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Game of October 27, 2011 at 16:56, 5 players
1. 491 pts sunshine12
2. 481 pts margalang
3. 460 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beinptz   H4    52    52   zibet
 2. ?diinow   G7    77   129   windigo
 3. aeiopuv   4H    36   165   zouave
 4. ?acceiy  10G    75   240   delicacy
 5. aefhlrx  H13    44   284   hex
 6. aenrrst   5C    70   354   retrains
 7. aablnot   I7    25   379   ballat
 8. efiiost   N1    35   414   feist
 9. loprssu   2H    62   476   sporules
10. aefgotu   1C    39   515   fugato
11. deilmpq   2B    43   558   lepid
12. adeegnv   C1    32   590   fevered
13. aeglnno   O1    21   611   as
14. admnoqr   D4    33   644   menad
15. eloqrtw   B6    37   681   wortle
16. eggiknr   L8    90   771   knaggier
17. aiimnoq  A11    32   803   amino
18. ehjnouy   6J    50   853   enjoy

Remaining tiles: hioqru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6833 Filesunshine12  1 20:18  -362  491     1.6833 sunshine12  1 20:18  -362  491 
  2.6367 Filemargalang   1 18:12  -372  481     2.6367 margalang   1 18:12  -372  481 
  3.6101 Fileraggedy01   2 25:24  -393  460     3.6101 raggedy01   2 25:24  -393  460 
  4.6040 FileHasni       0 22:32  -456  397     4.6040 Hasni       0 22:32  -456  397 
  5.6502 FileKenpachi    1  2:15  -807   46     5.6502 Kenpachi    1  2:15  -807   46 

On 1st draw, ZIBET H4 52 --- ZIBET an Asian civet [n]
Other tops: ZINEB H4 52
Other moves: ZINEB H8 38, ZIBET H8 34, ZIBET H5 32, ZIBET H6 32, ZIBET H7 32
ZIP H6 28 margalang, sunshine12
BIZ H6 28 raggedy01
ZIP H8 28 Hasni

On 2nd draw, WINDI(G)O G7 77 --- WINDIGO an evil demon in Algonquian mythology [n]
Other moves: DOWIN(G) G5 32, IONIZ(E)D 4D 32, ZIN(C)OID 4H 32, ZOWI(E) 4H 32, DOWI(E) G5 30
ZON(E)D 4H 28 margalang
DOW(S) 9E 27 sunshine12
WINO G7 23 raggedy01
(S)OWN 9H 23 Hasni

On 3rd draw, ZOUAVE 4H 36 --- ZOUAVE a French infantry man [n]
Other moves: PAV H13 28, OUPA H12 25, UVEA F5 24, PAVE F4 23, AVO I2 21
PAVE F4 23 raggedy01, margalang
PIE H13 19 sunshine12
PO F6 16 Hasni

On 4th draw, DE(L)ICACY 10G 75 --- DELICACY a choice food [n]
Other moves: CA(S)EIC N2 40, CAY(S) N1 34, CO(N)EY I3 34, CO(O)EY I3 34, CO(S)EY I3 34
YACC(A) I7 34 sunshine12
CAY(S) N1 34 Hasni, margalang
CAY K3 16 raggedy01

On 5th draw, HEX H13 44 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other tops: FAX H13 44
Other moves: AX I6 42, EX I6 42, RELAX M3 40, HELIX 11D 39, HELIX 5E 39
FAX H13 44 sunshine12, raggedy01
EX I6 42 margalang
FAX K3 26 Hasni

On 6th draw, RETRAINS 5C 70 --- RETRAIN to train again [v]
Other tops: TERRAINS 5C 70
Other moves: NARRATES L6 68, RESTRAIN 11A 68, RESTRAIN 5B 68, STRAINER J6 60, TRAINERS J7 60
RASTER N2 35 sunshine12, raggedy01
REAST N1 29 margalang
RATS N1 27 Hasni

On 7th draw, BAL(L)AT I7 25 --- BALLAT to make ballads about [v]
Other tops: BAL(L)AN I7 25, BAL(L)ON I7 25, BAL(L)OT I7 25
Other moves: BLAT 4A 24, BLOT 4A 24, BOAT 4A 24, BAA(L) I7 23, BAL(L) I7 23
BOAT 4A 24 Hasni
NOB 4B 20 sunshine12
BAT 3M 18 margalang
BAN(G) 12D 10 raggedy01

