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Game of November 15, 2011 at 10:21, 6 players
1. 461 pts churchill
2. 433 pts annelhynz
3. 408 pts Lucylulu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeegkst   H8    28    28   steek
 2. ?aegmrt  11E    90   118   meterage
 3. aeflnst   8A    86   204   flatness
 4. dioostu  13C    28   232   ootids
 5. eemnrty  10B    38   270   enemy
 6. addefnt  14A    44   314   fanded
 7. degnopu   J6    72   386   poundage
 8. aabchno  12A    47   433   bach
 9. ?alnoqy  15A    46   479   yad
10. aeiilno  12J    23   502   goalie
11. abilopr   K1    78   580   bipolar
12. gnotuwz   N8    56   636   towzing
13. aceijvw   O4    51   687   waive
14. ciloruu   1K    30   717   boric
15. aehijrt   M7    45   762   haj
16. einrruv  15F    31   793   eruvin
17. eirstuu   9M    22   815   jor
18. ioqrstu   3H    36   851   quipos
19. eilrtux   N5    52   903   ex

Remaining tiles: iilrtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5843 Filechurchill   0 19:44  -442  461     1.6241 annelhynz   1 11:52  -470  433 
  2.6241 Fileannelhynz   1 11:52  -470  433     2.6154 Lucylulu    1 15:24  -495  408 
  3.6154 FileLucylulu    1 15:24  -495  408     3.6980 reynaritz   2  5:21  -700  203 
  4.6980 Filereynaritz   2  5:21  -700  203     4.6838 una         0  0:41  -853   50 
  5.5214 Fileleobill     0  8:53  -727  176            Group: novice
  6.6838 Fileuna         0  0:41  -853   50     1.5843 churchill   0 19:44  -442  461 
                                             2.5214 leobill     0  8:53  -727  176 

On 1st draw, STEEK H8 28 --- STEEK to shut [v]
Other tops: KEETS H4 28, KETAS H4 28, STEAK H8 28
Other moves: GASKET H4 26, GASKET H3 24, GASKET H7 24, GASKET H8 24, GEEKS H4 24
GASKET H8 24 leobill
SKATE H4 20 churchill

On 2nd draw, M(E)TERAGE 11E 90 --- METERAGE the process of metering [n]
Other tops: AGREME(N)T 11E 90, GAME(S)TER 11E 90, METERAG(E) 11E 90, TE(L)EGRAM 11E 90
Other moves: GARME(N)TS 8A 89, RAGME(N)TS 8A 89, MARGE(N)TS 8A 86, M(I)GRATES 8A 83, RAGT(I)MES 8A 83
MAGE I11 19 annelhynz
(S)KATER 12G 18 churchill
(S)TREAK 12C 18 leobill

On 3rd draw, FLATNESS 8A 86 --- FLATNESS the state of being flat [n]
Other moves: FLATTENS 9D 63, FLATTENS 9E 63, FLATNESS 8B 62, FASTEN M9 37, FESTAL M9 37
SAFE M11 25 churchill, annelhynz
FALSE J10 18 leobill

On 4th draw, OOTIDS 13C 28 --- OOTID one of the four sections into which a mature ovum divides [n]
Other moves: IODOUS 12J 27, IODOUS 13C 26, ODIOUS 13C 26, STUDIO 13H 26, ODIST 12K 23
STOOD M11 23 leobill, annelhynz
STUD M11 21 churchill

On 5th draw, ENEMY 10B 38 --- ENEMY one that is antagonistic toward another [n]
Other moves: YENTE 12A 35, RENEY 10B 34, MY 10E 33, TREY 10C 31, REMEN 14B 30
EMERY L11 28 leobill
MEN L10 10 churchill

On 6th draw, FANDED 14A 44 --- FAND to try [v]
Other moves: FADED 10J 41, FANDED 10J 39, FATED 10J 39, DEAF 14C 36, DEFAT 14B 35
FATED 10J 39 Lucylulu
DEF 14D 33 annelhynz
DEFEND L8 26 churchill
FADED J10 22 leobill

