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Game of October 30, 2011 at 11:48, 7 players
1. 540 pts raggedy01
2. 513 pts churchill
3. 398 pts reynaritz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeknpst   H4    32    32   keeps
 2. ?hinrtt   5C    70   102   thirteen
 3. begostu   G7    70   172   outbegs
 4. acginuw   D4    40   212   chinwag
 5. ?eelmrr   K1    32   244   lemes
 6. aeiintu  H11    26   270   tuina
 7. aaeruwz   1F    54   324   wurzel
 8. afinnor   2A    83   407   franion
 9. beenruy   A2    39   446   funebre
10. aadorsy   C9    38   484   yards
11. aijlost  B10    58   542   jai
12. afillrs   2J    47   589   ferial
13. adehioo  A12    47   636   hood
14. aeiostv   O1    42   678   olivets
15. aegilty   E8    96   774   egality
16. adeipqx   L2    42   816   rax
17. adeemoo   M1    26   842   dim
18. adeeopq  I13    22   864   pod
19. aceioqv  J10    23   887   vice

Remaining tiles: aelooq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6154 Fileraggedy01   3 21:55  -347  540     1.7005 reynaritz   3  9:16  -489  398 
  2.5816 Filechurchill   2 20:21  -374  513     2.7209 mylover81   1  3:15  -689  198 
  3.7005 Filereynaritz   3  9:16  -489  398     3.7196 kellybelly  3  6:03  -698  189 
  4.7209 Filemylover81   1  3:15  -689  198            Group: intermediate
  5.7196 Filekellybelly  3  6:03  -698  189     1.6154 raggedy01   3 21:55  -347  540 
  6.6420 Filescrab21     1  5:41  -748  139     2.6420 scrab21     1  5:41  -748  139 
  7.6364 Fileinday1      0  4:03  -818   69     3.6364 inday1      0  4:03  -818   69 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5816 churchill   2 20:21  -374  513 

On 1st draw, KEEPS H4 32 --- KEEP to retain in ones possession [v]
Other moves: KENTES H4 30, KEENS H4 28, KEETS H4 28, KENTE H4 28, KENTS H4 28
KEEPS H4 32 churchill, raggedy01
KEPT H7 20 inday1

On 2nd draw, THIRTE(E)N 5C 70 --- THIRTEEN a number [n]
Other tops: THIRT(E)EN 5B 70
Other moves: THIRTE(E)N 6C 64, THIRT(E)EN 6B 64, INHER(I)T 5E 36, (I)NHERIT 5E 36, R(E)THINK 4B 26
THINK 4D 24 raggedy01
RETHIN(K) 5G 18 churchill

On 3rd draw, OUTBEGS G7 70 --- OUTBEG to surpass in begging [v]
Other moves: OUTBEGS G8 65, OUTBEGS I8 65, OUTKEEPS H1 42, BOGUS K1 38, OBTUSE K1 38
BUTS K2 34 churchill
OUTBEGS I8 15 inday1
USE 4J 8 raggedy01

On 4th draw, CHINWAG D4 40 --- CHINWAG to gossip [v]
Other moves: CHAWING D4 34, WINCH D1 34, WAUGH D1 32, ACHING D3 28, WHANG D4 28
CHAWING D4 34 churchill, raggedy01
WINCH D1 34 inday1

On 5th draw, LEME(S) K1 32 --- LEME to shine [v]
Other tops: MEER(S) K1 32, MERE(S) K1 32, MERL(S) K1 32, MER(S)E K2 32, ME(S)EL K3 32, REELME(N) 11E 32
Other moves: ELM(S) K2 30, EME(S) K2 30, MEE(S) K2 30, MEL(S) K2 30, ME(S)E K3 30
(S)EEM K5 30 churchill

On 6th draw, TUINA H11 26 --- TUINA a Chinese massage using vigorous hand movements [n]
Other moves: INUTILE 1F 24, NAUTILI 1F 24, INIA L1 23, ANEW 8A 21, ELUANT 1J 21
ANEW 8A 21 reynaritz
ENTAIL 1F 18 raggedy01
MEAT 3K 12 churchill

On 7th draw, WURZEL 1F 54 --- WURZEL a variety of beef [n]
Other moves: AZURE C8 53, LAZAR 1K 45, ZA C9 45, ZEAL 1H 39, AWARN J1 37
ZA C9 45 raggedy01
ZEAL 1H 39 reynaritz, churchill

