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Game of October 26, 2011 at 14:23, 4 players
1. 674 pts charmz
2. 617 pts reynaritz
3. 523 pts churchill

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adhoprt   H4    84    84   hardtop
 2. aeejnsu  11D    40   124   jaunse
 3. ?clnotw   6G    72   196   crownlet
 4. abeiruz   K2    88   284   urbanize
 5. aeilpru   8K    45   329   zaire
 6. ?adnqsy   2I    78   407   squaddy
 7. aegimnt   1C    85   492   tegmina
 8. bdinorr  12A    42   534   bidon
 9. achimsy  10H    49   583   physic
10. adefill   1L    63   646   deif
11. aegnoos  N10    35   681   segno
12. aeegilt  13C    90   771   egalite
13. eiorttu   A9    27   798   tribute
14. aeiorux   4K    44   842   borax
15. eeloprv   A7    33   875   retribute
16. aeeflpw  O13    25   900   awl
17. eilmnoo   B2    84   984   oinomel
18. ekopuvv   A1    44  1028   poke

Remaining tiles: fuvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6365 Filecharmz      4 18:30  -354  674     1.7005 reynaritz   2 17:00  -411  617 
  2.7005 Filereynaritz   2 17:00  -411  617            Group: intermediate
  3.6007 Filechurchill   1 20:36  -505  523     1.6365 charmz      4 18:30  -354  674 
  4.5601 Filejimbo       0 10:14  -773  255     2.6007 churchill   1 20:36  -505  523 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5601 jimbo       0 10:14  -773  255 

On 1st draw, HARDTOP H4 84 --- HARDTOP a rigid roof on a motor car [n]
Other moves: HARDTOP H6 82, HARDTOP H2 78, HARDTOP H3 78, HARDTOP H7 78, HARDTOP H8 78
HOARD H4 26 charmz, churchill, reynaritz
PATH H8 18 jimbo

On 2nd draw, JAUNSE 11D 40 --- JAUNSE to prance [v]
Other moves: JUN G9 39, JUS G9 39, JANES 11D 38, JEANS 11D 38, SUJEE 11H 38
JUN G9 39 reynaritz
JEANS 11D 38 jimbo, churchill
JEES 11E 36 charmz

On 3rd draw, CROWNL(E)T 6G 72 --- CROWNLET a small crown [n]
Other moves: CLOWN 12B 45, C(L)OWN 12B 43, C(R)OWN 12B 43, CLOW(N) 12B 42, CLOW(S) 12B 42
CLOWN 12B 45 reynaritz, charmz
CLOWN(S) J6 31 jimbo
JOWL(S) D11 28 churchill

On 4th draw, URBANIZE K2 88 --- URBANIZE to cause to take on urban characteristics [v]
Other moves: ZEBRULA L1 56, ZAIRE 12C 52, IZAR 12B 46, RIZA 12A 46, ZEA 12B 42
RIZA 12A 46 charmz
ZA 12C 40 reynaritz
JAB D11 24 churchill
Z(E)BRA M5 19 jimbo

On 5th draw, ZAIRE 8K 45 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: PERAI 12A 40, PILAR 12A 40, PRIAL 12A 40, PAIRE 12C 38, PELA 12A 36
PLEA 12A 36 charmz
PAR 12C 30 reynaritz
PAL 12C 30 churchill
PLEURA F8 10 jimbo

On 6th draw, SQUAD(D)Y 2I 78 --- SQUADDY a private [n]
Other tops: SQUA(D)DY 2I 78
Other moves: QUAYD 2J 76, QUAYS 2J 74, QU(A)YD 2J 74, QU(E)ASY 2J 74, QU(E)YNS 2J 74
QUAYS 2J 74 reynaritz
QUADS 2J 70 churchill, charmz
QUAYS F10 39 jimbo

