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Game of October 27, 2011 at 12:22, 5 players
1. 570 pts una
2. 442 pts churchill
3. 436 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ginosuy   H4    28    28   yogins
 2. eginpst   5G    72   100   pongiest
 3. aikllno   4L    34   134   naik
 4. acdehit   9H    71   205   scaithed
 5. ?aaalln   8K    31   236   asana
 6. deegilt   3I    29   265   gleed
 7. deprrsu   F5    80   345   spurred
 8. beimruu   O1    30   375   merk
 9. aeiorwy  10L    42   417   yaw
10. amorvwz   2L    41   458   moze
11. ailnouu   1H    26   484   inula
12. bdeinoo   8A    33   517   binder
13. ehooort   7M    35   552   het
14. ?bciirr   D1    76   628   ricebird
15. ejlovwx  E10    37   665   wex
16. eflostv  D11    43   708   felts
17. aejlorv  14D    72   780   tolarjev
18. efiotuu  H12    33   813   fort
19. aiooqtu   1A    45   858   quarto
20. eiooouv  15A    21   879   evos

Remaining tiles: ioou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6835 Fileuna         7 19:06  -309  570     1.6835 una         7 19:06  -309  570 
  2.5890 Filechurchill   4 16:56  -437  442     2.6008 Hasni       3 22:08  -443  436 
  3.6008 FileHasni       3 22:08  -443  436            Group: novice
  4.3699 FileZEHAVARON   0 13:32  -705  174     1.5890 churchill   4 16:56  -437  442 
  5.4004 Filerosdee      0  4:31  -802   77            Group: not rated
                                             1.3699 ZEHAVARON   0 13:32  -705  174 
                                             2.4004 rosdee      0  4:31  -802   77 

On 1st draw, YOGINS H4 28 --- YOGIN a yogi [n]
Other tops: YOUNGS H4 28
Other moves: YOGIN H4 26, YOGIS H4 26, YOUNG H4 26, NOISY H8 24, YONIS H4 24
YOUNGS H4 28 una, churchill

On 2nd draw, PONGIEST 5G 72 --- PONGY smelly [adj]
Other moves: PEYSING 4F 26, PIGSNEY 4B 26, TYPINGS 4G 26, NEPIT I3 24, PENIS I3 24
POSTING 5G 20 churchill
PIETY 4D 20 una

On 3rd draw, NAIK 4L 34 --- NAIK an Indian corporal [n]
Other moves: KAOLIN G7 32, KAIL G7 30, KAIN G7 30, KAON G7 30, KOAN G7 30
KAOLIN G7 32 una
KILT N2 16 churchill

On 4th draw, SCAITHED 9H 71 --- SCAITH to injure [v]
Other moves: CHIK O1 39, HACK O1 39, HECK O1 39, HICK O1 39, HATED 3I 37
HACK O1 39 una
CHIK O1 39 Hasni, churchill

On 5th draw, A(S)ANA 8K 31 --- ASANA a posture in yoga [n]
Other tops: L(I)ANA 8K 31
Other moves: ANA 8M 25, LANK O1 24, (M)ANDALA O6 24, LALAN(G) 3I 23, (H)ALALA 3I 22
L(I)ANA 8K 31 una
LANK O1 24 churchill
AN(E) 8M 19 Hasni

On 6th draw, GLEED 3I 29 --- GLEED a glowing coal [n]
Other moves: DEEK O1 27, GEEK O1 27, GLEED 3J 27, GEED 3K 25, GELD 3K 25
GEEK O1 27 churchill
DEEK O1 27 Hasni
TEG 3K 19 una

On 7th draw, SPURRED F5 80 --- SPUR to urge on with a spur (a horseman's goad) [v]
Other moves: SPRED 7K 31, PERK O1 30, SPEK O1 30, PURSED F2 29, PED 7M 28
SPEK O1 30 una
PERK O1 30 churchill
DREK O1 27 Hasni

On 8th draw, MERK O1 30 --- MERK a former coin of Scotland [n]
Other tops: BERK O1 30, BIRK O1 30, BRIK O1 30, BUIK O1 30, BURK O1 30, MIRK O1 30, MURK O1 30
Other moves: BURIER 8A 27, RUBIER 8A 27, BERM E10 26, IMBRUE 2E 25, EMIR E9 24
BURK O1 30 Hasni
BERK O1 30 churchill
BE 7M 21 una

