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Game of October 29, 2011 at 14:29, 4 players
1. 637 pts PIThompson
2. 389 pts annelhynz
3. 318 pts reynaritz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acgiors   H7    24    24   orgiac
 2. eenpssu  12B    74    98   suspence
 3. ??deeiu   8H    77   175   residues
 4. abelnqr   C8    36   211   barque
 5. deiostu   D4    78   289   outside
 6. aijmosz   8A    57   346   imbizo
 7. adhijot   K5    72   418   ijtihad
 8. eeinptw  E10    32   450   wippen
 9. ahioort   J8    35   485   soho
10. aemortv   N1    80   565   overtame
11. aflnorv  13I    41   606   flavor
12. aefstwy  O12    58   664   wyte
13. enorstx   1J    63   727   sexton
14. egklnru  15D    42   769   knurl
15. aeiilty  14E    29   798   eye
16. aaefglr  N10    41   839   flare
17. adginot   G1    67   906   doating
18. abcginr   H1    44   950   abrin

Remaining tiles: acgiln

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7687 FilePIThompson  7 15:24  -313  637     1.7687 PIThompson  7 15:24  -313  637 
  2.6101 Fileannelhynz   0 19:16  -561  389     2.7001 reynaritz   3 11:17  -632  318 
  3.7001 Filereynaritz   3 11:17  -632  318            Group: intermediate
  4.5275 Filetonikay     0  1:58  -934   16     1.6101 annelhynz   0 19:16  -561  389 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5275 tonikay     0  1:58  -934   16 

On 1st draw, ORGIAC H7 24 --- ORGIAC of the nature of an orgy [adj]
Other tops: CARGOS H4 24, CIGARS H4 24, CORGIS H4 24, CRAIGS H4 24
Other moves: CARGO H4 22, CIGAR H4 22, CORGI H4 22, CRAGS H4 22, CRAIG H4 22
CARGOS H4 24 PIThompson

On 2nd draw, SUSPENCE 12B 74 --- SUSPENCE held back (Milton) [adj]
Other moves: APNEUSES 11H 70, PURENESS 8F 61, UNEASES 11E 28, SPENCES 12D 22, SPENCE 12D 20
APSES 11H 14 PIThompson

On 3rd draw, RE(S)IDUE(S) 8H 77 --- RESIDUE something remaining after the removal of a part [n]
Other tops: REI(N)DU(C)E 8H 77
Other moves: REU(N)I(T)ED 8H 74, RE(C)UI(L)ED 8H 74, RE(Q)UI(R)ED 8H 74, RE(Q)UI(T)ED 8H 74, (G)UDESI(R)E B8 72
RE(Q)UI(T)ED 8H 24 PIThompson
DE I7 12 annelhynz

On 4th draw, BARQUE C8 36 --- BARQUE a sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: BURQA C11 32, NIQAB K7 32, QIBLA K7 32, BARQUE M4 28, EQUAL C10 28
QIBLA K7 32 PIThompson
QUARE C11 28 annelhynz

On 5th draw, OUTSIDE D4 78 --- OUTSIDE the outer side, surface, or part [n]
Other moves: OUTSIDE(S) O1 77, OUTSIDE D2 73, TEDIOUS 13I 71, OUTSIDE(S) J1 64, TEDIOUS G1 64
OUSTED 14A 40 PIThompson
TUBED 8A 27 annelhynz
TIDE D7 16 tonikay

On 6th draw, IMBIZO 8A 57 --- IMBIZO a gathering of people at the request of a chieftain [n]
Other moves: JIZ G5 50, JIZ C2 49, MIZ G5 45, MOZ G5 45, J*SM 14A 44
JIZ G5 50 PIThompson
JAM C2 28 annelhynz

On 7th draw, IJTIHAD K5 72 --- IJTIHAD the use of reasoning in Islamic law [n]
Other moves: HADJI 13I 49, HODJA 13I 49, HADJ G4 40, HADJ C1 39, HAJ G5 38
HADJI 13I 49 PIThompson
JAM B6 28 annelhynz

On 8th draw, WIPPEN E10 32 --- WIPPEN part of a piano's hammer mechanism [n]
Other moves: WIPE E3 30, TWP E3 29, PEWIT L1 28, UPWENT M8 28, WEEP E2 28
PEWIT L1 28 PIThompson
WEEP L10 26 annelhynz

On 9th draw, (S)OHO J8 35 --- SOHO a huntsman's halloo [interj]
Other moves: RITZ E5 34, HORNITO 15B 33, (S)OH J8 31, HA J10 29, HI J10 29
(S)OHO J8 35 PIThompson, reynaritz
HO J10 29 annelhynz

On 10th draw, OVERTAME N1 80 --- OVERTAME too tame [adj]
Other moves: OVERTAME I1 74, OVERTAME N6 67, OVERMA(S)T O2 63, MAVEN 15A 33, MOVER 13I 33
MAVEN 15A 33 reynaritz, PIThompson
ME F14 22 annelhynz

On 11th draw, FLAVOR 13I 41 --- FLAVOR to give flavor (distinctive taste) to [v]
Other moves: FAVOR 13I 39, FLAVOR 1J 39, FAVOR 1K 36, FLOR 1L 33, FLORA 13I 33
FOOL 1L 33 PIThompson, reynaritz
FOAL M3 30 annelhynz

On 12th draw, WYTE O12 58 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other tops: WYES O12 58
Other moves: TAWNEYS 15B 51, FESTY O11 49, YAW O13 43, YEW O13 43, AYES O12 40
WYTE O12 58 PIThompson
WYES O12 58 reynaritz
SAW O13 31 annelhynz

On 13th draw, SEXTON 1J 63 --- SEXTON a maintenance worker of a church [n]
Other moves: XEROTES 3I 44, XENONS 15A 42, XENONS 15C 42, SEXTO E2 39, XENON 15A 39
NEXTS 15E 36 PIThompson, reynaritz
NOX C3 31 annelhynz

On 14th draw, KNURL 15D 42 --- KNURL to make grooves or ridges in [v]
Other moves: LUNKER 15C 33, RUNKLE 15C 33, KLUGE E2 30, NEUK M3 30, KRENG E1 28
KNURL 15D 42 PIThompson
NUKE 15E 24 reynaritz, annelhynz

On 15th draw, EYE 14E 29 --- EYE the organ of sight [n] --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other tops: LEFTY I11 29
Other moves: TAILYE C1 27, YAE M3 26, YEA M3 26, LYTE E3 25, LAITY C1 23
EYE 14E 29 PIThompson
MY B8 14 annelhynz
TI 2K 13 reynaritz

On 16th draw, FLARE N10 41 --- FLARE to burn with a bright, wavering light [v]
Other moves: FEAL M3 30, GLARE N10 29, ALFA L3 28, FARER N11 27, FAA M3 26
FLARE N10 41 PIThompson, reynaritz
FEAR O3 20 annelhynz

On 17th draw, DOATING G1 67 --- DOAT to love excessively [v] --- DOATING an excessive love [n]
Other moves: IODATING A3 61, GADOID L3 32, GANOID L3 29, DAVIT L11 25, DIVAN L11 25
DAVIT L11 25 PIThompson
ADO L4 20 reynaritz
DO M3 14 annelhynz

On 18th draw, ABRIN H1 44 --- ABRIN a poisonous protein [n]
Other moves: ABRI H1 39, BRIGAND 1A 39, CARDI 1D 33, CNIDA 1D 33, ANGICO 2B 30
ABRIN H1 44 PIThompson
AB H1 25 annelhynz, reynaritz

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