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Game of November 12, 2011 at 14:04, 5 players
1. 506 pts kellybelly
2. 499 pts charmz
3. 442 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceilmss   H8    26    26   melics
 2. aeinowx   I7    46    72   wax
 3. abdiprs   G4    29   101   disbar
 4. dinosty  12A    82   183   dystonic
 5. eilopty   A8    39   222   tepidly
 6. aegnoot   H1    24   246   oaten
 7. aefilor   C8    74   320   foresail
 8. ?dejnuv  11E    49   369   judies
 9. aegimrt   B2    80   449   migrate
10. aefintv   1A    44   493   neif
11. eghhost   D4    34   527   hoghs
12. egiknpr  15B    42   569   plinker
13. ?anooou   E3    23   592   napoo
14. eeglrtw  13H    28   620   swelter
15. abdnorv  N10    28   648   board
16. aaeiuvz   O6    55   703   avize
17. gnoqruv   2F    40   743   quango
18. acertuv   N1    30   773   curvet

Remaining tiles: au

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7258 Filekellybelly  3 13:54  -267  506     1.7258 kellybelly  3 13:54  -267  506 
  2.6645 Filecharmz      4 19:46  -274  499            Group: intermediate
  3.6136 FileHasni       2 20:32  -331  442     1.6645 charmz      4 19:46  -274  499 
  4.6951 Filereynaritz   3 18:28  -376  397     2.6136 Hasni       2 20:32  -331  442 
  5.5882 Filechurchill   1 13:25  -536  237     3.6951 reynaritz   3 18:28  -376  397 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5882 churchill   1 13:25  -536  237 

On 1st draw, MELICS H8 26 --- MELIC a grass of the fescue family [n]
Other tops: CLIMES H4 26, MELICS H4 26, SCLIMS H3 26, SCLIMS H8 26
Other moves: CLEMS H4 24, CLIME H4 24, MELIC H4 24, MELIC H8 24, MESIC H4 24
CLIMES H4 26 charmz, Hasni, reynaritz, kellybelly

On 2nd draw, WAX I7 46 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: WEX I7 46, WOX I7 46
Other moves: AXON I8 44, EXON I8 44, EXO I8 41, NIX I7 40, NOX I7 40
WEX I7 46 charmz, Hasni
WAX I7 46 kellybelly, churchill
WOX I7 46 reynaritz

On 3rd draw, DISBAR G4 29 --- DISBAR to expel from the legal profession [v]
Other tops: BAD G7 29, PAD G7 29, SPRAD G5 29
Other moves: BRAD G6 28, PRAD G6 28, DAB G9 27, DAP G9 27, RIBAS G5 27
BAD G7 29 kellybelly, reynaritz
DAP G9 27 Hasni
BRAIDS 11E 18 churchill
CRABS 12H 18 charmz

On 4th draw, DYSTONIC 12A 82 --- DYSTONIA a condition of disordered tonicity of muscle tissue [adj] --- DYSTONIC pertaining to dystonia [adj]
Other moves: SYNOD H1 37, SLY 10G 33, YONIS H1 33, NODDY 4D 28, SODDY 4D 28
DINOS H1 27 kellybelly
YOS J6 25 Hasni, reynaritz
COINS 12H 14 charmz

On 5th draw, TEPIDLY A8 39 --- TEPID moderately warm [adv] --- TEPIDLY in a tepid manner [adv]
Other moves: PLOIDY A8 36, PLOYED A7 36, PODLEY A10 36, PEYOTL B10 34, PIONEY F9 34
PLOYED A7 36 Hasni
YIPE H1 34 charmz
TYPO H1 34 kellybelly
DOPY A12 30 reynaritz
PILOTED A6 30 churchill

On 6th draw, OATEN H1 24 --- OATEN pertaining to oats [adj]
Other tops: YAE B12 24
Other moves: GANNET F9 23, LATEN 13A 23, TAGINE 11E 23, ATONY B8 22, GANE H1 22
GANE H1 22 charmz, kellybelly
YANG 14A 16 churchill
NO J6 9 Hasni

