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Game of October 27, 2011 at 21:30, 9 players
1. 537 pts jeff
2. 520 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 462 pts mazscot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceinru   H4    22    22   carnie
 2. ?gjouvx   G5    40    62   jeux
 3. adeimns  10H    78   140   demains
 4. ?aeilny   M7    80   220   yeanling
 5. aelpswy   K5   114   334   paleways
 6. bdeeipr   L1    35   369   prebid
 7. loortuw   1L    27   396   prow
 8. abhinst  12D    78   474   absinths
 9. iklmort  11A    36   510   milko
10. efhinor   A8    39   549   fermion
11. adeiosz  15G   115   664   diazoes
12. aceerrt   B2    77   741   recrate
13. efhiott   J6    39   780   feh
14. aeinotu   M1    25   805   retia
15. degotuv   2I    42   847   overed
16. gglotuu   N4    27   874   glout
17. aggnooq   O7    31   905   gag
18. nooqttu  F12    32   937   suq
19. noottuv   4B    20   957   convo

Remaining tiles: ttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7025 Filejeff        3 14:28  -420  537     1.7025 jeff        3 14:28  -420  537 
  2.6390 FileGrace_Tjie  2 11:19  -437  520            Group: intermediate
  3.5647 Filemazscot     1 16:55  -495  462     1.6390 Grace_Tjie  2 11:19  -437  520 
  4.4362 Filelynne321MH  0 19:04  -614  343     2.6818 sunshine12  1  9:41  -695  262 
  5.5378 Filemagictwig   1 12:19  -686  271     3.6629 GLOBEMAN    1 12:09  -695  262 
  6.6818 Filesunshine12  1  9:41  -695  262     4.6656 TwoFold     3 11:40  -697  260 
  7.6629 FileGLOBEMAN    1 12:09  -695  262     5.6608 rn.roselle  0  5:13  -914   43 
  8.6656 FileTwoFold     3 11:40  -697  260            Group: novice
  9.6608 Filern.roselle  0  5:13  -914   43     1.5647 mazscot     1 16:55  -495  462 
                                             2.5378 magictwig   1 12:19  -686  271 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4362 lynne321MH  0 19:04  -614  343 

On 1st draw, CARNIE H4 22 --- CARNIE a carnival [n]
Other tops: ANURIC H7 22, CANIER H4 22, CURIAE H4 22, URANIC H7 22
Other moves: AREIC H8 20, AURIC H8 20, CAIRN H4 20, CANER H4 20, CERIA H4 20
URANIC H7 22 jeff
CRANE H4 20 Grace_Tjie, mazscot
RACE H7 12 lynne321MH

On 2nd draw, J(E)UX G5 40 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: OX I8 36, OX(O) I8 36, OX(Y) I8 36, GJU(S) 10E 35, (O)XO I8 35
OX I8 36 jeff, Grace_Tjie
(S)OX 10H 33 mazscot
J(A)R 6F 25 lynne321MH

On 3rd draw, DEMAINS 10H 78 --- DEMAIN a manor house and its untenanted land [n]
Other tops: MEDIANS 10F 78, MEDINAS 10F 78, SIDEMAN 10F 78
Other moves: MAIDENS 10B 77, MEDIANS 10B 77, MEDINAS 10B 77, DEMAINS 10B 75, SIDEMAN 10H 75
MAIDENS 10B 77 mazscot
JADES 5G 26 jeff
MAS I5 24 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, YEANLIN(G) M7 80 --- YEANLING the young of a sheep or goat [n]
Other moves: CALY(C)INE 4H 76, IN(S)ANELY M6 74, INNA(T)ELY M8 72, INSA(N)ELY N8 70, I(N)SANELY N8 70
YA I5 20 lynne321MH
YE I5 20 Grace_Tjie
CLAY(S) 4H 18 mazscot

On 5th draw, PALEWAYS K5 114 --- PALEWAYS palewise [adv]
Other moves: WASPY 15K 53, SPEWY 8K 48, PAYEES 8J 45, SWEEPY 8J 45, AYELP 8K 42
SPEWY 8K 48 jeff
SWEEPY 8J 45 lynne321MH
YEWS 8L 42 mazscot
PEAS L12 25 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, PREBID L1 35 --- PREBID to bid beforehand [v]
Other tops: BIDER L4 35
Other moves: EIDER L4 31, BREDIE L1 30, PERDIE L1 30, BREDE L3 29, BRIDE L3 29
BRIDE L3 29 jeff
PRIDE L1 26 Grace_Tjie, magictwig
SPIRE 12K 16 lynne321MH

On 7th draw, PROW 1L 27 --- PROW brave [adj] --- PROW the forward part of a ship [n]
Other tops: PLOW 1L 27
Other moves: WORTS N6 25, WOOER 3I 24, OUTROW 2I 22, ORLOP 1H 21, TROOP 1H 21
PROW 1L 27 Grace_Tjie, mazscot, magictwig
PLOW 1L 27 jeff
EWE 8K 10 lynne321MH

