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Game of October 30, 2011 at 14:06, 5 players
1. 565 pts reynaritz
2. 508 pts naomiari
3. 484 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dglopr   H4    76    76   pledgor
 2. ehirstz  11B    99   175   zithers
 3. dilnoqs  12A    30   205   nodi
 4. aaejstw  10E    60   265   swaraj
 5. aabeltv   5E    40   305   vallate
 6. acmnotx   B8    40   345   matzoon
 7. ?egiost  15B    93   438   stogies
 8. eefinrv   A4    48   486   fiere
 9. aeilnor   8H    80   566   geraniol
10. bcdnotu   C7    31   597   cuboid
11. adeimty   L6    78   675   dynamite
12. aehkstu   N3    77   752   shakeout
13. beiilqy  K11    46   798   qi
14. abnoruv  14J    41   839   baron
15. ceegino  O11    36   875   conge
16. defiuwy   3I    38   913   wifeys
17. delnpru   B2    38   951   upend
18. eilruvx  14D    59  1010   luxe

Remaining tiles: irv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7004 Filereynaritz   4 22:55  -445  565     1.7004 reynaritz   4 22:55  -445  565 
  2.6012 Filenaomiari    1 18:56  -502  508            Group: intermediate
  3.6043 FileHasni       1 21:43  -526  484     1.6012 naomiari    1 18:56  -502  508 
  4.5891 Filechurchill   1 14:51  -668  342     2.6043 Hasni       1 21:43  -526  484 
  5.3695 FileZEHAVARON   0  3:03  -958   52            Group: novice
                                             1.5891 churchill   1 14:51  -668  342 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3695 ZEHAVARON   0  3:03  -958   52 

On 1st draw, PL(E)DGOR H4 76 --- PLEDGOR one who pledges something [n]
Other moves: PL(E)DGOR H8 74, PL(E)DGOR H3 72, PL(E)DGOR H6 72, PL(E)DGOR H7 72, PL(E)DGOR H2 70
PROL(E)D H4 22 reynaritz
PLOD(S) H4 20 naomiari

On 2nd draw, ZITHERS 11B 99 --- ZITHER a stringed instrument [n]
Other moves: ZEST G9 46, HERTZ 10F 45, HERTZ G9 42, HERTZ I9 42, RITZES 11C 41
ZEST G9 46 reynaritz
SIZER 11H 39 Hasni
SIZE I1 27 naomiari

On 3rd draw, NODI 12A 30 --- NODUS a difficulty [n]
Other tops: QIS 10C 30
Other moves: ZINS B11 26, ZOLS B11 26, QI I3 25, DIOL 12C 24, QI 10C 24
QIS 10C 30 naomiari, reynaritz
QI I3 25 Hasni

On 4th draw, SWARAJ 10E 60 --- SWARAJ self-government in British India [n]
Other moves: AJAR G8 41, JARTAS G9 41, AWAREST 10E 40, JARTA G9 40, JARS G9 38
AJAR G8 41 reynaritz
JAR G9 37 Hasni
J*WS F10 30 naomiari

On 5th draw, VALLATE 5E 40 --- VALLATE bordered by a raised edge [adj]
Other moves: LAEVO 9D 34, AZOLE B10 32, AZOTE B10 32, LAV 10A 29, LET 13B 29
ABATE 11J 23 naomiari
NAVE A12 21 reynaritz

On 6th draw, MATZOON B8 40 --- MATZOON a food made from milk [n]
Other moves: OXIDANT C9 32, AXON 11J 31, (E)XAM 6H 31, CAXON F4 30, MOXA 4K 30
MAX F4 28 reynaritz, churchill
MAX 4K 28 naomiari
(E)XO 6H 24 Hasni

On 7th draw, STOGIE(S) 15B 93 --- STOGIE a long, slender cigar [n]
Other moves: (S)TOGIES 15B 92, (E)GOTISE A2 86, EGOTIS(E) A2 83, EGOTIS(M) A2 83, GO(E)TIES C3 75
SMOG 8A 27 naomiari
GOT A7 26 reynaritz
(U)SE 15A 25 churchill
(E)S 15A 22 Hasni

