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Game of October 31, 2011 at 12:23, 8 players
1. 564 pts reynaritz
2. 503 pts naomiari
3. 436 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deegrtw   H4    28    28   wedge
 2. aceknry   4H    38    66   wryneck
 3. eflsuyz   O1    63   129   zels
 4. amqstvy   N2    34   163   yaks
 5. ?eefino   I7    67   230   olefine
 6. aoorstv  14C    72   302   ovators
 7. abcehin   M1    41   343   chace
 8. abddenx  15F    47   390   axe
 9. eilnotv  12G    74   464   vinolent
10. aefhiit  N10    32   496   fetta
11. aiopprw  15A    29   525   paw
12. ?eilort   1F    80   605   petrolic
13. bdnorsu   9D    74   679   bounders
14. abeimou   8K    38   717   imbue
15. aainotu  D12    26   743   nova
16. aadiimr  13C    36   779   modi
17. aaghjnr   8A    58   837   rajah
18. diiilnt   E5    44   881   lithoid
19. iinopuu   2J    22   903   pi
20. ginortu   2A    75   978   outgrin

Remaining tiles: gqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6990 Filereynaritz   6 18:16  -414  564     1.6990 reynaritz   6 18:16  -414  564 
  2.6037 Filenaomiari    3 22:09  -475  503     2.6037 naomiari    3 22:09  -475  503 
  3.6173 Fileraggedy01   2 22:50  -542  436     3.6173 raggedy01   2 22:50  -542  436 
  4.5862 Filechurchill   1 23:29  -597  381     4.6451 inday1      2 11:08  -651  327 
  5.6451 Fileinday1      2 11:08  -651  327     5.6101 annelhynz   0  1:57  -933   45 
  6.5579 Filejimbo       1  8:21  -762  216            Group: novice
  7.4852 Filestrykyster  0  7:26  -870  108     1.5862 churchill   1 23:29  -597  381 
  8.6101 Fileannelhynz   0  1:57  -933   45     2.5579 jimbo       1  8:21  -762  216 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4852 strykyster  0  7:26  -870  108 

On 1st draw, WEDGE H4 28 --- WEDGE to force apart with a wedge (a tapering piece of wood or metal) [v]
Other moves: GREWED H4 26, GREWED H7 26, GREWED H3 24, GREWED H8 24, GREWED H5 22
WEDGE H4 28 jimbo, raggedy01, naomiari
GREWED H4 26 strykyster
TWEED H4 20 reynaritz, annelhynz, churchill

On 2nd draw, WRYNECK 4H 38 --- WRYNECK a European bird [n]
Other moves: WACKY 4H 34, CANKERY 5D 32, ACKNEW 4C 30, CRANKED 6B 30, CREAKY 5F 30
WACKY 4H 34 naomiari, inday1, jimbo, churchill
KAY G3 25 reynaritz, annelhynz
YEAR G5 22 strykyster
CANKERY 8D 19 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, ZELS O1 63 --- ZEL an Oriental cymbal [n]
Other moves: FEYS O1 54, FLUKEY N1 48, ELFS O1 45, FEUS O1 45, FLUS O1 45
ZELS O1 63 inday1
FEYS O1 54 reynaritz
LYES O1 45 jimbo
ZEKS N2 34 naomiari
SELF O4 29 churchill
SULKY N1 24 raggedy01
FEZ L3 15 strykyster

On 4th draw, YAKS N2 34 --- YAK to chatter [v]
Other moves: YAK N2 32, MAKS N2 30, AYS 5J 29, MAK N2 28, TAKY N2 28
YAKS N2 34 reynaritz
YAK N2 32 inday1
AYS 5J 29 naomiari
QATS 9E 25 jimbo
YA 5K 22 strykyster
NAVY K4 20 churchill
VAC M2 16 raggedy01

On 5th draw, O(L)EFINE I7 67 --- OLEFINE an alkene [n]
Other moves: O(L)EFINE G8 62, O(S)CINE M2 28, FREEIN(G) I3 25, FOINE(D) 9C 23, (O)OF 5J 23
(S)CONE M3 20 raggedy01
EF 5K 19 naomiari
FINO(S) 9D 18 jimbo
FINE(S) 9D 18 reynaritz
FEY J2 17 inday1
FINE(D) K2 14 strykyster
FINE K2 14 churchill

On 6th draw, OVATORS 14C 72 --- OVATOR one who ovates [n]
Other moves: ARVO H12 29, ASCOT M2 28, OSCAR M2 28, TACOS M2 28, TACO M2 26
TOROS H11 25 reynaritz
TAV H13 20 naomiari
SERVO 9H 19 jimbo
VASE 9F 19 raggedy01, churchill
FORT 10I 9 strykyster

On 7th draw, CHACE M1 41 --- CHACE to chase [v]
Other moves: BEACH G5 33, BANE 15E 32, BINE 15E 32, NABE 15E 32, ACH 15A 29
BANE 15E 32 raggedy01, inday1
ACH 15A 29 naomiari
BAH 15A 29 reynaritz, jimbo
HAN 15A 20 churchill

