- JASEY a wig [n]
Other tops: STEY A1 46
Other moves: JASY 4A 44, JAYS 4A 44, JAGS 4A 40, JETS K4 39, JET K4 35
JAYS 4A 44 reynaritz, Stranger, strykyster
JAGS 4A 40 naomiari, churchill
JEE 6J 26 leobill

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