On 9th draw, YAW 10L 42 --- YAW to deviate from an intended course [v]
Other moves: WAY 10J 38, WRY 10J 38, YAW 7M 36, YEW 7M 36, YOW 7M 36
YAW 10L 42 una
AIRWAY K8 24 churchill
ROWDY 11C 24 Hasni

On 10th draw, MOZE 2L 41 --- MOZE to raise a nap on [v]
Other moves: MOZ E10 38, AMOVE 2K 33, AZO J9 32, AZO E11 30, MOWRA E10 30
ZAP G3 29 Hasni
MAW E10 26 una

On 11th draw, INULA 1H 26 --- INULA a type of plant [n]
Other moves: LAPIN G3 24, PINA G5 20, PUNA G5 20, ANIL E9 18, UNAI E9 18
(S)TYLO L8 14 churchill
AL 7N 13 una
NA E10 12 Hasni

On 12th draw, BINDER 8A 33 --- BINDER one that binds [n]
Other tops: BONDER 8A 33
Other moves: BOODIE E10 28, OBIED E9 28, BONIER 8A 27, BOONER 8A 27, DOOBIE E10 27
BINDER 8A 33 una
BONDER 8A 33 Hasni
BONED 11B 16 churchill

On 13th draw, HET 7M 35 --- HET a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: HER 7M 35
Other moves: HE 7M 30, HOOTER E10 29, HERO E10 25, HOER E10 25, HOOT E10 25
HOOTER E10 29 una
THE 11J 18 churchill
HOE 7B 18 Hasni

On 14th draw, RIC(E)BIRD D1 76 --- RICEBIRD the bobolink [n]
Other moves: BIRC(H) E10 26, BIC(E) E10 24, B(A)RIC E10 24, B(O)RIC E10 24, BIRR E10 22
BRI(E) 11I 15 churchill
BI(T) 2F 11 una
B(E) 7B 8 Hasni

On 15th draw, WEX E10 37 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: WOX E10 37
Other moves: WOXEN C4 36, JOWLED 11A 34, OXER 1A 33, WOLVE E10 33, JOWED 11B 32
OXER 1A 33 una
WOLVE E10 33 Hasni

On 16th draw, FELTS D11 43 --- FELT to mat together [v]
Other moves: LEFTS D11 40, LOFTS D11 40, LOVES D11 40, SOLVE D11 40, FELT D11 39
FELTS D11 43 una
FLORET 1A 27 churchill
FOX 12C 26 Hasni

On 17th draw, TOLARJEV 14D 72 --- TOLAR (Slovene) the standard monetary unit of Slovenia, pl TOLARS, TOLARJI or TOLARJEV [n]
Other moves: JOLE 13B 36, JOVIAL 2A 36, JARS 15A 33, JOES 15A 33, JOLS 15A 33
JARS 15A 33 una
SLAVER 15D 27 churchill, Hasni

On 18th draw, FORT H12 33 --- FORT a fortified enclosure or structure [n] --- FORT to fortify [v]
Other tops: FIRE H12 33, FORE H12 33
Other moves: GONIF I3 30, FUERO H11 27, SUITE 15D 27, FECIT I7 25, FOCI I7 24
FORT H12 33 churchill
FITS 15A 21 ZEHAVARON, una, Hasni
FOUR 1A 21 rosdee

On 19th draw, QUARTO 1A 45 --- QUARTO the size of a piece of paper cut four from a sheet [n]
Other moves: QUASI 15A 44, QUART 1A 42, QUIRT 1A 42, QATS 15A 39, QAT 2F 34
QUARTO 1A 45 una
QUART 1A 42 Hasni, rosdee
QUIT B6 33 churchill

On 20th draw, EVOS 15A 21 --- EVO evening (Australian slang) [n]
Other tops: VIES 15A 21, VOES 15A 21
Other moves: VOICE 3A 20, VICE 3B 18, VIE 11J 18, VOE 11J 18, OPE G4 16
VIES 15A 21 Hasni, churchill, una
VEIL 13A 14 rosdee

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