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Game of October 27, 2011 at 06:17, 4 players
1. 618 pts jimbo
2. 367 pts Hasni
3. 161 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aceitv   H4    80    80   viciate
 2. elnoorv   4H    22   102   volve
 3. aaeeils   M1    24   126   laesie
 4. aeekprs  11B    88   214   parkees
 5. aadfino   1L    33   247   flan
 6. ceginpr   L6    80   327   percing
 7. ?ailsyz   F8    91   418   sizeably
 8. adfgior  15E    33   451   fyrd
 9. abeiloo  12A    28   479   bile
10. inoostw   N5    34   513   swoon
11. ahmortw   O8    62   575   worth
12. aaehntu  13A    35   610   eath
13. nootuuy   8A    30   640   toyons
14. adeimtu  14H    77   717   ideatum
15. abgooru  15M    25   742   gub
16. deinotu   J1    63   805   outlined
17. aiinoru   K2    22   827   rivo
18. adegiqu  K10    42   869   qua
19. aeimnrx   2M    40   909   axe
20. adijmnr  13M    45   954   ja

Remaining tiles: dgimnr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5535 Filejimbo       5 14:14  -336  618     1.5535 jimbo       5 14:14  -336  618 
  2.5999 FileHasni       1 17:57  -587  367     2.5999 Hasni       1 17:57  -587  367 
  3.5117 Filespellcheck  0 10:52  -793  161     3.5117 spellcheck  0 10:52  -793  161 
  4.5210 Filegmills0     0  1:42  -947    7     4.5210 gmills0     0  1:42  -947    7 

On 1st draw, VIC(I)ATE H4 80 --- VICIATE to render faulty [v]
Other tops: ACTIVE(S) H8 80, CAIT(I)VE H7 80, CAVET(T)I H2 80, CAVE(T)TI H2 80, CA(I)TIVE H7 80, CA(P)TIVE H7 80, VE(N)ATIC H4 80, V(I)CIATE H4 80, (F)ACTIVE H7 80
Other moves: ACTIVE(S) H3 78, CAIT(I)VE H4 78, CAVET(T)I H4 78, CAVE(T)TI H4 78, CA(I)TIVE H4 78
CA(P)TIVE H7 80 jimbo

On 2nd draw, VOLVE 4H 22 --- VOLVE to turn over [v]
Other moves: VIOLONE 5G 20, COVEN 6H 18, COVER 6H 18, ENVIRO 5E 18, OLIVER 5F 18
VEER 10F 15 jimbo

On 3rd draw, LAESIE M1 24 --- LAESIE lazy [adj]
Other tops: ESILE M3 24, LAESIE 11E 24
Other moves: AISLE M2 22, ALIAS 11D 22, EALES 11D 22, EASEL M2 22, EASLE M2 22
EASEL M2 22 jimbo
LIES 11E 20 Hasni

On 4th draw, PARKEES 11B 88 --- PARKEE a wind-proof coat [n]
Other tops: RESPEAK 11F 88, SPEAKER 11H 88
Other moves: PARKEES L6 82, RESPEAK L6 80, SPEAKER N6 79, SPEAKER G7 77, SPEAKER G9 76
SPEAKER 11H 88 jimbo
PEAKS 11D 34 Hasni

On 5th draw, FLAN 1L 33 --- FLAN a type of custard [n]
Other tops: FAENA 10F 33
Other moves: FONDA N6 32, FOEN 10F 30, FADO N6 29, FAE 10F 29, FAND N6 29
FLAN 1L 33 jimbo
FED F10 15 Hasni

On 6th draw, PERCING L6 80 --- PERCE to pierce [v]
Other moves: PREACING C8 78, PIERC(I)NG 7C 69, CREEPING F8 67, PREACING 8E 65, CAPERING 8G 64
PRICE B11 18 Hasni

On 7th draw, SIZEA(B)LY F8 91 --- SIZEABLE of considerable size or weight [adv] --- SIZEABLY in a sizeable manner [adv]
Other tops: (D)IALYZES F5 91
Other moves: SL(E)AZILY J3 79, SIZA(B)LY N6 77, ZAIR(E)S D8 48, (C)RAZY 8K 48, SL(E)AZY N6 46
(C)RAZY 8K 48 jimbo
ZA 3I 44 Hasni

