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Game of November 5, 2011 at 02:39, 3 players
1. 373 pts paulineasb
2. 144 pts marcous
3. 13 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dehosxy   H8    50    50   desoxy
 2. eprstuy  13C    34    84   syrupy
 3. abehijn  12A    50   134   jean
 4. ?eflnqt  A11    42   176   fjeld
 5. ?abdlmn   F7    72   248   labdanum
 6. aceghnw   8A    39   287   changa
 7. ahinprt   C3    34   321   pitarah
 8. aegirsv   5A    74   395   vitrages
 9. aeiortz   H1    45   440   razes
10. elorstw  15C    43   483   towser
11. eenootv   1E    62   545   overtone
12. aaefimu   2J    49   594   mafia
13. cellnor   B2    28   622   colin
14. bdeiint  11E    36   658   batoned
15. gkooqtw  10J    34   692   wok
16. deeiilr  12F    27   719   nixed
17. aeiirtt   M9    25   744   tertia
18. egilouu  15J    34   778   ouglie
19. iiioquu   I7    24   802   qi

Remaining tiles: iiouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5228 Filepaulineasb  0 21:23  -429  373     1.6595 marcous     0  6:41  -658  144 
  2.6595 Filemarcous     0  6:41  -658  144     2.6442 iwhist      0  1:59  -789   13 
  3.6442 Fileiwhist      0  1:59  -789   13            Group: novice
                                             1.5228 paulineasb  0 21:23  -429  373 

On 1st draw, DESOXY H8 50 --- DESOXY having less oxygen than its parent compound [adj]
Other moves: DESOXY H7 42, DEOXY H8 40, HOXED H4 40, DESOXY H4 38, HOXES H4 38
HOXED H8 36 marcous
SEXY H8 28 paulineasb

On 2nd draw, SYRUPY 13C 34 --- SYRUP a thick, sweet liquid [adj] --- SYRUPY resembling a thick, sticky, sweet liquid [adj]
Other tops: PYREX 12D 34
Other moves: XYSTER 12H 32, PESTY I7 27, PUERS I11 27, UPSEY G5 27, YEP G9 27
PREY G6 26 marcous
PRYS 13F 11 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, JEAN 12A 50 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: JIBE 12B 44, JAB 12B 40, JIB 12B 40, HEJAB G5 38, HIJAB G5 38
JAY D11 26 marcous
JIBS 10E 15 paulineasb

On 4th draw, FJEL(D) A11 42 --- FJELD a high, barren plateau [n]
Other moves: JEF(E) A12 39, JEF(F) A12 39, JE(F)F A12 39, J(E)FE A12 39, Q(I)S 10F 31
Q(I)S 10F 31 paulineasb, marcous

On 5th draw, LABD(A)NUM F7 72 --- LABDANUM a fragrant resin [n]
Other tops: L(A)BDANUM F7 72
Other moves: (U)NBLAMED 9B 68, MENDABL(E) 9G 67, DAMN(A)BLE 9A 66, D(A)MNABLE 9A 66, MAND(I)BLE 9A 64
BAM 11C 25 marcous
M(O)P G11 18 paulineasb

On 6th draw, CHANGA 8A 39 --- CHANGA expressing approval or agreement [interj]
Other moves: WHANGEE B6 31, HAEN E8 28, CANEH E4 27, CANEH I5 27, CHANGE E2 26
SAW 10H 14 paulineasb

On 7th draw, PITARAH C3 34 --- PITARAH a type of clothes basket [n]
Other moves: PIRANHA C2 32, HIP I9 27, PAH I7 27, AHI 7B 26, PIPA G11 26
HAH B6 17 paulineasb

On 8th draw, VITRAGES 5A 74 --- VITRAGE a curtain [n]
Other moves: GARVIES I3 71, GRAVIES I3 71, RIVAGES I3 71, VISAGE 15D 55, SAVER 15F 37
SAVER 15F 37 paulineasb

On 9th draw, RAZES H1 45 --- RAZE to tear down or demolish [v]
Other tops: IZARS H1 45, RIZAS H1 45, TOZES H1 45, TZARS H1 45, ZATIS H1 45, ZEROS H1 45, ZETAS H1 45, ZOEAS H1 45, ZORIS H1 45
Other moves: ZOE(A) 11C 42, TOAZE 6G 38, RITZ 6G 37, ZEE B10 37, TOZIE 6H 36
TORES H1 18 paulineasb

On 10th draw, TOWSER 15C 43 --- TOWSER a hauler [n]
Other tops: LOWSER 15C 43, WORSET 15C 43
Other moves: RESOW 15D 40, SLOWER 15F 40, SOWTER 15F 40, STOWER 15F 40, STOWRE 15F 40
SWORE 15F 37 paulineasb

On 11th draw, OVERTONE 1E 62 --- OVERTONE a higher partial tone [n]
Other moves: NOOIT B2 24, EVZONE 3F 23, EVENT I6 21, NOV(A) 11C 21, EON I2 20
OZONE 3G 16 paulineasb

On 12th draw, MAFIA 2J 49 --- MAFIA a secret criminal organization [n]
Other moves: FRAENA D4 37, FAME 2J 36, FUME 2J 36, FEM 2J 35, FUM 2J 35
FAME 2J 36 paulineasb
OF J1 13 iwhist

On 13th draw, COLIN B2 28 --- COLIN the bobwhite [n]
Other moves: CEORL D2 24, GOEL E8 19, HOC B8 19, LOC(A) 11C 19, CERO I7 18
(A)CORN 11F 6 paulineasb

On 14th draw, B(A)TONED 11E 36 --- BATON to strike with a truncheon [v]
Other moves: BETID I7 23, NIDI I9 23, BETIDE 4G 22, BIDI I7 22, TERN D3 22
SIB 10H 11 paulineasb

On 15th draw, WOK 10J 34 --- WOK a pan used in Chinese cookery [n]
Other moves: W*G 10J 31, WOOT 10J 31, WOO 10J 30, WOT 10J 30, SOW 10H 29
WET J10 14 paulineasb

On 16th draw, NIXED 12F 27 --- NIX to veto [v]
Other tops: LEIRED M9 27, LIEDER M8 27, RELIDE M9 27, RELIED M9 27
Other moves: LERED M9 25, EDILE 12J 23, EDILE M10 23, EIDER M10 23, ELDER M10 23
DE 1N 12 paulineasb

On 17th draw, TERTIA M9 25 --- TERTIA an infantry regiment [n]
Other moves: RETIA M9 23, TERAI M9 23, TETRA M9 23, TETRI M9 23, ATTIRE M5 19
TRAIK L6 10 paulineasb

On 18th draw, OUGLIE 15J 34 --- OUGLIE to make ugly (pr p OUGLIEING) [v]
Other moves: GLEI 15L 28, GLUE 15L 28, IGLU L12 21, LEG 15M 19, LIG 15M 19
LOG 15M 19 paulineasb

On 19th draw, QI I7 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIZ 3E 23, QI 14I 17, QUOD K8 14, HOI B8 13, HUI B8 13
QUIZ 3E 23 paulineasb

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