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Game of October 30, 2011 at 12:34, 6 players
1. 558 pts scrab21
2. 555 pts reynaritz
3. 516 pts mylover81

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ejorsv   H4    46    46   jivers
 2. ?aaesxy   4H    44    90   jynxes
 3. aeenrtt   K3    80   170   extranet
 4. abdefit   7B    68   238   tabefied
 5. aeemosu  11H    46   284   amuse
 6. egmnoru   M9    84   368   murgeon
 7. acilnor   E5    90   458   creolian
 8. deeiklp  14J    42   500   keloid
 9. aeenosw  15H    41   541   weason
10. adelopq  10B    34   575   qadi
11. adehinp   O8    45   620   daphnid
12. eiorttu  B10    30   650   quoter
13. egiouvw  15A    42   692   vrow
14. aeilnoz   9C    50   742   zillas
15. abegghi  12D    35   777   anigh
16. beloort   6C    23   800   bore
17. cginott   3I    31   831   noetic
18. filnory   2H    36   867   foy
19. egilnru   1C    39   906   ligure

Remaining tiles: inpt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6415 Filescrab21     3 19:25  -348  558     1.7015 reynaritz   3 21:23  -351  555 
  2.7015 Filereynaritz   3 21:23  -351  555     2.7213 mylover81   1 16:37  -390  516 
  3.7213 Filemylover81   1 16:37  -390  516            Group: intermediate
  4.5862 Filechurchill   1 12:48  -483  423     1.6415 scrab21     3 19:25  -348  558 
  5.6072 Fileannelhynz   0 11:12  -583  323     2.6072 annelhynz   0 11:12  -583  323 
  6.5560 Filejimbo       1 10:21  -614  292            Group: novice
                                             1.5862 churchill   1 12:48  -483  423 
                                             2.5560 jimbo       1 10:21  -614  292 

On 1st draw, J(I)VERS H4 46 --- JIVER one that jives [n]
Other moves: J(I)VER H4 44, J(I)VES H4 44, J(U)VES H4 44, JOS(H)ER H4 40, JOS(S)ER H4 40
J(I)VERS H4 46 scrab21, reynaritz
J(I)VES H4 44 annelhynz
JO(K)ERS H4 40 churchill

On 2nd draw, JY(N)XES 4H 44 --- JYNX the wryneck, a bird related to the woodpecker [n]
Other moves: JAX(I)ES 4H 38, JAX(I)E 4H 36, JASEY 4H 30, JASEY(S) 4H 30, JA(K)EYS 4H 30
VEX 6H 29 scrab21
SEX(I)(L)Y 5E 28 churchill
SEXY 7G 23 annelhynz, jimbo
JAXY 4H 21 mylover81
YA I3 18 reynaritz

On 3rd draw, EXTRANET K3 80 --- EXTRANET an intranet that permits limited access by outsiders [n]
Other tops: EXTERNAT K3 80
Other moves: NATTERER 8A 77, RATTENER 8A 77, RATTENER 8H 77, ANTEVERT 6D 65, ENTREAT G9 62
NEATER 3I 36 reynaritz, mylover81, annelhynz
EXTENT K3 26 scrab21
EXERT K3 24 churchill

On 4th draw, TABEFIED 7B 68 --- TABEFY to waste away [v]
Other moves: BEEDI 3I 40, FEEB 3I 30, ABIDE J6 29, BEEF 3I 28, FEED 3I 28
BEEF 3I 28 annelhynz
FATED L9 25 mylover81
FAVE 6F 18 scrab21
FEAST M1 16 churchill
FADE L1 15 reynaritz

On 5th draw, AMUSE 11H 46 --- AMUSE to occupy pleasingly [v]
Other tops: EMEUS 11G 46, MEASE 11H 46, MEOUS 11G 46, MEUSE 11H 46, MOUES 11G 46, MOUSE 11H 46, OUMAS 11G 46, SEAME 11K 46
Other moves: AMUS 11H 44, EMES 11H 44, EMOS 11H 44, EMUS 11H 44, MAES 11H 44
MOUSE 11H 46 scrab21, churchill, jimbo
AMUSE 11H 46 reynaritz
SAME 11K 44 mylover81
SEEM 11K 44 annelhynz

On 6th draw, MURGEON M9 84 --- MURGEON to mock with grimaces [v]
Other moves: MURGEON 12D 81, MURGEON 12B 75, MURGEONS 9A 63, GENOM 8A 40, GOMER 8A 40
GOMER 8A 40 reynaritz
MONER 8A 35 mylover81
AMONG H11 33 churchill
MENG 12L 26 annelhynz
RUNG M11 18 jimbo
RUNE M11 16 scrab21

