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Game of October 26, 2011 at 13:34, 7 players
1. 541 pts charmz
2. 473 pts soccer1313
3. 460 pts naomiari

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. celopry   H7    34    34   recopy
 2. ?deilst  11D    90   124   stippled
 3. abdeikx  10E    52   176   ax
 4. abcehir   E4    82   258   brachiate
 5. eirstuw  12A    40   298   writes
 6. ?adeino   4C    72   370   debonair
 7. deglott  A10    33   403   gowled
 8. alnortz   8A    54   457   azoth
 9. befiosv  10J    37   494   fives
10. aeefgru  12J    32   526   refuge
11. aelnnst   N3    60   586   stannels
12. eklootu   3I    42   628   ketols
13. aimmnpw   8K    45   673   immew
14. abeenou   K1    27   700   butene
15. ahoqrty   1K    42   742   bothy
16. ajopruu   7C    40   782   juco
17. aadinnv  13J    29   811   naan
18. agoprrv   9B    29   840   ag
19. aiiopqr   3B    28   868   qi
20. adioprv  14L    26   894   diva

Remaining tiles: ioprru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6365 Filecharmz      2 20:51  -353  541     1.7000 reynaritz   2 11:25  -658  236 
  2.6257 Filesoccer1313  2 16:50  -421  473            Group: intermediate
  3.5989 Filenaomiari    4 18:21  -434  460     1.6365 charmz      2 20:51  -353  541 
  4.6421 Filechurchill   0 21:18  -562  332     2.6257 soccer1313  2 16:50  -421  473 
  5.7000 Filereynaritz   2 11:25  -658  236     3.6421 churchill   0 21:18  -562  332 
  6.6006 FileHasni       0  1:55  -874   20     4.6006 Hasni       0  1:55  -874   20 
  7.4853 Filestrykyster  0  0:42  -876   18            Group: novice
                                             1.5989 naomiari    4 18:21  -434  460 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4853 strykyster  0  0:42  -876   18 

On 1st draw, RECOPY H7 34 --- COPY to imitate [v] --- RECOPY to copy again [v]
Other moves: CREPY H8 32, RECOPY H8 32, CLYPE H4 30, CREPY H4 30, PELORY H7 30
RECOPY H7 34 naomiari
CREPY H8 32 charmz
YELP H5 18 strykyster

On 2nd draw, STI(P)PLED 11D 90 --- STIPPLE to draw, paint, or engrave by means of dots or short touches [v]
Other tops: STIP(P)LED 11E 90, STIP(U)LED 11E 90, T(A)LIPEDS 11D 90
Other moves: E(N)LISTED 8H 77, E(P)ISTLED 8H 77, SED(U)LITY 12A 74, STE(A)DILY 12A 74, DIET(H)YLS 12C 72
SPLI(T)TED 11G 20 charmz
DIETS I10 19 naomiari
PLIED 11H 16 churchill

On 3rd draw, AX 10E 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX 10E 52
Other moves: BEAK 10C 40, EIK 10D 37, BAKED 10J 35, BIKED 10J 35, IBEX 10K 32
EX 10E 52 charmz, soccer1313, naomiari

On 4th draw, BRACHIATE E4 82 --- BRACHIATE [v]
Other moves: BEACHIER J5 69, BEACHIER 8B 66, BEACHIER 8G 66, BEACH 10J 39, BIRCH 10J 39
BACH 12A 38 naomiari
HERB 10J 33 charmz
BACH 10J 30 soccer1313
CHAIRED K5 26 churchill

On 5th draw, WRITES 12A 40 --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other moves: REWTHS 8A 39, SWITHE 8A 39, WRITHE 8A 39, REWTH 8A 36, SWITH 8A 36
WRITES 12A 40 charmz
WIRES 10J 34 soccer1313
WIRES 13A 33 churchill

On 6th draw, DEBONAI(R) 4C 72 --- DEBONAIR suave [adj]
Other tops: OB(T)AINED 4D 72, (G)ABIONED 4C 72
Other moves: BED(S)ONIA 4E 70, DONARIE(S) B8 70, ADENOID(S) K5 68, ADONI(S)ED K4 68, ADONI(Z)ED K4 68
(R)EWIND A10 27 charmz, soccer1313
DAWNE(D) A10 27 churchill
WADE A12 24 naomiari

On 7th draw, GOWLED A10 33 --- GOWL to cry [v]
Other moves: DOETH 8A 30, LOWTED A10 30, TOWTED A10 30, DWELT A11 27, OWLED A11 27
WOLD A12 24 charmz
WELD A12 24 churchill, soccer1313, naomiari

