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Game of November 19, 2011 at 09:21, 4 players
1. 172 pts leobill
2. 114 pts Oasthouse1
3. 39 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adimnrs   H4    76    76   mandirs
 2. acdrstu  10F    69   145   custards
 3. ijkmnos   M8    38   183   joskins
 4. acehnqx   K7    36   219   exarch
 5. ?eimnrv   L1    82   301   vermian
 6. eilrvwy   2J    46   347   viewly
 7. adnoprt   8M    36   383   jap
 8. ?enoooy   O1    39   422   eyry
 9. aeilnor   O8    83   505   pelorian
10. aiinost  13G    26   531   antis
11. aeghprt  14B    39   570   teraph
12. eilnruw  15E    36   606   weil
13. eefinot  13C    30   636   fet
14. aeeeoqt  15A    44   680   qat
15. adeeego   M2    27   707   weed
16. bbgilru   6B    75   782   blurbing
17. adegiou   C3    74   856   dialogue
18. eenootu   8A    21   877   togue
19. efgnooz   D1    53   930   zoon

Remaining tiles: efgoo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5154 Fileleobill     1 10:52  -758  172     1.7276 kellybelly  0  0:53  -910   20 
  2.5237 FileOasthouse1  1  6:44  -816  114            Group: intermediate
  3.6050 FileHasni       0  2:32  -891   39     1.6050 Hasni       0  2:32  -891   39 
  4.7276 Filekellybelly  0  0:53  -910   20            Group: novice
                                             1.5154 leobill     1 10:52  -758  172 
                                             2.5237 Oasthouse1  1  6:44  -816  114 

On 1st draw, MANDIRS H4 76 --- MANDIR a Hindu temple [n]
Other moves: MANDIRS H2 72, MANDIRS H3 72, MANDIRS H6 72, MANDIRS H7 72, MANDIRS H8 72

On 2nd draw, CUSTARDS 10F 69 --- CUSTARD a thick, soft dessert [n]
Other moves: CUSTARDS 10A 65, MUDCATS 4H 24, MUDCAT 4H 22, CUSTARD 5D 20, MUSCAT 4H 20

On 3rd draw, JOSKINS M8 38 --- JOSKIN a clown [n]
Other moves: JOSKIN M8 36, KOJI G3 35, JINKS 6F 34, KANJIS 5G 34, MOUJIKS G8 33
JO G3 21 Hasni
DINKS L10 20 kellybelly

On 4th draw, EXARCH K7 36 --- EXARCH the ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire [n]
Other tops: CHENIX 12I 36
Other moves: AXE 11I 35, CHASE 14J 32, HANSE 14J 32, ANNEX 6F 30, AXENIC 12I 30

On 5th draw, VERMI(A)N L1 82 --- VERMIAN pertaining to worms [adj]
Other moves: VERMIN(S) 13E 81, VERMIN(S) L1 81, VERMIN(Y) 13E 81, MINEV(E)R L1 80, MIN(E)VER L1 80

On 6th draw, VIEWLY 2J 46 --- VIEWLY pleasing to look at [adj]
Other moves: VIVELY 1J 45, VIEWY 2J 44, VIEWLY 13F 42, VIEWY 13G 41, VIEWER 2J 40
VERY 1L 30 leobill
VILE 1L 21 Oasthouse1

On 7th draw, JAP 8M 36 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: PYRAN O1 33, JAR 8M 30, JOR 8M 30, JOT 8M 30, PYAT O1 30
JAP 8M 36 Oasthouse1, leobill

On 8th draw, EY(R)Y O1 39 --- EYRY the nest of a bird of prey [n]
Other tops: (G)YNY O1 39
Other moves: WE(E)NY M2 33, OO(G)ENY 13F 32, W(E)ENY M2 32, (G)OONEY 13F 32, (L)OONEY 13F 32
CONEY F10 18 leobill
CO(R)NY F10 17 Oasthouse1

On 9th draw, PELORIAN O8 83 --- PELORIA abnormal regularity of a flower form [adj] --- PELORIAN pertaining to a peloria [adj]
Other moves: AILERONS 14F 62, ALERIONS 14F 62, ALIENORS 14F 62, LONICERA F6 62, WEAN M2 24

On 10th draw, ANTIS 13G 26 --- ANTI one who is opposed to anything [n]
Other tops: INTIS 13G 26, IOTAS 13G 26, NATIS 13G 26, OINTS 13G 26, TAINS 13G 26
Other moves: AINS 13H 24, AITS 13H 24, ANIS 13H 24, ANTS 13H 24, IONS 13H 24
MANY 4L 9 Oasthouse1
STAINS 14H 8 leobill

On 11th draw, TERAPH 14B 39 --- TERAPH an image of a Semitic household god [n]
Other moves: HATPEG 14B 31, RAPHE J4 31, EPHA J5 30, RAPHE 12D 30, GRAPH 11B 29
GNAT H12 21 leobill
NAP H13 15 Oasthouse1

On 12th draw, WEIL 15E 36 --- WEIL a whirlpool [n]
Other tops: WEIR 15E 36
Other moves: WILE 15A 31, WINE 15A 31, WIRE 15A 31, WURLIE 12D 31, UNWIRE 12C 29
WIRE D12 16 Oasthouse1
WINNER 6E 13 leobill

On 13th draw, FET 13C 30 --- FET to fetch [v]
Other tops: FEN 13C 30, FON 13C 30
Other moves: EF 14I 28, FEINTER D8 28, IF 14I 28, NIFE 13A 28, OF 14I 28
FONT 6F 15 leobill

On 14th draw, QAT 15A 44 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT G3 28, QAT I3 28, WEETE M2 27, WEET M2 24, QI 5K 22
QI 5K 22 leobill

On 15th draw, WEED M2 27 --- WEED to remove weeds (undesirable plants) [v]
Other moves: DREA(R) 3K 25, EDGE J5 23, GEODE J4 22, AGEE J5 21, D*G* J5 21
DONE 6F 9 leobill

On 16th draw, BLURBING 6B 75 --- BLURB to praise in a publicity notice [v]
Other moves: BURBLING 6B 71, RUBBLING 6B 67, BURBLER D8 28, GLIBBER D8 28, GRUBBER D8 28
BIB I3 18 Hasni

On 17th draw, DIALOGUE C3 74 --- DIALOGUE to carry on a conversation [v]
Other moves: OUGLIED C3 24, IGGED I4 23, UGGED I4 23, EDDO 7F 22, GADGE I3 22

On 18th draw, TOGUE 8A 21 --- TOGUE a freshwater fish [n]
Other tops: UNGET 8A 21, UNGOT 8A 21
Other moves: UNGET I4 19, UNGOT I4 19, EUGE 8A 18, OUTGO I3 18, TEGU 8A 18

On 19th draw, ZOON D1 53 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n] --- ZOON to zoom [v]
Other moves: ZEIN 4A 46, FEZ B10 36, FORZE E4 34, GOOF D1 33, ZEA N6 32

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