On 7th draw, CREOLIAN E5 90 --- CREOLIAN a type of mixed language [n]
Other moves: CLARION 12D 79, CLARINO 12C 77, CARBINOL D4 76, CILANTRO B2 74, CLARION 12B 73
CAROL 8A 35 mylover81
CLARION 15G 30 jimbo
CANON 15K 24 reynaritz
CON 8A 19 annelhynz, churchill
CRANE E3 14 scrab21

On 8th draw, KELOID 14J 42 --- KELOID a scar caused by excessive growth of fibrous tissue [n]
Other tops: APEEK H11 42
Other moves: KELEP N6 41, KNEE 15L 39, LIKENED 15I 39, KELEP D11 38, PLINKED 12B 37
KNEE 15L 39 scrab21
LIKENED 15I 39 jimbo
KEEP D11 30 annelhynz
KID 8A 29 mylover81, reynaritz
PINK 12C 20 churchill

On 9th draw, WEASON 15H 41 --- WEASON the throat [n]
Other moves: SWEDE O11 39, WADE O12 36, WADS O12 36, WEDS O12 36, ENSEW 13C 35
SWEDE O11 39 reynaritz, scrab21
WADS O12 36 churchill
WADE O12 36 mylover81
WANDS O11 30 jimbo
WON 8A 22 annelhynz

On 10th draw, QADI 10B 34 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: APODE O11 33, OPALED D10 32, ADORE 6B 28, PALED D11 28, POLED D11 28
PLEAD D10 26 reynaritz
LAP N8 25 scrab21
PAD 8A 23 annelhynz, mylover81
LODE O12 18 jimbo

On 11th draw, DAPHNID O8 45 --- DAPHNID a type of water flea [n]
Other moves: PINHEAD O8 42, HADE O12 36, HIDE O12 36, PANDIED O8 36, PAH N8 33
HIDE O12 36 jimbo, churchill, mylover81, scrab21
HADE O12 36 reynaritz
HIP N8 28 annelhynz

On 12th draw, QUOTER B10 30 --- QUOTER one that quotes [n]
Other moves: QUIET B10 28, QUIRE B10 28, QUIRT B10 28, QUITE B10 28, QUOIT B10 28
QUOTER B10 30 scrab21
QUIET B10 28 mylover81
QUITE B10 28 churchill, reynaritz
TOT 8A 13 jimbo

On 13th draw, VROW 15A 42 --- VROW a Dutch woman [n]
Other moves: GROVE 15A 39, GREW 15A 36, GROW 15A 36, VROUW 15A 36, VAGUE C9 35
GROVE 15A 39 jimbo, reynaritz, scrab21, mylover81
GREW 15A 36 churchill

On 14th draw, ZILLAS 9C 50 --- ZILLA an administrative district in Britih India [n]
Other moves: ZILA 9C 47, ZILL 9C 47, ZEL 9C 46, ZOL 9C 46, ADZE D9 45
ZA A12 44 reynaritz
ZOA 8A 40 scrab21
ZO 8A 35 churchill

On 15th draw, ANIGH 12D 35 --- ANIGH nigh [adv]
Other moves: BESIGH M2 32, HOAING 12A 28, HOEING 12A 28, BAH 12H 27, HAG 12H 27
HOGAN 12A 26 churchill
BAH 13I 24 scrab21
HA A12 20 reynaritz
HE C12 19 mylover81

On 16th draw, BORE 6C 23 --- BORE to pierce with a rotary tool [v]
Other tops: BOOR N7 23
Other moves: BEER 3I 22, BEET 3I 22, BOET 3I 22, LOOR N7 21, BOLSTER M1 20
BEER 3I 22 scrab21, mylover81
BEET 3I 22 reynaritz

On 17th draw, NOETIC 3I 31 --- NOETIC pertaining to reason [adj]
Other moves: GNOSTIC M1 26, COSING M2 22, CION N6 20, COIN N6 20, COSIGN M2 20
COSING M2 22 scrab21, mylover81
CONE L1 11 reynaritz

On 18th draw, FOY 2H 36 --- FOY a parting entertainment or gift [n]
Other moves: LOY 2H 33, NOY 2H 33, OF 2I 32, OY 2I 32, FRORY 6J 27
FOY 2H 36 reynaritz, mylover81
FRY 6J 17 scrab21

On 19th draw, LIGURE 1C 39 --- LIGURE a precious stone [n]
Other tops: GUILE 1D 39, LUNGIE 1C 39, REGULI 1C 39
Other moves: INGLE 1D 36, LIGNE 1D 36, LUNGE 1D 36, LUNGI 1D 36, LURGI 1D 36
GULE 1E 30 mylover81
URGE 1E 30 scrab21

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