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Game of October 26, 2011 at 22:41, 7 players
1. 503 pts musdrive
2. 475 pts immy
3. 438 pts rn.roselle

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?innpst   H3    72    72   spinnet
 2. ?bcehsu   5D   106   178   subniche
 3. deelnrs   L5    74   252   slender
 4. aeiotvy   8J    36   288   vanity
 5. aadinrt   O1    89   377   intraday
 6. aegoort   3A    70   447   rootages
 7. adegior   A1    30   477   girder
 8. aehmoqw   K7    36   513   haoma
 9. aeemoqs   M6    34   547   amies
10. aelortz   D1    48   595   zetas
11. aeflrrt   2J    34   629   farren
12. enottvw   1G    40   669   woven
13. beilotw  N10    32   701   elbow
14. acefglt  O13    31   732   feg
15. eiiklox   F5    32   764   boxlike
16. ainopqt   8A    27   791   pontil
17. ailqtuy  11C    38   829   quietly
18. aciijou  12A    29   858   jai

Remaining tiles: cdiouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7277 Filemusdrive    5 14:24  -355  503     1.7277 musdrive    5 14:24  -355  503 
  2.6726 Fileimmy        4 16:31  -383  475            Group: intermediate
  3.6627 Filern.roselle  1 18:00  -420  438     1.6726 immy        4 16:31  -383  475 
  4.6391 FileGrace_Tjie  1 14:08  -439  419     2.6627 rn.roselle  1 18:00  -420  438 
  5.6478 Fileiwhist      3 17:39  -484  374     3.6391 Grace_Tjie  1 14:08  -439  419 
  6.4424 FileDbuggle     1  9:42  -649  209     4.6478 iwhist      3 17:39  -484  374 
  7.  -  Filemaree_dezz  0  7:18  -795   63            Group: not rated
                                             1.4424 Dbuggle     1  9:42  -649  209 
                                             2.  -  maree_dezz  0  7:18  -795   63 

On 1st draw, SPINN(E)T H3 72 --- SPINNET a musical instrument [n]
Other tops: PINN(E)TS H4 72
Other moves: PINN(E)TS H2 68, PINN(E)TS H3 68, PINN(E)TS H6 68, PINN(E)TS H7 68, SN(A)PTIN H3 68
P(A)INTS H4 20 musdrive
PINTS H4 20 rn.roselle
SP(R)INT H3 20 Dbuggle
PIN(E)S H4 18 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, SUB(N)ICHE 5D 106 --- SUBNICHE a subdivision of a habitat [n]
Other moves: (E)B(A)UCHES 8H 98, BUC(K)SHE(E) 8A 89, BU(N)CHES 10B 86, BU(T)CHES 10B 86, B(O)UCHES 10B 86
CHE(R)UBS 3B 32 musdrive
(A)CHES I1 28 Grace_Tjie
BU(N)CHES 3B 28 rn.roselle
H(I)S 10F 22 immy
PUSHE(S) 4H 20 Dbuggle

On 3rd draw, SLENDER L5 74 --- SLENDER slim [adj]
Other moves: LENDERS 10B 71, RELENDS 10B 71, SLENDER 10H 71, NEEDLERS K4 68, BLENDERS F5 65
DEERS L1 31 immy, musdrive
DEENS L1 31 rn.roselle
SEED 4J 17 Grace_Tjie
SNEERS 3H 14 Dbuggle

On 4th draw, VANITY 8J 36 --- VANITY inflated pride in oneself [n]
Other moves: ENVOY 8K 33, NAVY 8L 30, YEN 6F 30, YON 6F 30, EYOT K9 26
VANITY 8J 36 immy
NAVY 8L 30 Dbuggle, Grace_Tjie
YON 6F 30 musdrive, rn.roselle, iwhist
LOVE 6L 15 maree_dezz

On 5th draw, INTRADAY O1 89 --- INTRADAY occurring within a single day [adj]
Other moves: RAINDAT(E) 8A 77, INTRADAS 3A 70, RADIANTS 3A 70, RADIANT G8 64, INTRADA G9 63
INTRADAY O1 39 immy
DRAIN 4A 22 iwhist
RADIANTS 3A 20 musdrive
DARN K10 17 rn.roselle
TRADS D1 14 Grace_Tjie
RAIDS D1 14 Dbuggle
DAY O6 7 maree_dezz

On 6th draw, ROOTAGES 3A 70 --- ROOTAGE a system of roots [n]
Other moves: GAROTE 6A 21, REGO 4C 21, RETAG 4A 21, TOGA 4C 21, SLENDERER L5 20
ROOTAGES 3A 20 musdrive
GORE 4A 18 Grace_Tjie
GATE 4A 18 rn.roselle, immy
GREATS 3C 16 iwhist
GOOSE D2 12 Dbuggle
TORN 2L 8 maree_dezz