On 8th draw, FRANION 2A 83 --- FRANION a paramour [n]
Other moves: FERIA 2J 45, FANION C9 38, FANON C9 36, FROWN 8A 33, FANION 2B 31
FROWN 8A 33 churchill
FEAR 2J 28 reynaritz
FOR L2 25 raggedy01

On 9th draw, FUNEBRE A2 39 --- FUNEBRE mournful [adj]
Other moves: BUYER C9 36, YFERE A1 36, EYE J1 31, EEN 1A 28, REBUY 2J 28
BREW 8A 27 churchill, raggedy01
EE 1A 23 reynaritz

On 10th draw, YARDS C9 38 --- YARD to put in a yard (a tract of ground adjacent to a building) [v]
Other moves: SAY L1 36, YAARS C9 36, DERAYS 2J 35, AREADS 2I 33, DEARY 2J 33
SAY L1 36 raggedy01
ROSY 11B 31 churchill

On 11th draw, JAI B10 58 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JA B10 54, JO B10 54, SAIL L1 40, SLAT L1 40, SLIT L1 40
JO B10 54 raggedy01, reynaritz
JA B10 54 churchill

On 12th draw, FERIAL 2J 47 --- FERIA a weekday of a church calendar on which no feast is celebrated [adj] --- FERIAL pertaining to a feria [adj]
Other tops: FELLAS 2J 47, FERALS 2J 47, FERIAS 2J 47
Other moves: FEALS 2J 45, FEARS 2J 45, FELLA 2J 45, FELLS 2J 45, FERAL 2J 45
FAIL A12 44 reynaritz
FRAIL A11 38 raggedy01
FARS 11A 24 churchill

On 13th draw, HOOD A12 47 --- HOOD to furnish with a hood (a covering for the head) [v]
Other tops: HADE A12 47, HAED A12 47, HEAD A12 47, HEID A12 47, HIDE A12 47, HIED A12 47, HOED A12 47
Other moves: ODAH E8 40, HADE E9 37, HAED E9 37, HAD E9 35, DAH E9 33
HADE A12 47 reynaritz
HIDE A12 47 raggedy01
HEAD A12 47 mylover81
HEID A12 47 kellybelly
RAH L2 26 scrab21
HIDE M1 16 churchill

On 14th draw, OLIVETS O1 42 --- OLIVET a button shaped like an olive [n]
Other moves: OLIVES O1 39, OLIVET O1 39, ALIVE O1 36, OLIVE O1 36, SLAVE O1 36
OLIVETS O1 42 raggedy01
OLIVES O1 39 kellybelly
SLAVE O1 36 mylover81, churchill, scrab21

On 15th draw, EGALITY E8 96 --- EGALITY the state of being equal [n]
Other moves: EGALITY E9 91, EGALITY N7 65, GAIETY E9 39, GAILY E9 37, YAGI E9 37
YEA B6 33 mylover81, reynaritz, kellybelly
GUILTY 12G 20 churchill
YEA N5 19 raggedy01
GAY C1 14 scrab21

On 16th draw, RAX L2 42 --- RAX to stretch out [v]
Other tops: REX L2 42
Other moves: EX I12 39, XI B14 39, PAX I13 34, APEX N7 31, PYX 14D 31
REX L2 42 churchill
XI B14 39 mylover81, raggedy01
EX I12 39 reynaritz
AX D14 22 scrab21

On 17th draw, DIM M1 26 --- DIM obscure [adj] --- DIM to reduce the light of [v]
Other moves: AIM M1 24, MID M1 24, EME I12 22, EMO I12 22, MAD I13 22
DIM M1 26 reynaritz, scrab21, kellybelly
MID M1 24 mylover81
MA B14 19 raggedy01
MAD C1 12 churchill

On 18th draw, POD I13 22 --- POD to produce seed coverings [v]
Other tops: PAD I13 22, PED I13 22
Other moves: PEA I13 20, PEE I13 20, POA I13 20, PA B14 19, PE B14 19
PED I13 22 reynaritz, kellybelly
P**D N5 19 raggedy01
PA B14 19 mylover81

On 19th draw, VICE J10 23 --- VICE to grip with a special tool [v]
Other moves: QIS 7M 22, CAVE J10 21, CIVE J10 21, COVE J10 21, VIAE J10 21
QIS 7M 22 kellybelly, reynaritz
NOVICE 14H 19 churchill
NOVA 14H 15 scrab21
QADI 15G 14 raggedy01

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