On 8th draw, FIERE A4 48 --- FIERE a companion [n]
Other moves: ENFIRE A3 42, FERINE A3 42, FIVE A5 42, INFERE A3 42, REFINE A3 42
FIVE A5 42 naomiari, churchill
FEEN A6 35 reynaritz
FINE A5 33 Hasni

On 9th draw, GERANIOL 8H 80 --- GERANIOL an alcohol used in perfumes [n]
Other moves: AILERON C3 76, ALERION C3 76, ALIENOR C3 76, AILERON 14H 69, ALERION 14H 69
PLANER 4H 22 reynaritz
ALIEN 11J 19 naomiari
ARIEL 11J 19 churchill
ALONE 11J 19 Hasni

On 10th draw, CUBOID C7 31 --- CUBOID a bone of the foot [n]
Other tops: BOUND 14F 31
Other moves: DUB 14D 28, BUDO 14D 27, OBTUND 11J 27, NOCTUID M3 26, NUB 14D 26
BOUND 14F 31 reynaritz
BOUND 4K 24 naomiari
BOND 4K 18 Hasni

On 11th draw, DYNAMITE L6 78 --- DYNAMITE to blow up with a powerful explosive [v]
Other moves: DAYTIME 13D 71, DAYTIME 14G 69, MEATY 14F 37, PYEMIA 4H 37, EYOT 9F 32
MEATY 14F 37 reynaritz
DEITY 4K 29 churchill
YA(E) 6F 28 naomiari
MATED 4K 24 Hasni

On 12th draw, SHAKEOUT N3 77 --- SHAKEOUT a minor economic recession [n]
Other moves: HAKE 14D 47, HASTE 14J 47, SUKH 14D 47, KHATS 14F 46, KHETS 14F 46
SAKE 14D 41 Hasni
HASK 14J 34 reynaritz
SHAKE 4J 31 naomiari
SKET 14L 31 churchill

On 13th draw, QI K11 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BEY K11 31, QI F14 31, BYE 14F 30, BY 14F 28, BLEY B1 26
QI K11 46 churchill, reynaritz, Hasni
QI F14 31 naomiari

On 14th draw, BARON 14J 41 --- BARON a lower member of nobility [n]
Other tops: BORNA 14J 41, BURAN 14J 41
Other moves: BRAVO 14K 35, BORA 9G 32, BRAVO 14F 31, ARVO 14K 29, UNBAR 14H 29
BRAVOS 3I 28 churchill
NAB 14D 26 naomiari
BOAR 14F 25 Hasni
BRO O1 17 reynaritz

On 15th draw, CONGE O11 36 --- CONGE permission to depart [n] --- CONGE to take leave [v]
Other tops: COIGN O11 36
Other moves: INGO O12 27, NIECE M1 27, COGNISE 3I 26, NICE M2 25, COGIES 3I 24
NICE M2 25 reynaritz
EGO O13 21 Hasni
COIN O2 17 naomiari
FINE 4A 14 churchill

On 16th draw, WIFEYS 3I 38 --- WIFEY an endearment for wife [n]
Other moves: WIFED B1 32, DEFY B1 30, DEWY B1 30, WIFTY J2 30, FEUD M2 28
DYE 14F 24 Hasni
WIFES 3J 22 churchill
WIDE B1 21 naomiari
FED B3 15 reynaritz

On 17th draw, UPEND B2 38 --- UPEND to set or stand on end [v]
Other moves: PERN 2J 34, DUPE 14D 31, PED 2J 30, DERN 2J 28, DUP 14D 28
DUPE 14D 31 Hasni
PED 2J 30 reynaritz
PEN 2J 28 naomiari
FEND 4A 16 churchill

On 18th draw, LUXE 14D 59 --- LUXE luxury [n]
Other moves: LUX 14D 56, XI 2J 55, EX 4K 42, EX A1 36, RELAX F2 30
LUXE 14D 59 reynaritz
LUX 14D 56 naomiari
XI 2J 55 Hasni
EX 4K 42 churchill

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