On 8th draw, ABSINTHS 12D 78 --- ABSINTH a bitter liqueur [n]
Other moves: HABITS 15H 47, BEHEST 8J 45, HEBENS 8J 42, ABSIT 15K 41, HAINTS 15H 41
HABITS 15H 47 magictwig
BAH J6 33 Grace_Tjie
THIN(G)S 14I 32 mazscot
HIT M3 31 jeff
H(E)RB 6F 16 lynne321MH

On 9th draw, MILKO 11A 36 --- MILKO a man who sells or delivers milk [n]
Other moves: REMELT 8J 33, ROJAK 5E 32, KOI 11D 30, OIK 11E 30, KITER 3I 28
KO 11D 26 jeff
KOR N6 24 Grace_Tjie
NORK H12 24 mazscot
ELK 8M 21 lynne321MH, TwoFold
MILK 11A 16 magictwig

On 10th draw, FERMION A8 39 --- FERMION a type of atomic particle [n]
Other tops: FEH J6 39, HEREOF 8J 39
Other moves: FIRER 2J 38, HIRER 2J 38, FEHM A8 36, FIORIN B10 34, FOHN 13D 34
FEH J6 39 TwoFold
HER J6 33 Grace_Tjie
FROM A8 27 jeff, mazscot, lynne321MH

On 11th draw, DIAZOES 15G 115 --- DIAZO a type of photocopy [n]
Other moves: DIAZOES B3 94, SIZED 15A 87, SIZE 15A 81, SAZ 15A 75, SEZ 15A 75
SIZED 15A 87 Grace_Tjie, jeff, magictwig, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
SIZE 15A 81 mazscot
DOZES N4 42 TwoFold
SIZE F12 33 lynne321MH

On 12th draw, RECRATE B2 77 --- CRATE to put in a packing box [v] --- RECRATE to crate again [v]
Other tops: RETRACE B2 77, TERRACE B2 77
Other moves: RECRATES N3 71, CATERER B3 68, RECRATE 14C 68, RETRACER 2E 68, CARER 2J 32
CAR J6 27 jeff, Grace_Tjie
ERECT 8K 24 lynne321MH
ORATE 13A 22 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CATES N6 22 magictwig
TRACER N3 21 TwoFold

On 13th draw, FEH J6 39 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: REFIT M1 37, FEH A1 34, FOH A1 34, FET J6 33, HET J6 33
FEH J6 39 TwoFold, Grace_Tjie, jeff
HET J6 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HET A1 22 mazscot
HIT 14F 19 lynne321MH
TEETH 3A 16 magictwig

On 14th draw, RETIA M1 25 --- RETE an anatomical mesh or network [n]
Other moves: OUIJA 5D 24, NEAT 13C 22, TAIN 13D 22, AUREI 2J 20, AIN M3 19
NOT M3 19 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ATONES N5 17 TwoFold
NATION 14A 16 magictwig
TOE C6 15 lynne321MH
CANOE 4B 14 Grace_Tjie
COUNT 4B 14 mazscot, jeff

On 15th draw, OVERED 2I 42 --- OVER to leap above and to the other side of [v]
Other moves: TEREDO 2J 29, GORED 2J 28, VOTES N6 25, DOREE 2J 24, OUTRED 2I 24
GORED 2J 28 jeff
VET A1 22 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
VETOED 3A 20 Grace_Tjie
EVE 8M 18 lynne321MH
UTE 13C 18 TwoFold
VOGUE 14C 14 magictwig

On 16th draw, GLOUT N4 27 --- GLOUT to scowl [v]
Other moves: GLUG 1F 21, GLOUT 1E 20, GOUT C6 19, LOUT N5 19, GLUT 1F 17
GLUG 1F 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
GLOUT 1E 20 TwoFold
GOT A1 16 Grace_Tjie, lynne321MH
LUG 1G 15 jeff
CLOG 4B 14 mazscot

On 17th draw, GAG O7 31 --- GAG to stop up the mouth [v]
Other moves: GAN O7 28, GANJA 5D 26, AGOG 1F 21, GANG 1F 21, GANG C6 21
GAG O7 31 TwoFold, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
GAN O7 28 jeff
AGOG 1F 21 Grace_Tjie
GONG 1F 21 mazscot
AN O8 15 rn.roselle
ARGON 5A 12 lynne321MH

On 18th draw, SUQ F12 32 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: TOON 13D 22, TOOT 13D 22, NOTT C6 17, NOUT C6 17, ONO 10D 17
TOON 1F 14 Grace_Tjie, rn.roselle
TOO A1 13 sunshine12
NOT A1 13 jeff, GLOBEMAN
QAT 6A 12 TwoFold

On 19th draw, CONVO 4B 20 --- CONVO a conversation [n]
Other tops: TOUN 13D 20, TOUT 13D 20
Other moves: NOTT C6 17, NOUT C6 17, ONO 10D 17, TOUN C6 17, TOUT C6 17
OV(E)R 6E 14 jeff
TOON 1F 14 Grace_Tjie
NOUT 1F 14 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
VETO 3A 14 lynne321MH
VENT 3A 14 rn.roselle
(G)OV 14M 10 mazscot

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