On 7th draw, GIRDER A1 30 --- GIRDER a horizontal support [n]
Other tops: GRODIER A2 30
Other moves: DIRGE A1 27, GARRED A1 27, RADGER A3 27, REGARD A3 27, RIDGER A3 27
GIRDER A1 30 musdrive, Dbuggle, iwhist
GARRED A1 27 immy
GORED A1 24 Grace_Tjie, rn.roselle
DIRE 11J 10 maree_dezz

On 8th draw, HAOMA K7 36 --- HAOMA a drink used in Zoroastrian ritual [n]
Other moves: HAWM K10 33, HAM 4C 32, HEM 4C 32, QORMA 11J 32, WEM 4C 32
HEW K10 27 Grace_Tjie
HOW K10 27 rn.roselle
MALE 6J 27 musdrive
HAEM K10 27 immy
MEL 6J 26 iwhist
WARM 11J 18 Dbuggle
SHOW D5 14 maree_dezz

On 9th draw, AMIES M6 34 --- AMIE a female friend [n]
Other moves: MISE M7 31, AMIE M6 28, AMIS M6 28, EMO 4D 27, DEME 4A 26
MISE M7 31 musdrive
QAT 3M 24 immy, Grace_Tjie, rn.roselle
MASE N1 24 iwhist
MEETS 9E 9 maree_dezz
GAMES 1A 9 Dbuggle

On 10th draw, ZETAS D1 48 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: AZOLE N10 40, AZOTE N10 40, AZOTH J1 37, TOAZE J11 37, TREZ J11 36
ZETAS D1 48 musdrive
ZEALOT 3J 30 immy
ZA 2E 29 Grace_Tjie
GRAZE 1A 25 rn.roselle
ZONE 7F 15 Dbuggle
ZA 5N 11 iwhist

On 11th draw, FARREN 2J 34 --- FARREN a division of land [n]
Other moves: FOAL B2 29, AFTER N10 28, ALEFT N10 28, FOE B2 25, ALERT N10 22
FOAL B2 29 rn.roselle, musdrive, immy
FOE B2 25 Grace_Tjie
EF J10 21 iwhist
F*RT 3L 14 Dbuggle

On 12th draw, WOVEN 1G 40 --- WOVEN a woven fabric [n]
Other moves: WOVE 1G 35, OVEN 1H 28, VETO 1G 26, VOTE 1G 26, EVO 1H 23
WOVEN 1G 40 musdrive, iwhist, immy
VETO 1G 26 Grace_Tjie
WOE 1H 23 rn.roselle
ZONE 1D 13 Dbuggle

On 13th draw, ELBOW N10 32 --- ELBOW to jostle [v]
Other moves: ELBOW J10 31, TOILE B2 27, ELBOW B6 24, BLEW J11 22, BLOW J11 22
ELBOW N10 32 iwhist
TOOL B2 17 rn.roselle
BOWEL J11 17 Grace_Tjie
WELT J11 15 immy
WE 3K 13 musdrive

On 14th draw, FEG O13 31 --- FEG a segment of an orange (also FIG) [n]
Other moves: FOAL B2 29, FET O13 28, CATELOG 13I 26, FOE B2 25, CLEFT J11 23
FEG O13 31 musdrive, immy, Grace_Tjie, rn.roselle
FET O13 28 iwhist

On 15th draw, BOXLIKE F5 32 --- BOXLIKE resembling a box [adj]
Other moves: OXLIKE I9 26, KLOOF 13K 24, OXLIK(E) 8C 24, OE M13 22, KI N5 21
REX M2 20 immy, musdrive, rn.roselle, iwhist
EXO B6 16 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, PONTIL 8A 27 --- PONTIL an iron supporting rod used in glassmaking [n]
Other tops: PONTAL 8A 27
Other moves: OAT M13 24, PAINT E11 22, PANTO E11 22, PATIN E11 22, PATIO E11 22
OAT M13 24 musdrive
PAINT E11 22 immy, rn.roselle, Grace_Tjie
PATIN E11 22 iwhist

On 17th draw, QUIETLY 11C 38 --- QUIETLY in a quiet manner [adv]
Other moves: QUYTE 11B 34, QUEY 11D 32, YANQUI C6 29, QUALE 11B 28, QUATE 11B 28
QUIETLY 11C 38 immy
QUITE 11B 28 iwhist
QUIET 11C 28 Grace_Tjie
QUALE 11B 28 musdrive
QUATE 11B 28 rn.roselle

On 18th draw, JAI 12A 29 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JUCO D10 26, QUAI C11 26, JAI 7B 25, OUIJA D10 24, QUA C11 24
JAI 12A 29 musdrive
QUAI C11 26 immy
JAI 7B 25 Grace_Tjie
QUA C11 24 rn.roselle, iwhist

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