On 7th draw, TEGMINA 1C 85 --- TEGMEN a covering [n]
Other tops: MINTAGE 1C 85
Other moves: REMATING N8 84, MINTAGE 12I 76, TEAMING 12I 76, TEGMINA 12I 74, ENIGMATA E4 72
TEAMING 12I 76 jimbo
MEAN 1L 53 reynaritz
TEAM 1L 49 charmz
TYING O1 30 churchill

On 8th draw, BIDON 12A 42 --- BIDON a container for liquids [n]
Other moves: BIRO 12A 36, BRIO 12A 36, BROD 12B 35, BORN 12C 34, DOB 12C 34
OB 1N 34 charmz, reynaritz
DRIB 10K 34 churchill
JOB D11 24 jimbo

On 9th draw, PHYSIC 10H 49 --- PHYSIC to treat with medicine [v]
Other moves: CHIMBS A8 45, CHIMB A8 42, AIM 1M 40, PHASIC 10H 40, TYCHISM C1 40
AM 1N 34 reynaritz
BACH A12 33 charmz, churchill

On 10th draw, DEIF 1L 63 --- DEIF deaf (Scots) [adj]
Other tops: DEAF 1L 63
Other moves: LEAF 1L 55, LIEF 1L 55, FELID 13B 42, FILED 13B 42, EF 1N 40
DEAF 1L 63 charmz
BEAD A12 21 reynaritz
BADE A12 21 churchill

On 11th draw, SEGNO N10 35 --- SEGNO a musical sign [n]
Other tops: SANGO N10 35
Other moves: SEGNO 13B 34, GENOAS 2B 33, SAGE 13B 32, AGEN 13C 30, AGES 13C 30
NAG 13B 27 reynaritz
NOG 13B 27 charmz
BEGS A12 21 churchill

On 12th draw, EGALITE 13C 90 --- EGALITE the state of being equal [n]
Other moves: GELATINE 13H 70, LEGATINE 13H 70, EGALITE 13E 63, ETAGE 13A 38, TELEGA 13B 37
AGE 13C 28 charmz
TAG 13B 27 reynaritz
BEET A12 18 churchill

On 13th draw, TRIBUTE A9 27 --- TRIBUTE something given to show respect, gratitude, or admiration [n]
Other moves: CRUET M10 25, OUREBI A8 24, IURE O12 23, CRUE M10 21, ETUI 2C 19
BRIE A12 18 charmz
BRIT A12 18 reynaritz
BUTT A12 18 churchill

On 14th draw, BORAX 4K 44 --- BORAX a white crystalline compound [n]
Other tops: BEAUX 4K 44
Other moves: AXE O13 41, EXO O13 41, XI O14 36, XU O14 36, RETRIBUTE A7 33
EXO O13 41 charmz
AXE O13 41 churchill, reynaritz

On 15th draw, RETRIBUTE A7 33 --- RETRIBUTE
Other moves: LEVE 12I 21, LEVO 12I 21, LOVE 12I 21, OPE O13 21, ROVE 12I 21
RETRIBUTE A7 33 churchill, charmz
OPE O13 21 reynaritz

On 16th draw, AWL O13 25 --- AWL a pointed tool for making small holes [n]
Other tops: AWE O13 25, EWE O13 25
Other moves: PEACE G3 24, TWP H13 24, ALEF 2A 21, APE O13 21, AWE M13 21
AWE O13 25 charmz, reynaritz
WAGE 12L 18 churchill

On 17th draw, OINOMEL B2 84 --- OINOMEL an ancient Greek beverage [n]
Other moves: NOMOI 2B 33, LIMN 2D 31, LIMO 2D 31, MONIE 2B 31, LOONIE 2A 29
MOE 2D 20 charmz
LOOM 2A 18 reynaritz
GLOOM E1 16 churchill

On 18th draw, POKE A1 44 --- POKE to push or prod [v]
Other moves: KOP A1 33, KNOP 4A 30, POUK A2 26, COUP G6 25, EVOKE D1 24
POKE A1 44 reynaritz, charmz
EVOKE D1 24 churchill

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