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Game of October 29, 2011 at 11:29, 6 players
1. 611 pts PIThompson
2. 446 pts asni
3. 395 pts inday1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acnostu   H2    74    74   noctuas
 2. agiinor   5D    86   160   rigatoni
 3. ?fortuv   L1    31   191   vrous
 4. ?aabehi   D3    74   265   herbaria
 5. aegmnst   C7    95   360   magnets
 6. adeelpv   1J    39   399   devvel
 7. cefprsu   8A    36   435   scarfers
 8. delnqty   6G    32   467   tuny
 9. abdeeor   O1    92   559   leeboard
10. aeelnsz   N6    72   631   zeals
11. defiilo  11C    31   662   elfed
12. dimnrty  10F    37   699   minty
13. aiopqtw   C2    36   735   qat
14. ikoortu   G1    25   760   oik
15. aeiprtu  O10    29   789   taupie
16. eijoprw   F1    29   818   ow
17. eghilow   I2    30   848   ow
18. egilnru  15H    80   928   reguline
19. dehjopr   M9    32   960   ephod

Remaining tiles: iijrx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7685 FilePIThompson  6 18:19  -349  611     1.7685 PIThompson  6 18:19  -349  611 
  2.5925 Fileasni        2 20:16  -514  446     2.7185 kellybelly  4  8:37  -719  241 
  3.6330 Fileinday1      2 18:29  -565  395            Group: intermediate
  4.7185 Filekellybelly  4  8:37  -719  241     1.6330 inday1      2 18:29  -565  395 
  5.6451 Filecharmz      2  8:08  -728  232     2.6451 charmz      2  8:08  -728  232 
  6.5947 Fileworsie      0  3:41  -836  124            Group: novice
                                             1.5925 asni        2 20:16  -514  446 
                                             2.5947 worsie      0  3:41  -836  124 

On 1st draw, NOCTUAS H2 74 --- NOCTUA a type of moth [n]
Other tops: CONATUS H4 74
Other moves: CONATUS H2 70, CONATUS H3 70, CONATUS H6 70, CONATUS H7 70, CONATUS H8 70
COUNTS H4 22 PIThompson, asni, inday1

On 2nd draw, RIGATONI 5D 86 --- RIGATONI a tubular pasta [n]
Other moves: SIGNORIA 8H 80, AIRTING 5E 32, ORATING 5E 32, RAITING 5E 32, RIOTING 5E 32
ROATING 5E 32 PIThompson
CORING 4H 18 asni
ORIGIN I8 11 inday1

On 3rd draw, VROU(S) L1 31 --- VROU a Dutch woman [n]
Other tops: FORT(S) L1 31, FOUR(S) L1 31
Other moves: F(A)VOUR G7 29, F(A)VOR D1 28, F(A)VOR G7 28, F(L)OUT 4A 28, FORU(M) 4A 27
F(A)VOUR G7 29 PIThompson
RIGATONI(S) 5D 9 asni

On 4th draw, HERBA(R)IA D3 74 --- HERBARIA collections of dried plants [n] --- HERBARIUM a collection of dried plants [n]
Other moves: GA(L)ABIEH F5 67, HERBA(L) 2J 36, HERBA(R) 2J 36, HERB(S) 2J 34, HERB(Y) 2J 34
BER(T)HA 2J 32 PIThompson
VIBE 1L 27 worsie, inday1
VAI(R) 1L 18 asni

On 5th draw, MAGNETS C7 95 --- MAGNET a body that possesses the property of attracting iron [n]
Other moves: MAGNETS C9 85, MAGNETS 11A 83, MINTAGES K4 76, MISAGENT K4 76, MAGNETS G7 75
MAGNETS C7 45 PIThompson
MAGNETS G7 25 inday1
MEAT C1 24 asni
VENT 1L 21 worsie

On 6th draw, DEVVEL 1J 39 --- DEVVEL to hit hard [v]
Other moves: PAVEED 1J 36, PERVED 2J 36, DELEAVE 11B 35, PAREVE 2J 34, PAREV 2J 32
PARLED 2J 30 PIThompson
EVADE 1K 27 worsie
PAVED E10 27 asni