On 7th draw, FORESAIL C8 74 --- FORESAIL the lowest sail on a foremast [n]
Other moves: AEROFOIL E7 72, FLOATIER D8 66, AEROFOIL 1C 62, AEROFOIL 1E 62, AERIFY B7 29
FEAL F5 29 charmz
FARSE C9 24 reynaritz
OAF 13C 23 kellybelly
EF B14 20 Hasni
FLARES C7 14 churchill

On 8th draw, JUDIE(S) 11E 49 --- JUDY a girl [n]
Other moves: JEDI 11E 47, JEDI(S) 11E 47, J(E)DI 11E 44, JE(D)I 11E 41, JUN(K)ED D4 37
J(O) 11E 35 kellybelly, churchill, Hasni
J(A) 11E 35 charmz

On 9th draw, MIGRATE B2 80 --- MIGRATE to move from one region to another [v]
Other tops: RAGTIME B2 80
Other moves: MIGRATE D2 78, RAGTIME D2 78, GEMATRIA 2A 76, MARITAGE 2G 76, STERIGMA 13H 74
GRIME D4 24 Hasni
REMATING 5B 22 kellybelly
GRAM D6 18 charmz
STREAM 13H 18 churchill

On 10th draw, NEIF 1A 44 --- NEIF the fist or hand [n]
Other moves: FLAVINE 15B 42, FEINT 1A 38, FEAT 1A 35, FENI 1A 35, FENT 1A 35
NEIF 1A 44 charmz
FAT A1 24 reynaritz, kellybelly
VAT A1 24 Hasni
FIVE 3A 20 churchill

On 11th draw, HOGHS D4 34 --- HOGH a promontory [n]
Other moves: HETHS D4 32, HEH J6 31, HOH J6 31, GOTHS D4 28, HEATHS 2F 28
HES J6 25 Hasni
SHOTE E1 24 charmz
HIGHS 3A 24 kellybelly
HINGES 5F 20 churchill
THOSE 12J 17 reynaritz

On 12th draw, PLINKER 15B 42 --- PLINKER one that plinks [n]
Other moves: GIPSEN 13E 36, KEPI E3 36, GIPS 13E 33, LINKER 15C 33, PRINK I1 32
PLINKER 15B 42 charmz
KIP E3 31 kellybelly
PIKE J4 25 Hasni
KIN E3 23 reynaritz
PARK 2G 20 churchill

On 13th draw, NA(P)OO E3 23 --- NAPOO to kill [v]
Other moves: ANO(A) E4 22, (A)NOA E4 22, (G)UANO E2 20, (M)ONOAO F1 20, ON(S) I13 19
ON(S) I13 19 reynaritz, kellybelly
(H)OON E2 15 charmz
O(S) I14 14 Hasni

On 14th draw, SWELTER 13H 28 --- SWELTER to suffer from oppressive heat [v]
Other moves: SWEERT 13H 26, WEEL I1 22, GRUNT F9 20, STEWER 13H 20, EWE J5 19
WEEL I1 22 kellybelly
REW I2 19 charmz
WE J6 18 Hasni
WIG 3A 14 reynaritz

On 15th draw, BOARD N10 28 --- BOARD to supply food and lodging for a fee [v]
Other moves: BARRO N10 26, VORANT L8 26, DOBRA N10 24, BRAVO J3 23, DRAB I1 22
ODA 14I 22 kellybelly
*B* 12L 20 charmz
ADO 12L 17 reynaritz

On 16th draw, AVIZE O6 55 --- AVIZE to advise [v]
Other moves: AVIZE J3 42, ZEA O8 40, ZA F2 33, ZEA 2F 32, ZA 9M 30
ZEA O8 40 kellybelly, reynaritz, Hasni
ZA F2 33 charmz

On 17th draw, QUANGO 2F 40 --- QUANGO a public administrative board [n]
Other moves: QUAG 2F 34, QUA 2F 32, GOV I2 21, DEVOUR 4G 20, GOVS 6D 16
QUAG 2F 34 kellybelly, charmz, reynaritz
QUA 2F 32 Hasni

On 18th draw, CURVET N1 30 --- CURVET to prance [v]
Other tops: CURVATE L8 30
Other moves: TAVER 1K 29, TRAVE 1K 29, CARVE N2 28, CRAVE N2 28, CRUVE N2 28
TRAVE 1K 29 reynaritz
TRACE 1K 26 kellybelly, charmz
VOTER K1 16 Hasni

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