On 8th draw, AZOTH 8A 54 --- AZOTH mercury [n]
Other moves: LAZAR H1 42, ZONAL H1 42, ZONA H1 39, AZONAL 6A 37, ZEALOT J10 37
LAZAR H1 42 charmz
ZONAL H1 42 soccer1313
ZEAL J10 33 churchill
AZO 6E 32 naomiari

On 9th draw, FIVES 10J 37 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other moves: FIVE 10J 34, FIBS 10J 33, FIVES K1 33, FOBS 10J 33, FIB 10J 32
FIZ B6 23 naomiari
BI 10J 23 charmz
FE 3B 16 soccer1313

On 10th draw, REFUGE 12J 32 --- REFUGE to give or take shelter [v]
Other moves: FEAGUE K3 31, REFUGE K3 31, YAGER 12H 31, GAUFER 3I 30, GAUFRE 3I 30
FEZ B6 23 soccer1313, reynaritz
FAG 9M 22 naomiari
FREE 3A 22 charmz
SAFER N10 16 churchill

On 11th draw, STANNELS N3 60 --- STANNEL the kestral [n]
Other moves: NEAT 13J 29, ANENST K2 23, LATENS K1 23, ANENT K2 21, ANTES K1 21
AZOTHS 8A 18 naomiari
AN 9B 17 reynaritz
TEASE O11 15 churchill
ETAS O12 12 soccer1313
TAE 3A 12 charmz

On 12th draw, KETOLS 3I 42 --- KETOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: KEEL 8L 39, KEET 8L 39, KOEL 8L 39, KETOL O1 37, KETO O1 32
KEEL 8L 39 soccer1313, reynaritz, churchill
KEET 8L 39 charmz
ZOO B8 19 naomiari

On 13th draw, IMMEW 8K 45 --- IMMEW to confine [v]
Other moves: PRIMA B11 35, MAM 13K 34, MAP 13K 34, PIMA 2J 32, AMI O7 31
MIEN 8L 27 charmz
MEW 8M 24 naomiari
PEW 8M 24 soccer1313, churchill

On 14th draw, BUTENE K1 27 --- BUTENE a gaseous hydrocarbon [n]
Other moves: BEANO 7K 26, AB 9B 25, BUTEO K1 25, OB 9B 25, BATE 4L 24
BEANO O11 21 soccer1313
BEEN 3A 20 charmz
BEAN 3A 20 naomiari, Hasni
BOON L1 18 churchill

On 15th draw, BOTHY 1K 42 --- BOTHY a hut in Scotland [n]
Other moves: EARTHY 14A 40, TARBOY 1H 36, ATHROB 1F 33, BORTY 1K 33, BOYAR 1K 33
THROB 1G 30 soccer1313
HEART O11 24 charmz, reynaritz
HEAT O11 7 churchill

On 16th draw, JUCO 7C 40 --- JUCO a junior college [n]
Other moves: JAP 3B 34, JAR 3B 28, JOR 3B 28, GJU 10A 27, JURA 6B 27
JAP 3B 34 naomiari, reynaritz
JEU 6J 26 soccer1313
JA 3B 24 charmz
JO C7 17 churchill

On 17th draw, NAAN 13J 29 --- NAAN a slightly leavened bread [n]
Other moves: AVID 3A 25, VENIN O11 24, VID 3B 23, VAIN 3A 22, VAN 3B 20
VAN 3B 20 reynaritz, charmz

On 18th draw, AG 9B 29 --- AG agriculture [n] --- AG pertaining to agriculture [adj]
Other moves: GAPO 6D 27, GAP 6D 26, AR 9B 25, OR 9B 25, RAP 6D 24
AG 9B 29 naomiari, reynaritz
AR 9B 25 soccer1313
PAR 3B 18 charmz
PER 6J 11 churchill

On 19th draw, QI 3B 28 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QADI C2 28, QAID C1 28
Other moves: RAP 6D 24, PROA B11 22, APO 6E 21, PERAI O11 21, PIA 14L 21
QAID C1 28 naomiari
QI 3B 28 reynaritz, soccer1313
PERAI O11 21 charmz
PAR 3B 18 churchill

On 20th draw, DIVA 14L 26 --- DIVA a distinguished female operatic singer [n]
Other tops: PRAD B11 26, PROD B11 26
Other moves: DIV 14L 24, PEDRO O11 24, RAP 6D 24, REDIP O11 24, PADI 6D 23
PAD 6D 22 reynaritz
PERAI O11 21 charmz
PI J6 20 soccer1313
PO J6 20 naomiari
VOID C1 8 churchill

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