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Game of November 19, 2011 at 05:37, 5 players
1. 437 pts reynaritz
2. 343 pts leobill
3. 231 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. foqssuv   H8    26    26   suqs
 2. afgiloz   9G    32    58   zufoli
 3. ?abcery   K4   106   164   cymbaler
 4. ?aeinou  11C    66   230   deinosaur
 5. eemnptv   8K    37   267   amene
 6. abegilv   O1    95   362   giveable
 7. deenopr   D5    78   440   reopened
 8. deiimns   1H    89   529   demising
 9. aeiortu   C8    24   553   uredia
10. adefjrw   8A    48   601   jauped
11. eilotuw   2B    77   678   outwile
12. aagnorw   1A    26   704   anga
13. dginors  12K    25   729   sord
14. afhloot  O10    46   775   loofah
15. ahiprty  14J    44   819   yarpha
16. egintwx   E4    39   858   wex
17. cinortt  15F    31   889   tricot
18. giknttv   B7    38   927   naik

Remaining tiles: gtttv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6962 Filereynaritz   3 21:55  -490  437     1.6962 reynaritz   3 21:55  -490  437 
  2.5179 Fileleobill     1 20:15  -584  343     2.6302 dragons11   1  4:16  -862   65 
  3.5066 Filefatcat      0 13:58  -696  231            Group: novice
  4.6302 Filedragons11   1  4:16  -862   65     1.5179 leobill     1 20:15  -584  343 
  5.  -  Filesimonsays   0  2:25  -891   36     2.5066 fatcat      0 13:58  -696  231 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  simonsays   0  2:25  -891   36 

On 1st draw, SUQS H8 26 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other tops: SUQS H5 26, SUQS H6 26, SUQS H7 26
Other moves: SUQ H6 24, SUQ H7 24, SUQ H8 24, FOSS H5 14, FOSS H6 14
FUSS H7 14 reynaritz

On 2nd draw, ZUFOLI 9G 32 --- ZUFOLO a small flute to train birds [n]
Other tops: ZAG G7 32, ZIG G7 32, ZIG I7 32
Other moves: FUZIL 9G 31, LAZOS 11D 28, ZAGS 11E 28, ZIGS 11E 28, ZILAS 11D 28
ZOLS 11E 26 leobill
LAZO I5 25 reynaritz

On 3rd draw, CY(M)BALER K4 106 --- CYMBALER one that plays the cymbals [n]
Other moves: ACERBI(T)Y L4 84, ROC(K)ABYE J8 78, CARBOYE(D) J5 74, YAB(B)ER 8J 53, BEAC(H)Y 8J 48
YA 10J 28 reynaritz
SCAREY 11H 22 leobill

On 4th draw, (D)EINOSAUR 11C 66 --- DEINOSAUR
Other moves: (M)OINEAUS 11A 64, EU(D)AI(M)ON 6F 60, E(X)ONU(M)IA 6F 60, U(M)IAQ 10D 26, (S)AINE 12K 24
(S)AINE 12K 24 leobill
(W)IZ G7 13 reynaritz

On 5th draw, AMENE 8K 37 --- AMENE pleasant [adj]
Other tops: AMENT 8K 37
Other moves: EMETIN L5 26, EVENT 12A 25, PENCE 4H 24, VEEP 10B 24, MEET 12A 23
EVENT 12A 25 reynaritz
PEEVE D9 20 leobill

On 6th draw, GIVEABLE O1 95 --- GIVE to transfer freely to another's possession [adj] --- GIVEABLE able to be given [adj]
Other moves: GIVEABLE D8 84, GIVEABLE D4 80, GIVEABLE M1 80, GIVEABLE O5 65, BELIVE M3 30
VIAL 12A 27 reynaritz
BEVEL D8 26 leobill

On 7th draw, REOPENED D5 78 --- REOPEN to open again [v]
Other moves: REOPENED D7 74, PER(D)ENDO C8 72, PON(D)ERED C8 72, PONDERE(D) C4 63, PERDEN(D)O C5 62
PREENED D8 26 simonsays
REOPEN D10 18 leobill
PO(D) C9 7 fatcat