On 7th draw, SCA(R)FERS 8A 36 --- SCARFER one that eats or drinks voraciously [n]
Other moves: SCA(R)PERS 8A 33, PUCE C1 32, CUSP C1 30, SCUP C1 30, CEPS E8 29
SCA(R)FERS 8A 36 inday1
PUCE C1 32 PIThompson
PUSHER 3A 22 worsie
FEN 2F 14 asni

On 8th draw, TUNY 6G 32 --- TUNY tuneful [adj]
Other tops: LUNY 6G 32
Other moves: DEELY 11A 31, FENDY E8 31, DENY 11B 29, DEY C2 29, NYED C1 29
LUNY 6G 32 PIThompson
DEY C2 29 asni
QUEY 4K 27 worsie, inday1

On 9th draw, LEEBOARD O1 92 --- LEEBOARD a board attached to a sailing vessel to prevent leeway [n]
Other moves: DOAB C1 28, DRAB C1 28, ABED C1 27, BEAD C1 27, BRAD C1 27
ABED C1 27 PIThompson
BAD C2 25 asni
BATED 12A 22 charmz
BORED E10 21 inday1

On 10th draw, ZEALS N6 72 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: ZEAL N6 69, ZEAS N6 69, ZEES N6 69, ZEA N6 68, ZEE N6 68
ZEALS N6 72 PIThompson, charmz, asni, kellybelly
ZEE N6 68 inday1

On 11th draw, ELFED 11C 31 --- ELF to entangle (hair) [v]
Other tops: FELID 11B 31, FIELD 11A 31
Other moves: DEF C2 29, DELF 11B 29, DOF C2 29, FEOD C1 29, FLED C1 29
DEF C2 29 PIThompson
FLED C1 29 asni
EF N1 20 inday1
DOTE 12A 14 charmz

On 12th draw, MINTY 10F 37 --- MINTY having the flavor mint (an aromatic herb) [adj]
Other moves: YIRD 10F 32, DIRTY 10F 31, Y*D 10F 31, YIN 10F 30, MINY 10F 28
MINTY 10F 37 charmz, PIThompson
DIRTY 10F 31 inday1

On 13th draw, QAT C2 36 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QOPH 3A 36
Other moves: PAW C2 31, POW C2 31, WAP C2 30, W*P C2 30, TAW C2 27
QAT C2 36 PIThompson, kellybelly, asni
QOPH 3A 36 inday1
QAT 12A 22 charmz

On 14th draw, OIK G1 25 --- OIK a boor [n]
Other tops: OUK G1 25, ROK G1 25
Other moves: OUK 11I 21, IROKO M10 20, ROOKIE 3J 20, OIK 11J 19, OUK 11J 19
OUK G1 25 PIThompson
ROK G1 25 kellybelly
ROOKIE 3J 20 charmz
KIN 2F 17 asni

On 15th draw, TAUPIE O10 29 --- TAUPIE a clumsy girl [n]
Other moves: PRAU M7 27, TAUPIE M8 27, PRE M7 24, VERT M1 22, PAINTIER 2E 21
PRE M7 24 PIThompson
PART B3 19 charmz
APER 11J 17 asni
UP 11J 13 kellybelly

On 16th draw, OW F1 29 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other moves: JIN 2F 26, JOW 3K 26, POWER M10 25, POWRE M10 25, EWE N1 24
JIN 2F 26 kellybelly, charmz, inday1, asni
JOW 3K 26 PIThompson

On 17th draw, OW I2 30 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other moves: WHELP 13K 26, WEIGH 12F 25, EWE N1 24, OH N13 24, WHIP 13L 24
OW I2 30 PIThompson, kellybelly
OH N13 24 asni
OWL 11J 17 inday1

On 18th draw, REGULINE 15H 80 --- REGULINE pertaining to a regulus [adj] --- REGULUS a mass that forms beneath the slag in a furnace [adj]
Other moves: GULE N12 23, VEIN M1 22, GUL N12 19, LUNG B3 18, REGULI 14J 18
GULE N12 23 PIThompson
ERN 11J 11 kellybelly
URE 11J 11 asni

On 19th draw, EPHOD M9 32 --- EPHOD an ancient Hebrew vestment [n]
Other moves: EPHOR M9 30, JEHU 12L 28, JOE 14F 28, JODEL L11 26, EDH N1 25
JOE 14F 28 asni, PIThompson, inday1, kellybelly

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