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Game of October 27, 2011 at 23:46, 1 player
1. 326 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eginntw   H3    28    28   twinge
 2. ?deeelq   5E    28    56   equid
 3. ?aeorsv   J1    84   140   oversea
 4. aefpttw   4A    32   172   fetwa
 5. aelopst   9E    72   244   apostle
 6. aadeimn   A2    39   283   infamed
 7. eeinort   C4    60   343   tenorite
 8. agnoort   B2    38   381   toerag
 9. eiimops   1H    36   417   spoom
10. beklnot   8K    40   457   bloke
11. aiorrtz   N8    37   494   kazi
12. acdenty  O11    41   535   tynde
13. bcgilru   B9    34   569   lubric
14. aceghiy   K8    32   601   beachy
15. aiorsuu  12K    40   641   horsy
16. deijnrx  13A    42   683   jinxed
17. aghilnu  12D    49   732   anigh
18. efiloru   3F    76   808   outrelief

Remaining tiles: aiiuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3997 Filedenbay      1 12:36  -482  326     1.3997 denbay      1 12:36  -482  326 

On 1st draw, TWINGE H3 28 --- TWINGE to affect with a sharp pain [v]
Other moves: WINGE H4 26, NEWING H7 24, TEWING H7 24, TWINGE H8 24, GWINE H4 22
TWINE H4 18 denbay

On 2nd draw, EQ(U)ID 5E 28 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: Q(A)DI 5E 26, Q(I) G5 22, Q(U)EENED 6D 22, DELE(T)E 9H 20, LEE(P)ED 9C 20
LEND 6F 7 denbay

On 3rd draw, OV(E)RSEA J1 84 --- OVERSEA overseas [adv]
Other tops: OVERSA(D) J1 84, OVERSA(W) J1 84
Other moves: OVERSA(L)E 8A 83, OVERSA(V)E 8A 83, O(V)ERSAVE 8A 83, OVERS(E)A J1 82, WAVERO(U)S 4H 81
ROVES 9D 20 denbay

On 4th draw, FETWA 4A 32 --- FETWA a religious decree of death [n]
Other moves: APTOTE 1G 27, WAQF F3 27, FETTA 4A 26, AWETO 1F 24, TEAPOT 1F 24
TWO 1H 18 denbay

On 5th draw, APOSTLE 9E 72 --- APOSTLE a disciple sent forth by Christ to preach the gospel [n]
Other tops: PELOTAS 9B 72
Other moves: APOSTLE G7 70, APOSTLE K7 70, APOSTLE G8 65, APOSTLE I8 65, PELOTAS G8 65
FEAST A4 24 denbay

On 6th draw, INFAMED A2 39 --- INFAME to defame [v]
Other moves: AMEND 8K 35, AMIDE 8K 35, ADENOMA 1F 33, AMIDONE 1F 33, DOMAINE 1I 33
DEAF A1 24 denbay

On 7th draw, TENORITE C4 60 --- TENORITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: TEENER B2 32, TOEIER B2 32, TEENE B2 28, ENROOT 1G 21, ORIENT 1J 21
TENOR K8 10 denbay

On 8th draw, TOERAG B2 38 --- TOERAG a beggar [n]
Other moves: AGOROT 1H 24, TROGON 1H 24, ARGON 8K 23, ARGOT 8K 23, NAGOR 8K 23
GROAN 1H 21 denbay

On 9th draw, SPOOM 1H 36 --- SPOOM to scud before the wind [v]
Other moves: MOPES 8K 34, POEMS 8K 34, POMES 8K 34, IMPOSE 1G 33, IMPIES B10 32
MOPES L5 20 denbay

On 10th draw, BLOKE 8K 40 --- BLOKE a fellow [n]
Other moves: TOKEN 8K 32, BELON 8K 28, BENTO 8K 28, BETON 8K 28, BLENT 8K 28
BETEL K8 14 denbay

On 11th draw, KAZI N8 37 --- KAZI a lavatory [n]
Other moves: BEZOAR K8 34, IZAR 10J 33, AZO 10J 32, MATZO L1 32, MIRZA L1 32
ZOO M7 23 denbay

On 12th draw, TYNDE O11 41 --- TIND to kindle [v]
Other tops: TYNED O11 41
Other moves: DECAY O11 39, DANCEY B9 37, DAYNT O11 33, DECAY D11 33, DENAY O11 33
ACED E9 14 denbay

On 13th draw, LUBRIC B9 34 --- LUBRIC slippery [adj]
Other moves: RUBRIC 4J 26, RUBIGO M3 22, CLUB M11 21, CRIB M11 21, CURB M11 21
BUILD 14K 16 denbay

On 14th draw, BEACHY K8 32 --- BEACHY sandy or pebbly [adj]
Other tops: BEACHY 11B 32, BEECHY 11B 32, BEECHY K8 32, YECH D11 32
Other moves: YECH 2L 31, HADE I3 30, CHAY M11 29, ACHY 2L 28, TH(E)CAE 3H 28
CAGEY E8 22 denbay

On 15th draw, HORSY 12K 40 --- HORSY resembling a horse [adj]
Other moves: OARS L12 25, OURS L12 25, ISNAE 6F 24, SOUARI M1 22, URIALS L4 22
SIRE 15L 5 denbay

On 16th draw, JINXED 13A 42 --- JINX to bring bad luck to [v]
Other moves: JAXIE E8 38, JINX 13A 36, NIXED D11 35, JINXED O4 32, DEX 10E 31
JINXED 13A 42 denbay

On 17th draw, ANIGH 12D 49 --- ANIGH nigh [adv]
Other moves: AHING 12D 48, SPOOMING 1H 39, AHI 12D 38, AH 12D 33, ATH(E)LING 3G 32
GUILE 15K 7 denbay

On 18th draw, OUTR(E)LIEF 3F 76 --- OUTRELIEF
Other moves: HOUF H12 30, RYFE 13J 29, BERE 11B 28, ULYIE 13I 24, VIOLER 2J 24
HIRE H12 21 denbay

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