On 8th draw, DEMISING 1H 89 --- DEMISE to bequeath [v]
Other moves: INSIDE 12I 33, SINED 12K 31, DIMPS 8A 30, ME(D)II C9 30, MISPEN 8A 30
MI(D)IS C9 30 reynaritz
SNIPED 8A 27 fatcat
DIMP 8A 27 leobill
SIDING 1J 10 simonsays

On 9th draw, URE(D)IA C8 24 --- UREDIUM a spore-producing organ of certain fungi [n]
Other tops: ROUPET 8A 24, ROUPIT 8A 24, TAUPIE 8A 24, UTOPIA 8A 24
Other moves: ARIOT 2H 22, AU(D)ITOR C9 22, RETIA E4 22, ARIOT C5 21, ERUPT 8A 21
TRIPE 8A 21 leobill
OUTRACE 4F 20 fatcat
TRAP 8A 18 reynaritz

On 10th draw, JAUPED 8A 48 --- JAUP to splash [v]
Other moves: JAUP 8A 39, JAWED E2 39, DAW B8 38, DEF B8 38, DEW B8 38
JAW B13 35 reynaritz, fatcat
RAJ 5D 20 leobill

On 11th draw, OUTWILE 2B 77 --- OUTWILE to surpass in wiling [v]
Other moves: OUTWILE 2D 75, OUTWILED F1 66, WILCO 4H 28, OWLET 14A 22, OWLET E2 22
TEW B12 18 reynaritz
TOWED F4 17 leobill
TREW 5C 14 fatcat

On 12th draw, ANGA 1A 26 --- ANGA any of the eight practices of yoga [n]
Other tops: W*G 1A 26
Other moves: AWN 1A 25, OWN 1A 25, GNAW B12 23, GNOW B12 23, ANOA 1A 22
W*G 1A 26 reynaritz
AW 1A 20 dragons11
NARROW 5B 18 fatcat
GROWN 5C 18 leobill

On 13th draw, SORD 12K 25 --- SORD a flight of mallards [n]
Other tops: SIGN 12K 25, SIND 12K 25, SING 12K 25, SNIG 12K 25, SNOD 12K 25, SNOG 12K 25, SONG 12K 25
Other moves: IMIDS L7 24, SOD 12K 23, SOG 12K 23, SORI 12K 23, SORN 12K 23
SIGN 12K 25 dragons11
SING 12K 25 leobill
SNOD 12K 25 reynaritz
GRINDS 5C 16 fatcat

On 14th draw, LOOFAH O10 46 --- LOOFAH a tropical vine [n]
Other moves: ALOOF 14B 38, HAAF B7 35, OHO J5 35, LOATH O11 34, LOOFA O11 34
AAH B8 31 reynaritz
HAD N10 15 leobill
HOOF I6 13 fatcat

On 15th draw, YARPHA 14J 44 --- YARPHA a peat-bog [n]
Other moves: HAY L4 41, HYP 3A 40, PATCHY 4H 38, PITCHY 4H 38, RHY 3A 38
AAH B8 31 reynaritz
YACHT 4I 26 fatcat
HARRY 5B 22 leobill

On 16th draw, WEX E4 39 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: NIXE 15G 38, TWINGE 15E 35, TEX E4 33, GWINE 15F 32, WINGE 15F 32
WEX E4 39 reynaritz
JINX A8 18 fatcat
NEXT F11 13 leobill

On 17th draw, TRICOT 15F 31 --- TRICOT a knitted fabric [n]
Other tops: CITRON 15F 31
Other moves: GUTROT C1 27, COND F5 26, CORD F5 26, COTT 3A 26, CION 15H 25
COND F5 26 reynaritz
TRIO 15G 17 fatcat
EXIT 6D 13 leobill

On 18th draw, NAIK B7 38 --- NAIK an Indian corporal [n]
Other moves: KNIT B12 26, TINK 3F 23, INK 3G 20, KENT 10B 20, KIN B13 20
KNIT B12 26 reynaritz
TICK 4I 20 fatcat
KIT B13 20 dragons11
WINK 4E 16 leobill

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