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Game of October 27, 2011 at 03:13, 6 players
1. 244 pts TwoFold
2. 170 pts scrablehed
3. 151 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bilnovy   H4    30    30   vinyl
 2. deegluv   5G    24    54   divulge
 3. ?aeertu   N2    79   133   epurate
 4. aeimnrs   O6    96   229   seminar
 5. ?aaiios   O6    33   262   seminarist
 6. afknoru  14J    42   304   franks
 7. einoptu  15D    91   395   poutine
 8. adeelnw   8C    63   458   enwalled
 9. adilory   L5    78   536   goliardy
10. aadehir   1H    94   630   airhead
11. beejstu   O1    48   678   see
12. ijnostw   K9    44   722   join
13. egmotux  14E    52   774   ox
14. gmooprz   M1    40   814   azo
15. cehortw   2B    98   912   wotcher
16. cimostt   1A    39   951   coms
17. aabiopu  J10    32   983   baa
18. eggiopt   4M    31  1014   tup
19. befgqtu   F6    36  1050   quate
20. bfggiio   3F    23  1073   if

Remaining tiles: bggiot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6666 FileTwoFold     2  7:03  -829  244     1.7342 banjowren   0  2:39 -1027   46 
  2.5822 Filescrablehed  2  6:55  -903  170     2.7181 kellybelly  0  0:46 -1052   21 
  3.6441 Fileiwhist      1  6:42  -922  151            Group: intermediate
  4.7342 Filebanjowren   0  2:39 -1027   46     1.6666 TwoFold     2  7:03  -829  244 
  5.7181 Filekellybelly  0  0:46 -1052   21     2.6441 iwhist      1  6:42  -922  151 
  6.5232 FileSnook       0  0:43 -1053   20            Group: novice
                                             1.5822 scrablehed  2  6:55  -903  170 
                                             2.5232 Snook       0  0:43 -1053   20 

On 1st draw, VINYL H4 30 --- VINYL a type of plastic [n]
Other moves: BLINY H8 28, NOBLY H8 28, BLINY H4 26, NOILY H8 24, VINYL H8 24
BLINY H4 26 iwhist
VINY H6 20 Snook

On 2nd draw, DIVULGE 5G 24 --- DIVULGE to reveal [v]
Other moves: VENGED 6F 21, GIVED 5G 20, LEVIED 5E 20, VEILED 5F 20, VENDUE 6F 20
DIVULGE 5G 24 iwhist

On 3rd draw, E(P)URATE N2 79 --- EPURATE to purify [v]
Other moves: LAURE(A)TE 8H 74, L(A)UREATE 8H 74, URETE(R)AL 8A 74, U(R)ETERAL 8A 74, TREA(G)UE N4 73
TEAR(S) N1 20 iwhist

On 4th draw, SEMINAR O6 96 --- SEMINAR an advanced study group at a college or university [n]
Other tops: REMAINS O6 96
Other moves: MARINES O6 92, MARINES O8 92, SIRNAME O6 90, REMAINS O8 86, SEMINAR O8 86
MINE O6 30 iwhist

On 5th draw, SEMINARIS(T) O6 33 --- SEMINARIST [n]
Other tops: SEMINARIA(L) O6 33, SEMINARIA(N) O6 33, SEMINARI(E)S O6 33
Other moves: AA(L)IIS 13J 20, AIO(L)IS 13J 20, AA(L)IIS 9C 19, AIO(L)IS 9C 19, ASIA(G)O 9G 19
OI(L)S 13L 16 iwhist

On 6th draw, FRANKS 14J 42 --- FRANK to mark (a piece of mail) for free delivery [v]
Other moves: KNAURS 14J 40, KAF G7 35, FURANS 14J 34, KAON O1 33, KNAR O1 33
KAF G7 35 iwhist

On 7th draw, POUTINE 15D 91 --- POUTINE a dish of french fries and cheese curds topped with gravy [n]
Other moves: POUTINE 13D 66, UNPOLITE 8D 61, UNPOLITE K1 60, POINTE 15E 29, PONTIE 15E 29

On 8th draw, ENWALLED 8C 63 --- ENWALL to enclose within a wall [v]
Other tops: ENWALLED 8D 63
Other moves: ENWALLED K1 62, WADE 1L 44, AWDL 1L 35, DANELAW L9 30, WEAN O1 30

On 9th draw, GOLIARDY L5 78 --- GOLIARDY boisterous, irreverent behaviour [n]
Other tops: GYROIDAL L5 78
Other moves: LARDY 1K 38, LORDY 1K 38, LADY 1L 35, OLDY 1L 35, YAD 14F 33

On 10th draw, AIRHEAD 1H 94 --- AIRHEAD a stupid person [n]
Other moves: HADE 1L 44, HIDE 1L 44, AHEAD 7B 32, HEADIER C7 32, HAED 9C 31

On 11th draw, SEE O1 48 --- SEE to perceive with the eyes [v]
Other moves: ST O1 44, JEE K9 37, AIRHEADS 1H 36, BUNJEES D6 32, JEES 2F 31

On 12th draw, JOIN K9 44 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other moves: JOWS 2F 37, JOW 2F 34, STOWN 14B 33, JONTIES C3 32, WIST 9F 32
JOWS 2F 37 TwoFold

On 13th draw, OX 14E 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: XU 14F 52
Other moves: MUX 14F 39, EXO 9B 37, MUX 9A 37, GOX 9A 36, XU 15L 36
XU 14F 52 TwoFold, scrablehed

On 14th draw, AZO M1 40 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other tops: MOZ 13C 40, POZ 13C 40
Other moves: ZOOM 13B 35, ZOA F6 32, MOOP 7C 29, ZEP C7 27, PREZ C6 26
AZO M1 40 scrablehed

On 15th draw, WOTCHER 2B 98 --- WOTCHER a greeting [interj]
Other moves: WOTCHER C3 40, THEOW 9B 36, COWP D12 35, TROCHEE C3 34, CRWTH 13A 32
CHOW 13B 30 TwoFold
WHET 13B 23 scrablehed

On 16th draw, COMS 1A 39 --- COMS short for combinations [n]
Other moves: OTIC M7 35, TICS M8 33, T*MS 1A 33, COTS 1A 31, ISM 9G 31
COMS 1A 39 TwoFold
COT 1A 22 scrablehed

On 17th draw, BAA J10 32 --- BAA to cry like a sheep [v]
Other moves: BA J10 25, BA M9 25, PA M9 25, DOBLA G5 24, OBA J10 24
BOP 13C 19 TwoFold
PUB 13C 19 scrablehed

On 18th draw, TUP 4M 31 --- TUP to copulate with a ewe [v]
Other moves: PEG 3A 30, PE M9 28, TIE M8 27, PET 3A 26, TEG 3A 26
PEG 3A 30 TwoFold
STOGIE D1 14 scrablehed

On 19th draw, QUATE F6 36 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other moves: QUAG F6 34, QUAT F6 33, FEG 3A 32, QUA F6 32, BEG 3A 30
FLUB G7 26 banjowren
BUG 13C 16 TwoFold

On 20th draw, IF 3F 23 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other tops: OF 3F 23
Other moves: FIB 13C 21, FIB E10 21, FOB 13C 21, FOB E10 21, BIGG 13B 20
FIB E10 21 kellybelly
FOB 13C 21 TwoFold
BIGG 13B 20 banjowren

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