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Game of November 20, 2011 at 21:40, 4 players
1. 591 pts musdrive
2. 72 pts magictwig
3. 27 pts Faeythe

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abiott   H4    20    20   biota
 2. aaeirrv   7D    63    83   veratria
 3. elprsuv   L1    92   175   pulvers
 4. ehnnsty   K5    34   209   yeahs
 5. aaeenrt   1J    24   233   arpent
 6. cdefost   J6    44   277   ficoes
 7. deeilot   O1    80   357   toileted
 8. ?deegqx   2F    57   414   desex
 9. aaciopu   1E    34   448   capi
10. dilnosu   E6    68   516   delusion
11. ?afijnt  D12    54   570   jiff
12. aeimoru  13B    76   646   iminourea
13. einoqtw  14I    49   695   twonie
14. agiknry  B10    44   739   yiking
15. abdertz  15D    54   793   fazed
16. aglmort  15K    35   828   matlo
17. abgnrtu   A7    32   860   brung
18. ahnoqtw   F7    32   892   rath

Remaining tiles: gnoqw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7253 Filemusdrive    4 16:32  -301  591     1.7253 musdrive    4 16:32  -301  591 
  2.5493 Filemagictwig   0  2:40  -820   72            Group: intermediate
  3.6178 FileFaeythe     0  0:48  -865   27     1.6178 Faeythe     0  0:48  -865   27 
  4.6636 Fileimmy        0  1:27  -865   27     2.6636 immy        0  1:27  -865   27 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5493 magictwig   0  2:40  -820   72 

On 1st draw, BIOTA H4 20 --- BIOTA the flora and fauna of a region [n]
Other tops: BATTI(K) H4 20, BIOTA(S) H4 20, BITTO(R) H4 20, BOATI(E) H4 20, BO(N)ITA H4 20, OBITA(L) H3 20, OBTAI(N) H3 20
Other moves: BAIT(H) H4 18, BAIT(S) H4 18, BATI(K) H4 18, BATO(N) H4 18, BATT(A) H4 18
BAIT(S) H4 18 musdrive

On 2nd draw, VERATRIA 7D 63 --- VERATRIA a poisonous mixture of alkaloids [n]
Other moves: RIVIERA 5E 40, BRAVER 4H 22, BRAVA 4H 20, BRAVE 4H 20, BRAVI 4H 20
BRAVER 4H 22 musdrive

On 3rd draw, PULVERS L1 92 --- PULVER to reduce to powder [v]
Other moves: PULVERS 9B 72, PREVUES E5 48, PERVS L3 32, SPRUE 8K 32, SPUER 8K 32
PULVERS L1 42 musdrive
PULES L3 26 magictwig

On 4th draw, YEAHS K5 34 --- YEAH an affirmative reply [n]
Other moves: HERNS 6J 33, HERY 6J 33, YEAH K5 32, HERN 6J 30, HERS 6J 30
HERNS 6J 33 musdrive
SHINNY J5 28 magictwig

On 5th draw, ARPENT 1J 24 --- ARPENT an old French unit of area [n]
Other tops: ENRAPT 1H 24, ENTRAP 1G 24, NEPETA 1J 24, REPEAT 1J 24, REPENT 1J 24, RETAPE 1H 24
Other moves: AVENTRE D6 22, NERVATE D4 22, VETERAN D7 22, APART 1K 21, APERT 1K 21
ENTRAP 1G 24 musdrive
PART 1L 18 magictwig

On 6th draw, FICOES J6 44 --- FICO something of little worth [n]
Other moves: FICES J6 43, FICOS J6 43, DEFIS J4 42, FICE J6 40, FICO J6 40
FIE J6 33 musdrive

On 7th draw, TOILETED O1 80 --- TOILET to dress and groom oneself [v]
Other moves: DOLERITE F3 63, LOITERED F2 63, VEILED D7 22, VETOED D7 22, VOIDEE D7 22
DEET I9 17 musdrive

On 8th draw, DE(S)EX 2F 57 --- DESEX to castrate or spay [v]
Other moves: (F)EDEX 2F 53, DEX 2H 52, G(R)EX 2G 52, D(E)X 2H 51, D(U)X 2H 51
DEX 2H 52 musdrive

On 9th draw, CAPI 1E 34 --- CAPO a pitch-raising device for fretted instruments [n]
Other tops: CAPA 1E 34, CAPO 1E 34
Other moves: COPAIVA D2 30, CIAO 1E 26, COPAIBA 4C 26, APO 1F 25, CAUP I9 23
COUP I9 23 musdrive

On 10th draw, DELUSION E6 68 --- DELUSION the act of deluding [n]
Other moves: UNSOD 3C 28, LOUNDS 3B 27, UNLIDS 3B 27, LINDS 3C 25, LOIDS 3C 25
UNSOD 3C 28 musdrive

On 11th draw, JI(F)F D12 54 --- JIFF a short time [n]
Other moves: J(A)FA D12 47, JAF(A) D12 46, JIF(F) D12 46, JA(N)N D12 42, JI(L)T D12 42
JI(F)F D12 54 musdrive

On 12th draw, IMINOUREA 13B 76 --- IMINOUREA
Other moves: FOAMIER 15D 36, FEMORA 15D 33, FOAMER 15D 33, FUMIER 15D 33, FEMUR 15D 30
FOAMIER 15D 36 musdrive

On 13th draw, TWONIE 14I 49 --- TWONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin [n]
Other moves: OWRIE H11 36, TWONIE B9 34, WREN H12 33, WRIT H12 33, INWOVE D3 32
WRIT H12 33 musdrive

On 14th draw, YIKING B10 44 --- YIKE to squabble [v]
Other moves: FAKIR 15D 36, FRANK 15D 36, KY 13M 35, KAY 13M 34, YARKING B9 34
SKYING 11J 28 musdrive

On 15th draw, FAZED 15D 54 --- FAZE to disturb the composure of [v]
Other moves: BRAZE 3C 53, ZEBRA A6 53, ZERDA A6 50, ZEA I9 48, ZA I9 45
FAZED 15D 54 musdrive

On 16th draw, MATLO 15K 35 --- MATLO a seaman [n]
Other moves: GLOAM A7 33, GROMA A7 33, GLOAM A6 31, MAGOT A7 31, MORTAL A6 31
MAGOT A7 31 musdrive

On 17th draw, BRUNG A7 32 --- BRING to take with oneself to a place [v]
Other tops: UNBAG A7 32
Other moves: GRAB A8 30, BANG A8 29, BRAG A8 29, BUNG A8 29, TURBAN A5 29
BRUNG A7 32 musdrive

On 18th draw, RATH F7 32 --- RATH an ancient hill fort [n] --- RATH quick [adj]
Other moves: THO F9 31, WHA I9 30, WHO I9 30, HOW 3E 29, HO F10 28
THO F9 31 musdrive
QAT N3 27 Faeythe, immy

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