On 8th draw, AXE 15F 47 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: BANDIED 11E 44, DEX 15A 42, BADE 15E 36, BEARD H11 36, AXES 5K 35
AXE 15F 47 inday1, raggedy01, reynaritz
AXE 15A 32 naomiari
EX 15B 18 jimbo
BIND 11H 14 churchill

On 9th draw, VINOLENT 12G 74 --- VINOLENT addicted to wine [adj]
Other tops: VINOLENT 12C 74
Other moves: VINOLENT K2 72, OLIVINE 11E 40, EVOE 13F 34, VOLTE J6 33, LEV 13E 32
VIE 13G 30 naomiari, churchill
VOE 13G 30 reynaritz
OLIVET 11G 18 raggedy01

On 10th draw, FETTA N10 32 --- FETTA a crumbly white cheese [n]
Other tops: FAH 15A 32, FEH 15A 32, FITTE N10 32
Other moves: FAITHED 6B 30, HAFT J6 29, HEFT J6 29, FAH 13A 28, FEH 13A 28
FEH 15A 32 naomiari
FAH 15A 32 reynaritz
FILTH K10 22 churchill
EF 11K 19 raggedy01

On 11th draw, PAW 15A 29 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other tops: PIPA O7 29, POW 15A 29
Other moves: PIPA 11H 28, WAP 15A 28, W*P 15A 28, PAW 13A 26, POW 13A 26
PAW 15A 29 reynaritz, naomiari, churchill
POP 15A 25 raggedy01

On 12th draw, (P)ETROLIC 1F 80 --- PETROLIC derived from petroleum [adj]
Other tops: LE(P)ROTIC 1F 80, RITO(R)NEL M7 80
Other moves: (R)ITORNEL M7 79, LITERO(S)E 9B 69, LITERO(S)E 5A 64, TO(W)NLIER K1 64, TRILLOE(S) K8 64
RELI(S)T 15J 26 naomiari, reynaritz
TOILER O6 25 raggedy01
LOITER O6 25 inday1
RO(S)E 15L 20 churchill

On 13th draw, BOUNDERS 9D 74 --- BOUNDER one that bounds [n]
Other moves: SUBORNED L6 64, BOUNDERS L7 62, DOBRAS E10 29, DORBAS E10 29, DOB 13A 28
DUB 13A 28 naomiari, inday1, churchill
OBS O13 21 raggedy01
BO O14 16 reynaritz

On 14th draw, IMBUE 8K 38 --- IMBUE to make thoroughly wet [v]
Other moves: BEAM O8 33, BIOME 10C 33, AMBO 8A 32, BEMA 8A 32, BIMA 8A 32
BEAM O8 33 reynaritz, inday1
MOB 13A 30 raggedy01, churchill
BE O14 16 naomiari

On 15th draw, NOVA D12 26 --- NOVA a type of star [n]
Other tops: TAVA D12 26
Other moves: TAUON 8A 25, ATONIA 2B 21, AUNES 5J 21, ANOA 8A 20, ANTA 8A 20
NAT 13A 18 reynaritz
OUT 13A 18 churchill
TIN 13A 18 naomiari
TAN 13A 18 raggedy01
ABOUT D8 16 inday1

On 16th draw, MODI 13C 36 --- MODUS a mode [n]
Other tops: DIRAM 8A 36
Other moves: MOAI 13C 33, MOD 13C 31, DOM 13C 30, ARAMID 2B 28, MOA 13C 28
MODI 13C 36 reynaritz
MOD 13C 31 raggedy01
AMA O13 21 naomiari
ALARM K11 14 churchill

On 17th draw, RAJAH 8A 58 --- RAJAH a king or prince in India [n]
Other moves: GANJAH 2B 46, JAGA 8A 44, HANJAR 2B 41, RAJA 8A 41, RHANJA 2A 39
JAGA 8A 44 reynaritz
RAJA 8A 41 naomiari
JAG 8C 20 churchill
RAH 8C 17 raggedy01

On 18th draw, LITHOID E5 44 --- LITHOID resembling stone [adj]
Other moves: LIND 6J 21, TIND 6J 21, DHOTI E7 18, LID 6K 18, NID 6K 18
DI O14 12 naomiari, reynaritz
LID 11H 9 raggedy01

On 19th draw, PI 2J 22 --- PI a Greek letter [n] --- PI to jumble or disorder [v]
Other tops: PO 2J 22
Other moves: NIP M12 18, PEON L3 15, PIANO B6 15, UNIPOD 6C 15, ONES 5K 14
PO 2J 22 reynaritz
NIP M12 18 raggedy01
PIN F4 13 naomiari

On 20th draw, OUTGRIN 2A 75 --- OUTGRIN to surpass in grinning [v]
Other moves: TRIGON 2B 23, GROIN 10B 21, TURION 2B 21, GUIRO 2B 19, TRIGO 2B 19
ORES 5K 14 reynaritz
GRANT B6 12 naomiari

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