On 7th draw, POUNDAGE J6 72 --- POUNDAGE the act of impounding [n]
Other moves: EGO 15A 33, PEND 12A 33, POND 12A 33, PONG 12A 33, PUDGE 10J 33
PUD 10J 28 annelhynz
PONGED L7 22 churchill
PAGED J10 19 leobill

On 8th draw, BACH 12A 47 --- BACH a Welsh term of address [n] --- BACH to live as a bachelor [v]
Other moves: ANOA 15A 40, NACH 12A 39, *B* 15A 37, BANC 12A 37, ACH 12B 35
AH 15A 35 annelhynz
BEACH L10 24 Lucylulu, churchill, leobill

On 9th draw, YA(D) 15A 46 --- YAD a stick with a small pointing hand at the tip, used to follow text in the Torah [n]
Other tops: YA(E) 15A 46, YA(K) 15A 46, YA(Y) 15A 46, Y(E)N 15A 46, Y(I)N 15A 46
Other moves: ANY 15A 44, YA 15A 41, AY(E) 15A 40, AY(S) 15A 40, A(B)Y 15A 40
YA(D) 15A 46 annelhynz
Q(U)EY L9 30 Lucylulu

On 10th draw, GOALIE 12J 23 --- GOALIE a player who defends against goals [n]
Other moves: EOLIAN 15F 22, AINE 9A 20, EINA 9A 20, AEON 15E 19, ELAIN 15F 19
NEAL 15E 19 churchill
LION 7C 14 Lucylulu
LIN K5 12 annelhynz

On 11th draw, BIPOLAR K1 78 --- BIPOLAR having two poles [adj]
Other moves: PARBOILS G1 64, UPBOIL 8J 39, ROPABLE O6 33, BAILOR N10 28, PROBE O8 27
PROBE O8 27 churchill, Lucylulu
PROLE O8 21 annelhynz

On 12th draw, TOWZING N8 56 --- TOWZE to haul [v]
Other moves: TOWZE O8 51, TOUZE O8 42, TOWZING 2G 40, GINZO 2J 38, TOUZING N8 38
ZING 2J 34 Lucylulu
ZOON 4J 26 annelhynz
ZOO 4J 24 churchill

On 13th draw, WAIVE O4 51 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other moves: JAW O7 50, J*W O7 50, JIVE O5 48, CAVIE O4 45, WAVE L4 43
JAW O7 50 annelhynz, reynaritz, Lucylulu
JA M9 39 churchill

On 14th draw, BORIC 1K 30 --- BORIC pertaining to boron [adj]
Other moves: COURB 1G 27, BROIL 1K 24, CLUB 1H 24, CRIB 1H 24, CURB 1H 24
CLUB 1H 24 churchill, Lucylulu, reynaritz

On 15th draw, HAJ M7 45 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: JAPER 3I 44, JEAT 7C 42, JA M9 39, JAI 7C 39, RAJ M7 39
HAJ M7 45 reynaritz
JA M9 39 Lucylulu, churchill, annelhynz

On 16th draw, ERUVIN 15F 31 --- ERUV a designated region where Jewish religious rules are relaxed [n]
Other moves: NEVI 15E 28, VIPER 3I 28, ERUV 15F 25, JOR 9M 22, UNRIPER 3G 22
VIPER 3I 28 reynaritz, Lucylulu, churchill
VEE F6 14 annelhynz

On 17th draw, JOR 9M 22 --- JOR a part of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other tops: EURIPUS 3G 22, TIRES 2J 22, WAIVER O4 22
Other moves: ERUPTS 3H 18, ESPRIT 3I 18, RIPEST 3I 18, TRIPES 3H 18, RINE 13L 17
SUPER 3I 16 Lucylulu, churchill
IS L3 12 annelhynz

On 18th draw, QUIPOS 3H 36 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other moves: RISQUE F3 35, TORQUE F3 35, QIS 2J 34, QUIST I3 34, ROQUE F4 34
QI 2J 31 churchill, Lucylulu
OI 2J 4 reynaritz

On 19th draw, EX N5 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: XI 2J 50, XI J2 50, REQUIT H1 48, EXTINE 13J 46, OX 4K 36
EX N5 52 reynaritz, Lucylulu
XI J2 50 annelhynz, una
REQUIT H1 48 churchill

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