On 8th draw, FEIST N1 35 --- FEIST a small dog of mixed breed [n]
Other tops: FIEST N1 35, FOIST N1 35
Other moves: SIFT N4 34, SOFT N4 34, EFTS N1 33, FEIS N1 33, FEST N2 33
FOIST N1 35 raggedy01
SIFT N4 34 sunshine12
FIST N2 33 margalang
BAL(L)ATS I7 16 Hasni

On 9th draw, SPORULES 2H 62 --- SPORULE a small spore [n]
Other moves: POUFS 1K 33, PROFS 1K 33, SLURPS B1 31, PLESSOR M2 30, LOUPS B2 29
PROSS 6K 20 raggedy01
CROPS M10 18 Hasni
PIS 3M 18 margalang
POX 15F 12 sunshine12

On 10th draw, FUGATO 1C 39 --- FUGATO a fugal composition [n]
Other moves: FAUT 1G 33, GOAF 4A 32, OUTAGE 1C 30, FAUT 4A 28, FEAT 4A 28
FEAT 4A 28 raggedy01
FATE 1E 27 Hasni, sunshine12
FA 1G 21 margalang

On 11th draw, LEPID 2B 43 --- LEPID pleasant [adj]
Other moves: DIMPLE B2 37, LIMPED B2 37, IMPED O5 32, IMPALED L7 30, DIMP B2 29
QAID L9 28 margalang, sunshine12
PIED 4A 28 raggedy01
DAME L9 14 Hasni

On 12th draw, FEVERED C1 32 --- FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v]
Other tops: VEENA 4A 32
Other moves: EVADE 4A 30, VAG 3A 30, EAVED O5 29, EVADE O5 29, ENCAVED M8 28
GAD 3A 26 margalang
EVEN O5 23 sunshine12
CAVED K10 22 Hasni
ES O1 21 raggedy01

On 13th draw, AS O1 21 --- AS a Norse god living in Asgard [n] --- AS a ridge left by a glacier [n] --- AS an old Roman coin [n] --- AS to the same degree [adv]
Other tops: ES O1 21, FA 1N 21, FE 1N 21
Other moves: AGENE 4A 20, AGONE O5 20, ALONG O5 20, ANGEL O5 20, ANGLE O5 20
AS O1 21 margalang, Kenpachi
ANGLE O5 20 sunshine12
CLANG M10 16 raggedy01
CANE M10 12 Hasni

On 14th draw, MENAD D4 33 --- MENAD a female follower of Bacchus [n]
Other moves: DEMAN D4 31, DEMON D4 31, MONAD B6 31, REMAND D4 31, MANOR B6 28
MANOR B6 28 raggedy01
MAND B6 26 margalang
MAD B6 25 Kenpachi, sunshine12
CRAM M10 16 Hasni

On 15th draw, WORTLE B6 37 --- WORTLE a perforated plate with wire to make it thinner [n]
Other moves: WORE B6 33, WORT B6 33, WOE B6 32, WOT B6 32, WO B6 31
WORE B6 33 margalang, raggedy01
WORT B6 33 sunshine12
OWLER O5 26 Hasni

On 16th draw, KNAGGIER L8 90 --- KNAGGY of wood, knotty [adj]
Other moves: EKING A11 47, EKING O5 32, GECKING M8 32, REINK A11 32, GECKING K8 30
RECKING M8 30 raggedy01
INKER O5 29 margalang, sunshine12
REAKING L8 26 Hasni

On 17th draw, AMINO A11 32 --- AMINO containing an amine united with a nonacid radical [adj]
Other tops: AMNIO A11 32
Other moves: KAIM 8L 30, KAMI 8L 30, QI M7 27, ANIMI A11 26, KAIN 8L 24
KAMI 8L 30 raggedy01
QI M7 27 Hasni
KAIN 8L 24 margalang
AMINO O5 23 sunshine12

On 18th draw, ENJOY 6J 50 --- ENJOY to receive pleasure from [v]
Other moves: ENJOY O5 47, JOEY 6K 42, JOY 6L 41, HEY 6L 37, HOY 6L 37
JOEY 14J 30 sunshine12
JIN 13K 20 margalang
HO M7 15 Hasni
RUNE 15L 12 raggedy01

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