On 8th draw, FYRD 15E 33 --- FYRD local militia in Anglo-Saxon times [n]
Other tops: FIORDS 8A 33
Other moves: FORRAD 8J 30, AFRAID C8 28, FORRAD D8 28, FAIR I7 27, FIAR I7 27
FAD 12A 18 Hasni
ROAD 8L 15 jimbo

On 9th draw, BILE 12A 28 --- BILE a fluid secreted by the liver [n] --- BILE to boil (Scots) [v]
Other tops: BALE 12A 28, BOLE 12A 28
Other moves: BALOOS 8A 27, OBOLES 8A 27, LOBE 12A 26, BAROLO 8J 24, BOREAL 8J 24
BROIL 8K 21 jimbo
BRAIL 8K 21 Hasni

On 10th draw, SWOON N5 34 --- SWOON to faint [v]
Other tops: TWINS N5 34, WINOS N6 34, WONTS N6 34, WOONS N6 34
Other moves: OWNS N5 33, OWTS N5 33, SWOT N5 33, TWIN N5 33, TWOS N5 33
BOWS A12 27 jimbo
WRIST 8K 24 Hasni

On 11th draw, WORTH O8 62 --- WORTH to befall [v]
Other tops: WARMTH O8 62
Other moves: WHAMO O7 61, WROATH O7 61, WHAM O7 58, WHOM O7 58, WHORT O7 55
WORTH O8 62 jimbo
HOAR O7 34 Hasni

On 12th draw, EATH 13A 35 --- EATH easy [adj]
Other moves: HAUNTS 8A 30, THANAS 8A 30, THANES 8A 30, UNHATS 8A 30, AAH 13B 29
HAUNTS 8A 30 jimbo
BATH A12 27 Hasni

On 13th draw, TOYONS 8A 30 --- TOYON an ornamental evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: NOYOUS 8A 30
Other moves: NOY 13M 27, ONY 13M 27, TOY 13M 27, AYU 2M 24, UTOPIAN B8 22
TOY 13M 27 Hasni
BENT A12 18 jimbo
YO I3 9 spellcheck

On 14th draw, IDEATUM 14H 77 --- IDEATUM the real object of an idea [n]
Other moves: WORTHIED O8 45, IDEATA 2J 29, AIMED G1 27, TAMED G1 27, TIMED G1 27
BEAM A12 24 jimbo, spellcheck
MADE 7B 23 Hasni

On 15th draw, GUB 15M 25 --- GUB a white man [n]
Other tops: GAB 15M 25, GOB 15M 25
Other moves: GARB 13H 23, GOBO 7B 23, BOA 7C 22, BOO 7C 22, GOURA K10 22
GAB 15M 25 jimbo, Hasni
BEAR A12 18 spellcheck

On 16th draw, OUTLINED J1 63 --- OUTLINE to indicate the main features or different parts of [v]
Other moves: UNTIDY C3 24, NOTED G1 23, OUTED G1 23, TINED G1 23, TONED G1 23
BEND A12 21 spellcheck
DONE 7B 19 Hasni
BEET A12 18 jimbo
LOUD J4 7 gmills0

On 17th draw, RIVO K2 22 --- RIVO a drinking cry [interj]
Other moves: NO 14B 20, APIAN B10 18, AROINT 9C 18, AVO K3 18, BEAN A12 18
BEAR A12 18 jimbo, Hasni
BEAN A12 18 spellcheck

On 18th draw, QUA K10 42 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QI K10 37, QAID 10J 34, QUID 10J 34, QUOD B6 34, QUENA E5 30
QUIN E5 26 jimbo
QUAY C5 17 spellcheck

On 19th draw, AXE 2M 40 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other tops: AXE N1 40
Other moves: MENINX E4 39, MIREX G1 37, AX 2M 36, AX N1 36, EXAM 9A 35
EXO 1H 30 spellcheck
BEAM A12 24 jimbo

On 20th draw, JA 13M 45 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: BENJ A12 39, JIAO 1G 33, JAM 7B 32, JAI 7B 28, DJINN E4 26
BEAM A12 24 jimbo, spellcheck

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